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States With the Most Open Tech Jobs
From ACM Careers

States With the Most Open Tech Jobs

Job site recently found that 18 states and Washington, D.C., have fewer computer-related graduates than open tech jobs. In California, the number of...

Code Green: Energy-Efficient Programming to Curb Computers' Power ­se
From ACM Careers

Code Green: Energy-Efficient Programming to Curb Computers' Power ­se

Computer programmers are going green with a new system called EnerJ, which helps them cut a program's energy consumption by as much as 50 percent.

Intel Anthropologist: Fieldwork with the Silicon Tribe
From ACM News

Intel Anthropologist: Fieldwork with the Silicon Tribe

Anthropologist Genevieve Bell gives the chip maker insight into how people experience new technologies.

Computational Wizardry Supports the Study of Plants' Stress Response
From ACM Careers

Computational Wizardry Supports the Study of Plants' Stress Response

A crucial step to increasing world food security is a fundamental understanding of how plants respond to extreme changes in their environment. The U.S. National...

Professor Trains 'digital Ants' to Protect Computer Networks
From ACM Careers

Professor Trains 'digital Ants' to Protect Computer Networks

As the nation's electrical power grid becomes more interconnected through the Internet the chances of cyber attacks increase as well. Errin Fulp, a professor...

Getting Switched Onto ICT Opportunities
From ACM Careers

Getting Switched Onto ICT Opportunities

The global shortage of ICT graduates has hit Ireland hard. ICT Ireland director Paul Sweetman claims between 3,000 and 4,000 jobs within the information and communications...

Can Blogging Help You Get A Job?
From ACM CareerNews

Can Blogging Help You Get A Job?

Writing a professional blog on a topic related to your future career path can lead to internship and job opportunities. If a recruiter checks out your blog, he...

Extreme Multitasking: Surviving the Superjob
From ACM CareerNews

Extreme Multitasking: Surviving the Superjob

Emboldened by high unemployment rates across the nation and continually on the lookout for cost savings, businesses of all sizes have asked a dwindling number of...

Red Hot: The Computer Science Job Market
From ACM TechNews

Red Hot: The Computer Science Job Market

Across the United States, new computer science graduates from strong programs are receiving extraordinary job offers, with starting salaries as high as $105,000...

Tracking the Flow of Knowledge
From ACM Careers

Tracking the Flow of Knowledge

A study of 9,483 scientists and more than 50,000 published papers shows that scientists' location influences how widely their work is read and used for innovations...

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Illuminates the Future of Lighting
From ACM Careers

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Illuminates the Future of Lighting

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has assembled a critical mass of experts and researchers who are investigating the full spectrum of lighting and lighting research...

Cattle Rangers Trade the Open Range For Virtual Fencing
From ACM Careers

Cattle Rangers Trade the Open Range For Virtual Fencing

The world of electronic conveniences has reached the cow pasture. In the not-so-distant future, landscapes may be dotted only with virtual fences and cattle will...

Awards Encourages Women to Break Tech Glass Ceiling
From ACM TechNews

Awards Encourages Women to Break Tech Glass Ceiling

The Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology recently held its annual Women In Vision Awards honoring women who are challenging the male-dominated technology...

The Feedback Gap
From ACM CareerNews

The Feedback Gap

A recent survey found that many managers dislike giving feedback, and when they do it is often less than effective. Fewer than half of surveyed employees receive...

IT Pay Creeps ­p After Two-Year Downward Spiral
From ACM CareerNews

IT Pay Creeps ­p After Two-Year Downward Spiral

After two years of pay cuts and downward pressure on wages, IT salaries are once again on the rise, driven by demand for contract and permanent IT staff. Demand...

Facebook Can Serve as Personality Test
From ACM TechNews

Facebook Can Serve as Personality Test

Facebook pages can provide personality profiles for prospective employees, according to researchers at the University of Maryland, who surveyed the public profiles...

Bringing Them Back
From ACM TechNews

Bringing Them Back

The University of Washington's recent On-Ramps into Academia workshop aimed to encourage and coach talented and accomplished women in science and engineering to...

Robots Collaborate to Explore and Map Buildings
From ACM Careers

Robots Collaborate to Explore and Map Buildings

A research project sponsored by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory is developing technologies for autonomous robots that will work together to explore and map the...

Five Things to Consider Before Joining a Startup
From ACM Careers

Five Things to Consider Before Joining a Startup

Job seekers who dream of joining a startup company should realize there are risks and should know the right questions to ask before making the leap, according to...

Reinventing the Museum Experience in the Digital Age
From ACM Careers

Reinventing the Museum Experience in the Digital Age

Professor Maggie Burnette Stogner of American University's film and media arts department is using new media technologies to create an immersive storytelling experience...
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