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Sandia Expands Access to Its Cyber Research Tools
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Sandia Expands Access to Its Cyber Research Tools

Sandia has created free cyber research tools for academic and research institutions.

RIT Researchers Create Math-Aware Search Interface
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RIT Researchers Create Math-Aware Search Interface

Researchers at RIT have developed MathDeck, a math-aware search interface that  allows users to look up sophisticated math formulas on a computer.

Hands-On Research Experience Despite the Pandemic
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Hands-On Research Experience Despite the Pandemic

Texas A&M adapted elements of the NSF's traditional Research Experiences for Undergraduates internships into a fully online program with no residence requirement...

Ants Inspire Researchers' Approach to Mathematical Sampling
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Ants Inspire Researchers' Approach to Mathematical Sampling

University of Bristol researchers observed the exploratory behavior of rock ants to inform the development of a more efficient mathematical sampling technique. ...

CS Grad Student Wins Initial Chandra Family Scholarship
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CS Grad Student Wins Initial Chandra Family Scholarship

Priti Prabhakar Wakodikar is the initial winner of the Chandra Family Scholarship established by Subhachandra Chandra and his wife, Nandita Dukkipati, to aid diversity...

World Ranking of Top Computer Scientists in 2020
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World Ranking of Top Computer Scientists in 2020

The sixth annual ranking of top scientists in computer science and electronics lists 1,000 leading experts in different countries, as well as within different universities...

Challenge Yourself by Reaching for the Highest Bar
From Communications of the ACM

Challenge Yourself by Reaching for the Highest Bar

"Challenge yourself and reach for the highest bar. If you succeed, keep pushing the boundaries," my friend advised when I started my career at IBM Research. These...

Rural Summer Science Camp Goes Digital
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Rural Summer Science Camp Goes Digital

The pandemic is making the Rural Summer Science Camp for rural Wisconsin high school students and teachers entirely digital for the first time.

Six Universities Join CIRTL Network Dedicated to Preparing Future STEM Faculty
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Six Universities Join CIRTL Network Dedicated to Preparing Future STEM Faculty

Six universities in the United States and Canada have joined the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL), a network of research universities...

College Will Host Summer Career Academy on Zoom
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College Will Host Summer Career Academy on Zoom

Grossmont College is hosting a summer career academy for students next month via Zoom.

Missouri S&T Offers Programming Boot Camps for Engineers and Professionals
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Missouri S&T Offers Programming Boot Camps for Engineers and Professionals

Missouri S&T is offering Computer Science Boot Camps to non-computer science engineers and other professionals online.

Student Receives $10,000 Google Women Techmakers Scholarship
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Student Receives $10,000 Google Women Techmakers Scholarship

Kendra Aumann-Weyenberg, a University of Wisconsin-Stout senior, is one of 100 students worldwide to win a $10,000 scholarship from the Google Women Techmakers...

Researchers Use Machine Learning to Build Taste Language for Whiskey
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Researchers Use Machine Learning to Build Taste Language for Whiskey

Researchers at Virginia Tech will use natural language processing to study the descriptive terminology of published whiskey reviews.

QS World University Rankings List Top Computer Science Schools in Asia
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QS World University Rankings List Top Computer Science Schools in Asia

This year's QS World University Rankings evaluated over 5,500 universities from around the world, including the top 167 universities in computer science in Asia...

A U.S. Secret Weapon in A.I.: Chinese Talent
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A U.S. Secret Weapon in A.I.: Chinese Talent

New research shows scientists educated in China help American firms and schools dominate the cutting-edge AI field. Industry leaders worry that worsening political...

'Strategic' Mindset Predicts Success, Researchers Say
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'Strategic' Mindset Predicts Success, Researchers Say

A "strategic mindset" is behind the success of many business people, students, entrepreneurs, and others, according to new research published in the Proceedings...

Media Stereotypes Discourage Students' Science Ambitions
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Media Stereotypes Discourage Students' Science Ambitions

Stereotypes influence young students' perceptions of scientists enough that few who enjoy science express interest in pursuing it as a career.

Indian Tech Graduate Students Plummeted In U.S. Before Covid-19
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Indian Tech Graduate Students Plummeted In U.S. Before Covid-19

Even before Covid-19, fewer graduate students from India decided to study computer science at U.S. universities, with numbers dropping 23.3% between the 2016-17...

More Students Are 'Stacking' Credentials en Route to a Degree
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More Students Are 'Stacking' Credentials en Route to a Degree

The economic toll of the coronavirus pandemic is giving non-traditional education programs, known variously as "stackable credentials" or "microcredentials," a...

Which Degrees Do Software Developers Earn?
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Which Degrees Do Software Developers Earn?

A Stack Overflow survey of professional developers reveals the different educational pathways they use and the degrees they obtain on the way to their full-time...
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