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Publicity and the culture of celebritization
From Putting People First

Publicity and the culture of celebritization

Danah Boyd, researcher at Microsoft Research New England and Fellow at the Harvard Berkman Center for Internet and Society, wrote a long post on the social factors...

To solve our healthcare crisis, home treatment needs a makeover
From Putting People First

To solve our healthcare crisis, home treatment needs a makeover

Instead of resembling outmoded PCs, home healthcare technology should look and feel like the other devices that surround us, argues Smart Design’s Dave Cronin in...

Mike Kuniavsky on somatic data perception
From Putting People First

Mike Kuniavsky on somatic data perception

Mike Kuniavsky was one of the speakers at this week’s Augmented Reality Event and his presentation Somatic Data Perception – Sensing Information Shadows (pdf) is...

Design in Life
From Putting People First

Design in Life

This Tuesday Dassault Syst

Africa is becoming a test lab for mobile phone development
From Putting People First

Africa is becoming a test lab for mobile phone development

Lessons in innovation that Vodafone learns from its work in sub-Saharan Africa will be applied to its projects around the world. For Vodafone, sub-Saharan Africa...

Power Lines
From Putting People First

Power Lines

Power Lines, the latest paper by the UK’s Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), follows on from the RSA

Compendium for the Civic Economy
From Putting People First

Compendium for the Civic Economy

The Compendium for the Civic Economy is the latest publication by NESTA, the UK’s National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (an independent body with...

Interaction design in France: an overview
From Putting People First

Interaction design in France: an overview


The grand delusion: Why nothing is as it seems
From Putting People First

The grand delusion: Why nothing is as it seems

This might come as a shock, but everything you think is wrong. Much of what you take for granted about day-to-day existence is largely a figment of your imagination...

Mobiles for Women. Part 2: The Darker Side.
From Putting People First

Mobiles for Women. Part 2: The Darker Side.

Targeting women with mobile phones and mobile-based projects can bring great benefits and opportunities, as MobileActive outlined in Part 1 of its series on women...

Seven technologies to disrupt the next decade
From Putting People First

Seven technologies to disrupt the next decade

What technologies will have the biggest impact on the next decade? New Scientist peers into the crystal ball and picks the ideas, concepts and gadgets that are...

Socially responsible design
From Putting People First

Socially responsible design

Jan-Christoph Zoels, Experientia’s design director, took part in an interesting discussion on socially responsible design for the

Why a hyper-personalized Web is bad for you
From Putting People First

Why a hyper-personalized Web is bad for you

Eli Pariser, executive director of the progressive political action committee, explains in a CNET interview why he thinks we should beware of the substantial...

Tapping into smart health
From Putting People First

Tapping into smart health

Growing numbers of mobile applications are aimed at keeping patients engaged in their treatment. The Boston Globe reports. “Patient engagement, doctors say, is...

UX Lx, a user experience conference in Lisbon
From Putting People First

UX Lx, a user experience conference in Lisbon

Jeroen van Geel and Vicky Teinaki report on Johnny Holland on UX Lx, the international user experience conference that took place in Lisbon, Portugal, May 11-13...

The kitchen-table industrialists
From Putting People First

The kitchen-table industrialists

My favourite New York Times writer Anand Giridharadas delved into the topic of “making stuff” in this week’s Magazine. “The American romance with making actual...

Cognitive styles
From Putting People First

Cognitive styles

UX designer Tyler Tate explores on Johnny Holland the attitudes, preferences and habitual strategies that determine how people process information. “We pour over...

Exploring mobile-only internet use in urban South Africa
From Putting People First

Exploring mobile-only internet use in urban South Africa

Jonathan Donner of Microsoft Research India, together with Shikoh Gitau and Gary Marsden of the University of Cape Town, have published their ethnographic insights...

Mobiles for Women. Part 1: The Good.
From Putting People First

Mobiles for Women. Part 1: The Good.

As mobile penetration increases across the developing world, the entry of mobile phones in the hands of women causes reactions. In many cases, mobile phone ownership...

Macro design for nation building
From Putting People First

Macro design for nation building

In his paper “MacroDesign for Nation Building“, Uday Dandavate, founder and CEO of SonicRim Ltd., elaborates on the concept of MacroDesign, a public policy perspective...
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