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Communications of the ACM



Covid-19 and Social Innovation: Contactless sociability and hybrid communities of place
From Putting People First

Covid-19 and Social Innovation: Contactless sociability and hybrid communities of place

While some optimists think there will be a lasting positive change in our well-being model, with the quality of relationships and common goods at its centre, Manzini...

Videos of Interaction20
From Putting People First

Videos of Interaction20

The videos of the Interaction20 conference that took place in Milan early February are starting to become available. 20 are already online, including 7 of the 9...

Imagining the world after coronavirus, part 4
From Putting People First

Imagining the world after coronavirus, part 4

Fourth (and particularly rich) edition of features and articles on what may lie ahead.

[Paper] The Imaginary Crisis
From Putting People First

[Paper] The Imaginary Crisis

As the Covid-19 crisis hopefully comes slowly under control, we ought to attend to a very different kind of crisis, and one which is scarcely visible: the deteriorating...

Imagining the world after coronavirus, part 3
From Putting People First

Imagining the world after coronavirus, part 3

Third edition of features and articles on what may lie ahead. Four in English, three in Italian.

Can UX be done online? Yes AND No
From Putting People First

Can UX be done online? Yes AND No

Frank Spillers of Experience Dynamics reviews key UX activities and deliverables to assess online strategies for maintaining your UX process quality when online...

Covid-19 storytelling platforms
From Putting People First

Covid-19 storytelling platforms

Two new initiatives - one from the US and one from Utrecht (NL)

Four possible scenarios of how the corona crisis can transform the world
From Putting People First

Four possible scenarios of how the corona crisis can transform the world

How will the pandemic change the way we live and do business? In this whitepaper the Zukunftsinstitut describes four possible scenarios of how the corona crisis...

Imaging the world after coronavirus, part 2
From Putting People First

Imaging the world after coronavirus, part 2

Here are some more features and articles on what my lie ahead.

AnswerLab’s Guide to Remote Research
From Putting People First

AnswerLab’s Guide to Remote Research

The guide includes best practices for conducting remote research, advice on creating a virtual best place to work, and selected tools for successful remote research...

Beyond empathy
From Putting People First

Beyond empathy

In design thinking and related research, there is way too much talk about empathy. It’s a fuzzy concept that subjectivizes, flattens and commoditizes the work to...

Immaginare il mondo dopo il coronavirus
From Putting People First

Immaginare il mondo dopo il coronavirus

L'idea di un "ritorno alla normalità" non sembra più sostenibile. Ci sarà una nuova normalità che per tanti versi è molto diversa dalla vecchia normalità. E le...

Imagining the world after coronavirus
From Putting People First

Imagining the world after coronavirus

The idea of a "return to normal" seems no longer tenable. There will be a new normal that is in many ways very different from the old normal. And choices we make...

Doing fieldwork in a pandemic
From Putting People First

Doing fieldwork in a pandemic

Initiated by Deborah Lupton, this crowdsourced document provides necessary information and key resources for researchers struggling to conduct traditional face-to...

Mass panic unlikely during pandemics
From Putting People First

Mass panic unlikely during pandemics

Two articles, one by Matt Simon in Wired and another by Benedict Carey in the New York Times, summarize scientific research that illustrates why mass panic is unlikely...

Torino, how are you?
From Putting People First

Torino, how are you?

How are we doing in this emergency? Collecting the answers we will not only know how we are, what has changed in our habits, and what our needs are, but we will...

Torino, come stai?
From Putting People First

Torino, come stai?

Come stiamo in questa emergenza? Raccogliendo le risposte potremo sapere non solo come stiamo noi, cos’è cambiato nelle nostre abitudini e quali sono le nostre...

[Book] The Psychology of Pandemics
From Putting People First

[Book] The Psychology of Pandemics

This book describes the psychological reactions to pandemics, including maladaptive behaviors, emotions, and defensive reactions, and reviews the psychological...

Why Customer Experience is now job no. 1 for CEOs
From Putting People First

Why Customer Experience is now job no. 1 for CEOs

Job No. 1 for CEOs today is ensuring the company delivers a compelling customer experience, notes this opinion piece for Knowledge@Wharton by Mark Leiter.

The State of User Research Report 2020
From Putting People First

The State of User Research Report 2020

UserInterviews asked over 300 user researchers globally what their research practices looked like, how their teams were laid out, and what they earned. The data...
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