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From Computational Complexity

CS in the Sunshine State

As many of you've heard the Dean of Engineering at the University of Florida is planning deep cuts to the Computer and Information Science and Engineering Department...

NSF Issues IGERT Solicitation Focused on Big Data
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

NSF Issues IGERT Solicitation Focused on Big Data

The National Science Foundation (NSF) last week issued a new solicitation under its

Alan Turing Cryptanalysis Papers
From Schneier on Security

Alan Turing Cryptanalysis Papers

GCHQ, the UK government's communications headquarters, has released two new -- well, 70 years old, but new to us -- cryptanalysis documents by Alan Turing. The...

Interesting Links 23 April 2012
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Interesting Links 23 April 2012


Future of Data Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Data Visualization

From the Tableau Software Blog:  On the future of data visualization.   Well put, but in addition being able to interact with a visualization so it can fit both...

Whether the digital era improves society is up to its users
From Putting People First

Whether the digital era improves society is up to its users

Social media in particular has inexorably changed the world, driving openness and fear

The flight from conversation
From Putting People First

The flight from conversation

Sherry Turkle is a psychologist and professor at M.I.T., says we use technology to keep one another at distances we can control: not too close, not too far, just...

Rise of smart mobile services
From Putting People First

Rise of smart mobile services

Saar Gur, general partner at Charles River Ventures, discusses a new generation of smart mobile services, which provide user information in the background to make...

From print to iPad: designing a reading experience
From Putting People First

From print to iPad: designing a reading experience

UX consultant Harry Brignull spoke at UX London 2012 about the design of The Week magazine

Watching every click you make
From Putting People First

Watching every click you make

Henry Alford, contributing editor at Vanity Fair, wonders when in the digital age, did privacy become a choice rather than a given. “When Facebook bought Instagram...

Trust and the future of mobile money
From Putting People First

Trust and the future of mobile money

Even within the technology community, 33% agreed with the below statement: “People will not trust the use of near-field communications devices and there will not...

Internet must be a web not for the consumer, but for the citizen
From Putting People First

Internet must be a web not for the consumer, but for the citizen

In an editorial, The Guardian argues for an open web: “To protect the web’s founding principle is a matter of what Tim Berners-Lee would call citizen vigilance,...

How to create products hand in hand with your customer
From Putting People First

How to create products hand in hand with your customer

In his book “Wicked problems: Problems worth solving“, author John Kolko (founder and director of Austin Center for Design) argues that involving end users in the...

Microsoft Mood Analysis
From The Eponymous Pickle

Microsoft Mood Analysis

In GeekWire:  Microsoft research proposes a search that uses mood, interests and education from Facebook activity.  Non conscious and inferred information is always...

Classic Nintendo Games are Hard
From The Eponymous Pickle

Classic Nintendo Games are Hard

NP-Hard to be exact.   A specific form of problem that has many examples, the traveling salesman problem is known to be NP-Hard, that cannot be solved by a cadre...

How user research informed IKEA
From Putting People First

How user research informed IKEA

IKEA’s new Uppleva Smart TV-furniture unit was extensively shown at the Milan Design Week (which ends today), and on Core77 I will write more today about the interface...

Behaviour change as value proposition
From Putting People First

Behaviour change as value proposition

Chris Risdon, senior experience designer at Adaptive Path, looks at the explosion of smart products, which passively collect data about you and your specific behavior...

Intersection of the physical and digital worlds
From Putting People First

Intersection of the physical and digital worlds

Austin Brown, UX designer at EffectiveUI, and his colleague Lindsay Moore wondered if there was a way to design better, by combinubg the best aspects of interaction...

Things Worth Reading
From My Biased Coin

Things Worth Reading

A blog post describing the disturbing official version of the facts in the UC-Davis pepper spray incident.  This should be a link to the actual report.    A post...

Synthetic Environments
From The Eponymous Pickle

Synthetic Environments

Simulations are synthetic environment.  It has been a long time since I too a look at Purdue's Simulex Inc.  which creates macroeconomic and agent oriented environments...
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