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From The Computing Community Consortium Blog


The National Science Foundation (NSF), in partnership with the

From Computational Complexity

I left Push Down Automata out of my class and learned some things!

This semester in the Ugrad Course titled Elementary Theory of Computation (Syllabus: Reg Languages, CFLs, Computability Theory, P and NP) I decided to NOT teach...

Biometric Passports Make it Harder for Undercover CIA Officers
From Schneier on Security

Biometric Passports Make it Harder for Undercover CIA Officers

Last year, I wrote about how social media sites are making it harder than ever for undercover police officers. This story talks about how biometric passports are...

Sandel on Colbert
From My Biased Coin

Sandel on Colbert

Taking a class from Michael Sandel was one of the highlights of my college experience.  (You can sit on the lectures online, here.)  Here's his latest appearance...

Design Council revealed new designs to help people live well with dementia
From Putting People First

Design Council revealed new designs to help people live well with dementia

The UK Design Council, in partnership with the UK Department of Health, ran a national competition to find teams of designers and experts who could develop new...

Building Pharmacist Relationships with Apps
From The Eponymous Pickle

Building Pharmacist Relationships with Apps

Walgreens builds Apps  To help you find a pharmacist.  I have used this App for prescriptions, but not for building pharmacist relationships.

P&G Pioneers Content Management
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G Pioneers Content Management

In Forbes:  A historical piece about how P&G pioneered content management.  Essentially the use of stories. " ... The company decided to innovate by telling these...

Will New Online Courses Change CS Education?
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Will New Online Courses Change CS Education?

Recently I have heard about and checked out some of the online course offerings by Stanford and MIT. I knew about MIT open courseware and the wealth of knowledge...

A Collaborative Atmosphere
From My Biased Coin

A Collaborative Atmosphere

I was excited to hear that "my student"* Justin Thaler, working with Salil Vadhan and his student Jon Ullman, had a paper accepted to ICALP (Faster Algorithms for...

Punk money: how you can print your own currency
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Punk money: how you can print your own currency

We all want and need money. However, for many services, paying actual dollars is inefficient. The transaction costs are too high. So we need a system whereas perfect...

Memory Formation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Memory Formation

In ReadwriteWeb:  It has been known for a long time that our memories are a malleable thing.  But have we now been introduced to something very different than just...

The Kickstarter revolution
From Putting People First

The Kickstarter revolution

The first campaign to break the 1-million-dollar barrier in this revolutionary crowd-funding platform was an industrial design project. Could Kickstarter transform...

The process of co-creation with users
From Putting People First

The process of co-creation with users

In an article for UX Magazine, Catalina Naranjo-Bock provides a solid general description of co-designing processes: “The practice of co-design allows users to...

Science as a Strategy
From The Noisy Channel

Science as a Strategy

Last night, I had the pleasure to deliver the keynote address as the CIO Summit US. It was an honor to address an assembly of CIOs, CTOs, and technology executives...

From Wild WebMink

Back then, a detailed discussion at the Open Source Initiative – where I am today a director – led to the creation of a statement about what makes a standard open...

Counting Clicks
From The Eponymous Pickle

Counting Clicks

Roger Dooley does a good job on the recent work regarding how much clicks really do count.  Fundamental issues.  I recall in the early days of internet advertising...

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

An interesting editorial

Cloud Plus Smarter Commerce for Mid Size Businesses
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cloud Plus Smarter Commerce for Mid Size Businesses

Smarter commerce is starting to happen for the midsize business.  Laurie McCabe does a good job describing about how this is happening and how it is evolving.  ...

Fear and the Attention Economy
From Schneier on Security

Fear and the Attention Economy

danah boyd is thinking about -- in a draft essay, and as a recording of a presentation -- fear and the attention economy. Basically, she is making the argument...

Visionaries Spot the Future
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visionaries Spot the Future

In Wired:   Several notable visionaries describe how they spot the future.  Including several we worked with.  It is always about a context.  Notably Paul Saffo...
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