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Building an Effective CIO Resume
From ACM CareerNews

Building an Effective CIO Resume

For experienced C-level IT executives, creating an effective technology leadership resume requires thinking about company-level contributions, rather than merely...

From ACM CareerNews

A New Perspective on Older Workers

While companies have traditionally favored hiring younger IT workers, Steve Watson of Stanton Chase International says there is a growing openness to looking at...

Empowered Workers Are Better, More Productive Workers
From ACM Careers

Empowered Workers Are Better, More Productive Workers

A new study from the University of Iowa confirms that workers who feel empowered by their employers have higher morale and are more productive, regardless of...

From ACM TechNews

Mentorship Key For Women in It, Says Collaborate Panel

A recent panel discussion at the Collaborate 11 Oracle user conference concluded that mentors and sponsors are crucial to helping women advance their careers in...

From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Enrollments Rebound, ­p 10% Last Fall

Computer science enrollments increased for the third consecutive year at Ph.D.-granting institutions, are up 10 percent from a year ago, but are still below the...

Location, Location, Location: Home Field Provides Advantage in Negotiations
From ACM Careers

Location, Location, Location: Home Field Provides Advantage in Negotiations

Planning to negotiate a raise? Try not to discuss it with the boss in his or her office, suggests a new study by an organizational behavior expert at Washington...

It Jobs: More Vacancies Than Applicants
From ACM CareerNews

It Jobs: More Vacancies Than Applicants

According to industry body e-Skills UK, the number of advertised IT jobs is now slightly greater than the number of people looking for work in the sector. That...

From ACM Careers

Compassion, Not Sanctions, Is Best Response to Workplace Anger

Challenging traditional views of workplace anger, a new article in the journal Human Relations suggests that even intense emotional outbursts can lead to an improved...

Communication Skills More Important Than Technical Know-How For It Jobs, Say It Graduates
From ACM CareerNews

Communication Skills More Important Than Technical Know-How For It Jobs, Say It Graduates

Most IT graduates think technical skills are the least important qualification for IT jobs, according to a survey of students conducted by CA Technologies. Forty...

From ACM CareerNews

Women Working to Expand in Tech Industry

From coders to venture capitalists, women remain a small minority in most tech-related businesses. In fact, of the 20 leading occupations of employed women surveyed...

From ACM TechNews

Tech Sector Faces 'Serious and Pervasive' Skills Shortage

Canadian companies will need to hire about 106,000 new information and communications technology employees over the next five years, but there likely will not be...

Math Meets Music
From ACM Careers

Math Meets Music

Geometry is the force that shapes both the sound of music and the novel research of Florida State University composer-theorist Clifton Callender, whose work explores...

From ACM CareerNews

Prepare for Talent Wars

As the result of an intensifying war for IT talent, hiring managers and recruiters are watching carefully to make sure their own most valued employees aren't about...

It Professionals Can Have Great Careers at Suppliers
From ACM CareerNews

It Professionals Can Have Great Careers at Suppliers

With thousands IT workers out of work in the UK and recent graduates finding it difficult to get their careers off the ground, the IT services sector is emerging...

Techdom's Talent Poaching Epidemic
From ACM CareerNews

Techdom's Talent Poaching Epidemic

Competition for IT talent is fierce as the economy rebounds, with tech companies  battling over the engineers, designers, computer scientists, and executives who...

From ACM CareerNews

Why Silicon Valley Immigrant Entrepreneurs Are Returning Home

Visa issues are forcing talented immigrant entrepreneurs to return to their home countries rather than stay in Silicon Valley. Instead of creating hundreds of jobs...

The Challenges of Being a Modern Employee
From ACM CareerNews

The Challenges of Being a Modern Employee

The mass adoption of high-speed communications and advances in hardware and software mean that your office can be wherever anInternet connection and digital device...

Social Media 101: Facebook and Job Hunting
From ACM CareerNews

Social Media 101: Facebook and Job Hunting

As social networking sites become an increasingly important part of the job search, candidates should adjust their current approach to Facebook.

From ACM CareerNews

Stack Exchange Launches Programmer Recruiting Site

Stack Exchange, the company behind the Stack Overflow site for programmers, has unveiled a new jobs board for developers. The Careers 2.0 board helps hiring managers...

Five Reasons Why Your Online Presence Will Replace Your Resume in 10 Years
From ACM CareerNews

Five Reasons Why Your Online Presence Will Replace Your Resume in 10 Years

As more recruiters use the Web as a place to search for talent and conduct employment background searches, having an online presence is almost a prerequisite. More...
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