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Future Tech Jobs: We Need Social Science Graduates
From ACM CareerNews

Future Tech Jobs: We Need Social Science Graduates

With interconnectivity at the heart of the social Web, forward-looking technology companies are now embracing the idea of hiring more social science graduates to...

An Interview with Peter Denning: The End of the Future
From ACM CareerNews

An Interview with Peter Denning: The End of the Future

In a comprehensive Q&A, Peter Denning, the editor-in-chief of Ubiquity, offers his thoughts on the future of computer science and discusses the art of making predictions...

From ACM Opinion

Leadership of Cyber Warriors

Leadership is a core competency of the officers, warrant officers, and non-commissioned officers across the military services. A principle tenant of leadership...

Camp Preps Teens For Cybersecurity Careers
From ACM Careers

Camp Preps Teens For Cybersecurity Careers

The Community College of Baltimore County this month held a five-day cybersecurity camp for teenagers in an effort to get high school students interested in security...

Professor Accomplishes Breakthrough Toward Quantum Computing
From ACM Careers

Professor Accomplishes Breakthrough Toward Quantum Computing

Olivier Pfister, a professor of physics at the University of Virginia, has just published findings in the journal Physical Review Letters demonstrating a breakthrough...

Fears Rise in It Circles Over New Economic Downturn
From ACM Careers

Fears Rise in It Circles Over New Economic Downturn

After months of gains, there are new worries that the U.S. economic recovery is in trouble. "There is a palpable sense of a slowdown or less of a recovery over...

Students Develop Beneficial Smartphone Apps
From ACM Careers

Students Develop Beneficial Smartphone Apps

Students and professors at The University of Alabama are working together to develop beneficial smartphone applications, including health related apps for blindness...

Nsf Funds $18.5 Million Effort to Create Mind-Machine Interface
From ACM Careers

Nsf Funds $18.5 Million Effort to Create Mind-Machine Interface

The NSF  has announced an $18.5 million grant to establish an Engineering Research Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering based at the University of Washington...

Xbox Kinect Helps Surgeons in the Operating Room
From ACM Careers

Xbox Kinect Helps Surgeons in the Operating Room

Doctors at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Canada are using the Xbox Kinect to examine and manipulate CT  images during surgery, sidestepping the need to...

Nsf Project Will Digitize ­.s.'s Biological Collections
From ACM Careers

Nsf Project Will Digitize ­.s.'s Biological Collections

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded a five-year, $10 million grant to Florida State University and the University of Florida to coordinate 92 institutions...

Your Next Job: Mobile App Developer?
From ACM CareerNews

Your Next Job: Mobile App Developer?

As market demand surges for apps to run on smart device operating systems, companies are facing a shortage of mobile development talent, and that could lead to...

Most It Pros Don't Fear Losing Their Jobs to the Cloud
From ACM CareerNews

Most It Pros Don't Fear Losing Their Jobs to the Cloud

While most people in the IT industry predict that enterprise cloud computing usage will accelerate in the next two years, they are just as confident that IT professionals...

Software Could Help Protect Against Mosquito-Borne Diseases
From ACM Careers

Software Could Help Protect Against Mosquito-Borne Diseases

A team of undergraduate computer scientists and their professor at South Dakota State University are building software to protect people in Africa and North America...

Professor Tweets Her Way to Knighthood
From ACM Careers

Professor Tweets Her Way to Knighthood

The creative use of Twitter and other technology to teach and promote French has earned University of South Carolina Professor Lara Lomicka Anderson knighthood...

You Want to Talk 'horrible Bosses'?
From ACM Careers

You Want to Talk 'horrible Bosses'?

Virtually anyone who stays in the work force long enough will eventually have a really lousy boss. Millions of Americans have tense relationships with their managers...

Attachment to Cellphones More About Entertainment, Less About Communication
From ACM Careers

Attachment to Cellphones More About Entertainment, Less About Communication

That panicked feeling you get when the family pet goes missing is the same when you misplace your mobile phone, says a Kansas State University marketing professor...

Most States Do a Poor Job Preparing Students For Science or Technology Degrees
From ACM Careers

Most States Do a Poor Job Preparing Students For Science or Technology Degrees

New rankings show that K-12 schools in most of the 50 states are doing a poor job of preparing students for science and engineering careers. Massachusetts leads...

At Mature Techs, A Young Vibe
From ACM CareerNews

At Mature Techs, A Young Vibe

The largest technology companies, from IBM to Microsoft to Hewlett-Packard, are ramping up efforts to attract the best and brightest at America's top campuses....

Can Entrepreneurship Be Taught? Yes, Researchers Say
From ACM Careers

Can Entrepreneurship Be Taught? Yes, Researchers Say

According to Babson College researchers, there is overwhelming evidence that taking two or more core entrepreneurship elective courses positively influenced students'...

Overseas Tech Firms Ramp ­p Hiring in Silicon Valley
From ACM TechNews

Overseas Tech Firms Ramp ­p Hiring in Silicon Valley

European and Asian companies are increasingly using high-tech workers from Silicon Valley to conduct long-range research and help design new products for global...
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