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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Nacl to Give Way to Rocksalt
From ACM TechNews

Nacl to Give Way to Rocksalt

Harvard University researchers have developed RockSalt, software that can boost the security and enhance the performance of commonly used Web and mobile applications...

A Texas Hold 'em Tournament For Ais
From ACM TechNews

A Texas Hold 'em Tournament For Ais

This year's Annual Computer Poker Competition includes three poker games, including heads-up limit, heads-up no limit, and three-player limit Texas Hold 'Em.

Will Wright Wants to Make a Game Out of Life Itself
From ACM Opinion

Will Wright Wants to Make a Game Out of Life Itself

For almost 30 years, Will Wright’s creations have attracted people who would never have played videogames. He's also managed the trick of developing games that...

Top Five 'earth as Art' Winners
From ACM News

Top Five 'earth as Art' Winners

During a span of 40 years, since 1972, the Landsat series of Earth observation satellites has become a vital reference worldwide for understanding scientific issues...

Minister Stresses Iran's Ability to Confront All Spy Malwares
From ACM News

Minister Stresses Iran's Ability to Confront All Spy Malwares

Iran's Minister of Communication and Information Technology Reza Taqipour announced that Iran has successfully confronted sophisticated spy malwares and thwarted...

Robot Swarms Aim to Bring Buildings to Life
From ACM News

Robot Swarms Aim to Bring Buildings to Life

Meet the man who wants to create architecture that understands everything about us — down to our emotional states — and learns from its mistakes.

From ACM News

In First, Software Emulates Lifespan of Entire Organism

Scientists at Stanford University and the J. Craig Venter Institute have developed the first software simulation of an entire organism, a humble single-cell bacterium...

Gps Hijacking Catches Feds, Drone Makers Off Guard
From ACM News

Gps Hijacking Catches Feds, Drone Makers Off Guard

On June 19, when University of Texas researchers successfully hijacked a drone by "spoofing" it— giving it bad GPS coordinates–they showed the Department of Homeland...

Obama Proposes $1b For Science, Math Teachers
From ACM TechNews

Obama Proposes $1b For Science, Math Teachers

The Obama administration has proposed a plan to invest $1 billion in fiscal year 2013 to increase U.S. students' participation in science, technology, engineering...

Indian Scientists Try to Crack Monsoon Source Code
From ACM TechNews

Indian Scientists Try to Crack Monsoon Source Code

Indian researchers are developing computer models that could help predict the erratic movements of monsoons.  

Innovation Promises to Cut Massive Power Use at Big Data Companies in a Flash
From ACM TechNews

Innovation Promises to Cut Massive Power Use at Big Data Companies in a Flash

Princeton University researchers have developed SSDAlloc, software that could help organizations use a type of memory in their servers that requires much less energy...

Imagining Tomorrow's Computers Today
From ACM TechNews

Imagining Tomorrow's Computers Today

Intel principal engineer and futurist Brian David Johnson discusses his presentation at the recent Euroscience Open Forum on a future world of computers that develop...

Lessons Learned From Mitx's Prototype Course
From ACM TechNews

Lessons Learned From Mitx's Prototype Course

MIT and Harvard University are preparing to offer free online courses in the fall through the edX project, which is based on MIT's MITx platform.  

Would German-Style Apprenticeships Work in the ­.s.?
From ACM Careers

Would German-Style Apprenticeships Work in the ­.s.?

In a world of high youth unemployment, where the supply of skilled labor often fails to match employer demand, Germany believes help can be found in its Dual Vocational...

Autopilots Take to the Ground
From ACM News

Autopilots Take to the Ground

For decades, autopilots have controlled how planes climb, cruise and descend in the air.

Newest U.s. Counterterrorism Strategy: Trolling
From ACM News

Newest U.s. Counterterrorism Strategy: Trolling

In the decade since 9/11, the U.S. government has used a wide variety of tactics against terrorists.

Microsoft, Juniper, Others in Coding Consortium Issue Guidelines For Safer Applications
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft, Juniper, Others in Coding Consortium Issue Guidelines For Safer Applications

The Software Assurance Forum for Excellence in Code recently issued "Practical Security Stories and Security Tasks for Agile Development Environments," a white...

Stanford Faculty Is Embracing Online Teaching Opportunities
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Faculty Is Embracing Online Teaching Opportunities

Stanford University's online education initiative is providing seed grants to professors for developing new online courses.  

­sing Hip-Hop to Teach Computer Science
From ACM TechNews

­sing Hip-Hop to Teach Computer Science

Georgia Tech recently provided computer science education to Atlanta area high school students via a musical summer camp.  

Graphene Transistors in High-Performance Demonstration
From ACM TechNews

Graphene Transistors in High-Performance Demonstration

Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg researchers announced that they used silicon carbide to create graphene.  
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