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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Lab Working on Security Shoe Sole to ID People
From ACM TechNews

New Lab Working on Security Shoe Sole to ID People

Carnegie Mellon University researchers are developing shoe insoles that can help monitor access to high-security areas. Sensors in the "bio-soles" check the pressure...

Software Detects Motion That the Human Eye Can't See
From ACM TechNews

Software Detects Motion That the Human Eye Can't See

MIT researchers have developed the Eulerian video magnification process, a set of software algorithms that can amplify certain aspects of a video and reveal what...

Russia's Top Cyber Sleuth Foils ­S Spies, Helps Kremlin Pals
From ACM Opinion

Russia's Top Cyber Sleuth Foils ­S Spies, Helps Kremlin Pals

It's early February in Cancun, Mexico. A group of 60 or so financial analysts, reporters, diplomats, and cybersecurity specialists shake off the previous night's...

­.k. Government Calls on Academia to Train Tomorrow's Cyber Security Experts
From ACM TechNews

­.k. Government Calls on Academia to Train Tomorrow's Cyber Security Experts

The U.K. government's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council has invited universities to apply for grants to run two new dedicated Centers for Doctoral...

First GraphLab Workshop on Large-scale Machine Learning
From ACM TechNews

First GraphLab Workshop on Large-scale Machine Learning

The recent First GraphLab Workshop on Large-scale Machine Learning brought together industry and academic professionals to explore the state-of-the-art on the development...

Study: Twitter Analysis Can Be Used to Detect Psychopathy
From ACM TechNews

Study: Twitter Analysis Can Be Used to Detect Psychopathy

Researchers at Florida Atlantic University, the Online Privacy Foundation, and Kaggle recently invited computer scientists to develop models that can identify psychopathy...

Apple Warms Up to Hackers, Plans Presentation at Black Hat
From ACM News

Apple Warms Up to Hackers, Plans Presentation at Black Hat

In the 15 years that computer hackers have gathered in Las Vegas for the Black Hat conference, an event where unknowns can become stars and tech heavyweights are...

Silicon Valley Says Step Away From the Device
From ACM News

Silicon Valley Says Step Away From the Device

Stuart Crabb, a director in the executive offices of Facebook, naturally likes to extol the extraordinary benefits of computers and smartphones. 

Can Data Mining Stop the Killing?
From ACM Opinion

Can Data Mining Stop the Killing?

Would Total Information Awareness have stopped James Eagan Holmes?

One Course, 150,000 Students
From ACM TechNews

One Course, 150,000 Students

MIT professor Anant Agarwal recently completed teaching Circuits and Electronics, the first course in MITx, a massive open online learning platform from MIT, which...

Million-Year Storage Solution Is Set in Stone
From ACM TechNews

Million-Year Storage Solution Is Set in Stone

Patrick Charton of the French nuclear waste management agency ANDRA presented a sapphire storage data solution at a recent forum. Information engraved on a sapphire...

Nothing But Net? Basketball Science Has More Answers
From ACM News

Nothing But Net? Basketball Science Has More Answers

In a multibillion-dollar sport like basketball, one might expect that trainers had figured out every nuance of aerodynamics, mechanics and all things Newtonian...

Apple v. Samsung: The Patent Trial of the Century
From ACM News

Apple v. Samsung: The Patent Trial of the Century

Samsung Electronics Co. recently leapfrogged Apple Inc. as the world's largest seller of smartphones.

Nsf Announces New Savi at Intersection of It, Disasters
From ACM TechNews

Nsf Announces New Savi at Intersection of It, Disasters

U.S. and Japanese researchers will collaborate on developing fundamental advances in information technology to support disaster management under a new Science Across...

Research ­pdate: Chips With Self-Assembling Rectangles
From ACM TechNews

Research ­pdate: Chips With Self-Assembling Rectangles

MIT researchers have developed an approach to creating the array of wires on microchips that uses a system of self-assembling polymers. The process produces arrays...

Assistance Systems Help Out Distracted Drivers
From ACM News

Assistance Systems Help Out Distracted Drivers

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) are changing the way we drive — and paving the way for cars that can drive themselves.

Mystery Tug on Spacecraft Is Einstein's 'i Told You So'
From ACM News

Mystery Tug on Spacecraft Is Einstein's 'i Told You So'

It's been a bad year to bet against Albert Einstein.

College Degrees, Designed By the Numbers
From ACM TechNews

College Degrees, Designed By the Numbers

Colleges are starting to tap opportunities inherent in big data, using insights mined from information about students' performance to tailor courses and degrees...

Intel Fights to Keep Hp, Dell, and Other Customers from Defecting
From ACM News

Intel Fights to Keep Hp, Dell, and Other Customers from Defecting

Some of chip colossus Intel's biggest customers and partners are exploring a competing microprocessor design, signaling the start of a much-anticipated tech donnybrook...

Researchers Squeeze Gpu Performance From 11 Big Science Apps
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Squeeze Gpu Performance From 11 Big Science Apps

The Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility published a report in which researchers documented that GPU-equipped supercomputers increased application speeds by...
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