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Oracle and BI Simplicity
From The Eponymous Pickle

Oracle and BI Simplicity

Oracle and big cloud analytics.    " ... Oracle

Getting Rid of the T Word
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Getting Rid of the T Word

Two years ago I wrote the following blog post. "Training" should be a four-letter word "We need to train more teachers." "Teachers need more training in order...

Nanotech Revolution
From The Eponymous Pickle

Nanotech Revolution

Was pointed to this series of articles by Gwyneth K Shaw on nanotechnology news and tech.  Largely non technical and readable.  That led me to a series of articles...

Digitization of Manufacturing
From The Eponymous Pickle

Digitization of Manufacturing

In the Economist:  Is this the third industrial revolution? They do a good job of providing an overview of technologies that are prompting this, but not necessarily...

Perplexing Problems in Educational Games
From The Female Perspective of Computer Science

Perplexing Problems in Educational Games

When it comes to presenting math problems in an engaging way, Dan Meyer knows his stuff.  From putting pseudocontext in its place to telling a math story with his...

Living with New Interfaces
From My Biased Coin

Living with New Interfaces

After weeks of asking Google mail to revert to the old look, I find I no longer have that option.  Similarly, I'm being forced to write this post using the new...

Friday Squid Blogging: Extracting Squid Ink
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Extracting Squid Ink

How to extract squid ink. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered.

Computer Science Across the Curriculum
From Computer Science Teacher - Thoughts and Information From Alfred Thompson

Computer Science Across the Curriculum

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting with Seung Yu, the principal of the new Academy for Software Engineering, a new software/computer science focused school...

<i>Liars & Outliers</i> Update
From Schneier on Security

Liars & Outliers Update

Liars & Outliers has been available for about two months, and is selling well both in hardcover and e-book formats. More importantly, I'm very pleased with the...

Kimberly-Clark on Mobile and Social
From The Eponymous Pickle

Kimberly-Clark on Mobile and Social

An interview with Kimberly Clark  on the future of mobile and social:  " ... Jeff Jarrett, vice president for global digital marketing at Kimberly-Clark, said the...

Segmentation plus Merchandising
From The Eponymous Pickle

Segmentation plus Merchandising

Merchandising has been around for a long time.  We did lots of experimentation trying to understand the specific behavior of consumers in laboratory, virtual and...

Face Matching in Forensics
From The Eponymous Pickle

Face Matching in Forensics

Image analysis continues to be a strong interest.   Similarity and tagging of images continues to move ahead, but is not yet completely solved.   Face matchinga...

Fighting for the Fifth Screen
From The Eponymous Pickle

Fighting for the Fifth Screen

It is a challenge.  With tablets and phones, and now watches and even goggle-glasses, added to all the screens popping up everywhere,  there is real motion  toThis...

Computer scientists need to learn about significant digits
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Computer scientists need to learn about significant digits

I probably spend too much time reviewing research papers. It makes me cranky. Nevertheless, one thing that has become absolutely clear to me is that computer scientists...

Microsoft Does Open Source
From Wild WebMink

Microsoft Does Open Source

I updated and expanded my speculation about why Microsoft started “Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.” – sadly without any help from them as all their many evangelists...

? All About RAND
From Wild WebMink

? All About RAND

What does “RAND” really mean for open source? It’s the key issue in the current UK government standards consultation (which I really ask you to complete). I’ve...

CISE Researchers Discuss
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

CISE Researchers Discuss

The following is a special contribution to this blog from

TSA Behavioral Detection Statistics
From Schneier on Security

TSA Behavioral Detection Statistics

Interesting data from the U.S. Government Accounting Office: But congressional auditors have questions about other efficiencies as well, like having 3,000 "behavior...

Semantic Link and Internet Evolution
From The Noisy Channel

Semantic Link and Internet Evolution

Dance Moves As an Identifier
From Schneier on Security

Dance Moves As an Identifier

A burglar was identified by his dance moves, captured on security cameras: "The 16-year-old juvenile suspect is known for his 'swag,' or signature dance move,"...
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