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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Massive Data For Miniscule Communities
From ACM TechNews

Massive Data For Miniscule Communities

Michigan State University researchers have developed a computational technique that relieves logjams that commonly occur in big data sets.  

Software Enables Pcs to Solve Problems That Once Required the Cloud
From ACM News

Software Enables Pcs to Solve Problems That Once Required the Cloud

A new software program running on a single laptop or PC can, in some cases, solve bigger problems in less time than other available distributed frameworks. 

How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking
From ACM Opinion

How Apple and Amazon Security Flaws Led to My Epic Hacking

In the space of one hour, my entire digital life was destroyed.

Why Drone Pilots Deserve Medals
From ACM Opinion

Why Drone Pilots Deserve Medals

The escalating dependence on drone pilots, as Maj. Dave Blair agonized in the May-June issue ofAir & Space Power Journal, is undercutting the ability to award combat...

His Other Car Is on Mars
From ACM Opinion

His Other Car Is on Mars

On Earth, Scott Maxwell drives his red Prius without paying much attention to the San Gabriel Mountains in the distance.

Nasa's Curiosity Rover Caught in the Act of Landing
From ACM News

Nasa's Curiosity Rover Caught in the Act of Landing

An image from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera aboard NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured the Curiosity rover still connected...

In the Olympics of Algorithms, a Russian Keeps Winning Gold
From ACM TechNews

In the Olympics of Algorithms, a Russian Keeps Winning Gold

Since 2005, Google researcher and former Moscow State University student Petr Mitrichev has led the world in algorithmic programming.  

Mapping the Future of Climate Change in Africa
From ACM TechNews

Mapping the Future of Climate Change in Africa

Researchers at TACC are working on the Climate Change and African Political Stability program, which features an online mapping tool that analyzes how climate and...

Learning Machines Scour Twitter in Service of Bullying Research
From ACM TechNews

Learning Machines Scour Twitter in Service of Bullying Research

University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers are developing a computational method for searching through social media posts to find mentions of bullying events....

Rutgers Engineers Design Cell Phone App to Reduce Distracted Driving
From ACM TechNews

Rutgers Engineers Design Cell Phone App to Reduce Distracted Driving

Researchers at Rutgers University and the Stevens Institute of Technology have developed a smartphone application that can identify where a cell phone user is sitting...

Stanford's Hottest Major: Computer Science
From ACM TechNews

Stanford's Hottest Major: Computer Science

More than 220 Stanford University students, in a class of about 1,700, chose computer science as their major last year, a 25 percent increase from the previous...

NASA Lands Car-Size Rover Beside Martian Mountain
From ACM News

NASA Lands Car-Size Rover Beside Martian Mountain

NASA's most advanced Mars rover Curiosity has landed on the Red Planet. The one-ton rover, hanging by ropes from a rocket backpack, touched down onto Mars Sunday...

Lasers, Cameras, and Particle Detectors: Mars Rover's Super High-Tech Science Gear
From ACM News

Lasers, Cameras, and Particle Detectors: Mars Rover's Super High-Tech Science Gear

Assuming it safely passes through its terrifying and complex descent sequence, NASA's newest rover, Curiosity, should get its wheels on the Martian surface in just...

Hacking Your Memory: Could Total Recall Really Happen?
From ACM News

Hacking Your Memory: Could Total Recall Really Happen?

Do we really need a remake of Paul Verhoeven’s 1990 sci-fi thriller Total Recall? No, but Hollywood is giving us one anyway, this time with Colin Farrell in the...

Does Cybercrime Really Cost $1 Trillion?
From ACM News

Does Cybercrime Really Cost $1 Trillion?

Gen. Keith Alexander is the director of the National Security Agency and oversees U.S. Cyber Command, which means he leads the government's effort to protect America...

From ACM News

Hey, Hackers: Defense Is Sexy, Too

Pleasing the crowd at the Black Hat and Def Con computer security conferences that took place in Las Vegas last week is relatively easy: simply hop on stage and...

Women's Participation in Information Technology Patenting, 2012 Update
From ACM TechNews

Women's Participation in Information Technology Patenting, 2012 Update

The National Center for Women & Information Technology recently released its updated report on female information technology patenting, which examines how female...

Microsoft Tech to Control Computers With a Flex of a Finger
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Tech to Control Computers With a Flex of a Finger

Controlling computers through finger movements is the focus of Microsoft's development of electromyography controlled computing technology. The company recently...

Apple Bowl-Headed Patent Shows Wearable Computing Plans
From ACM TechNews

Apple Bowl-Headed Patent Shows Wearable Computing Plans

Apple recently submitted a patent application for "display resolution increase with mechanical actuation," an invention that aims to compete with Google's Project...

Computers May Need Patterns to Think Better
From ACM TechNews

Computers May Need Patterns to Think Better

An international research team, led by Charles Sturt University professor Terry Bossomaier and University of Sydney professor Allen Snyder, is investigating patterns...
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