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Communications of the ACM

Table of Contents

Dealing With the Deep, Long-Term Challenges Facing ACM (Part I)

While the new ideas generated at the ACM Strategic Planning Retreat are likely to have a significant impact on ACM's activities going forward, I view them as defining only a relatively short-term agenda not fully addressing some …

Heidelberg Laureate Forum II

The second Heidelberg Laureate Forum was even better than the first, if that is possible.
DEPARTMENT: Letters to the Editor

Accountability Is No Excuse For Surveillance

British philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham would have wholeheartedly endorsed many of the accountability mechanisms Stefan Bechtold and Adrian Perrig outlined in "Accountability in Future Internet Architectures" …

Teach the Teachers, and Contribute to Humanity

Mark Guzdial suggests computer science education needs to be aimed at adults before teaching it to children; Lawrence M. Fisher finds the volunteer spirit behind ACM Special Interest Groups.

Researchers Simplify Parallel Programming

Parallel computing has become increasingly important as chipmakers put more and more processor cores on individual chips.

Computing What Fits

New apps and pods improve the virtual and actual retail experiences by ensuring clothing and cosmetics look good on you before you buy them.

Keeping Online Reviews Honest

As online reviews become increasingly important to e-commerce and social media sites, computer scientists work on ways to ensure their authenticity.
COLUMN: Economic and business dimensions

The Dark Side of the Sharing Economy . . . and How to Lighten It

Improving the sharing economy will require addressing myriad problems.
COLUMN: Legally speaking

Updates on the Intellectual Property Front

Recapping influential U.S. Supreme Court decisions rendered earlier this year.
COLUMN: Computing ethics

Big Data's End Run Around Procedural Privacy Protections

Recognizing the inherent limitations of consent and anonymity.
COLUMN: Education

A Future For Computing Education Research

Seeking to address the most important issues facing the computer education research community.
COLUMN: Privacy and security

Summing Up

Considering recent privacy- and security-related events through this column.
COLUMN: Viewpoint

An Embarrassment of Riches

A critical review of open innovation systems.

Designing User Incentives For Cybersecurity

How to encourage better user security practices and behavior
SECTION: Practice

Evolution of the Product Manager

Better education needed to develop the discipline.

JavaScript and the Netflix User Interface

Conditional dependency resolution.

A Decade of Progress in Parallel Programming Productivity

Looking at the design and benefits of X10.
SECTION: Contributed articles

Scene Understanding By Labeling Pixels

Pixels labeled with a scene's semantics and geometry let computers describe what they see.

On Facebook, Most Ties Are Weak

Strong ties connect individuals in the same community; weak ties connect individuals in different communities.
SECTION: Review articles

The Data on Diversity

It's not just about being fair.
SECTION: Research highlights

Technical Perspective: The Intricate Dance of Fabric and Light

For years, graphics programs have simulated fabric as a collection of fibers, requiring tweaks to algorithms for each new fabric. "Building Volumetric Appearance Models of Fabric Using Micro CT Imaging" solves this problem in …

Building Volumetric Appearance Models of Fabric Using Micro CT Imaging

Visualizing and rendering cloth has been an important area of graphics research for decades. This paper proposes a new approach to acquiring volume models, based on density data from CT scans and appearance data from photographs …
COLUMN: Last byte

Upstart Puzzles: Proving Without Teaching/Teaching Without Proving

Peter Winkler's mathematically elegant, often whimsical puzzles have been a joy to read and wrestle with. My columns now embark on a different path. Each will come in two parts: one quite doable,  the other an "upstart," or insolent …