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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Big Data at Your Service
From ACM TechNews

Big Data at Your Service

The growing use of information and communication technology is generating vast volumes of structured and unstructured data that present an opportunity that European...

Strong and Fast Markets, but No Time to Think
From ACM News

Strong and Fast Markets, but No Time to Think

Financial markets have greatly improved over the past quarter-century.

Newest Nasa Mars Mission Connects Past and Future
From ACM News

Newest Nasa Mars Mission Connects Past and Future

NASA's newest Mars mission, landing in two days, will draw on support from missions sent to Mars years ago and will contribute to missions envisioned for future...

How Fbi Technology Woes Let Fort Hood Shooter Slip By
From ACM News

How Fbi Technology Woes Let Fort Hood Shooter Slip By

On November 5, 2009, an Army psychiatrist stationed at Fort Hood, Texas shot and killed 12 fellow soldiers and a civilian Defense Department employee while wounding...

Icann Backflips on Batching For New Tlds
From ACM TechNews

Icann Backflips on Batching For New Tlds

ICANN recently announced that it will no longer attempt to batch new generic top-level domains in groups of 500.

Public Can Explore Time-Lapse Videos of Earth With New Tool From Carnegie Mellon and Google
From ACM TechNews

Public Can Explore Time-Lapse Videos of Earth With New Tool From Carnegie Mellon and Google

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and the U.S. Geological Survey have developed a tool for Google's Earth Engine that enables users to access 13 years of...

A Computer Infection That Can Never Be Cured
From ACM TechNews

A Computer Infection That Can Never Be Cured

French hacker Jonathan Brossard recently developed Rakshasa, software that can be hidden inside the hardware of a PC, creating a backdoor that would allow secret...

A Workshop on Next-Generational Financial Cyberinfrastructure
From ACM TechNews

A Workshop on Next-Generational Financial Cyberinfrastructure

The Next-Generation Financial Cyberinfrastructure Workshop drew participants from academia, industry, and government to consider the need for a new financial cyberinfrastructure...

Is There a Virtual Mars in Our Future?
From ACM News

Is There a Virtual Mars in Our Future?

Imagine a day when virtual reality gets so good that you could take a computer-generated walk on the Martian surface, right here on Earth.

A New High Performance and Fault-Tolerant Datacenter Network For Modular Datacenters Was Proposed
From ACM TechNews

A New High Performance and Fault-Tolerant Datacenter Network For Modular Datacenters Was Proposed

Scientists from China's National University of Defense Technology propose a hybrid intra-container network for a modular data center called SCautz, along with an...

U.s. Sports Fans Using Proxy Servers to Watch Olympics on Bbc
From ACM News

U.s. Sports Fans Using Proxy Servers to Watch Olympics on Bbc

The American network NBC has come in for a lot of flak since the weekend when its Olympics coverage began. The Twitter hadtag of #NBCfail began trending soon after...

Upgrading the Internet for the Mobile age
From ACM TechNews

Upgrading the Internet for the Mobile age

Princeton University researchers have developed Serval, a system that makes small changes to the way programs download and manage data, which they say could greatly...

Computers Can Predict Effects of HIV Policies
From ACM TechNews

Computers Can Predict Effects of HIV Policies

Brown University researchers have developed software that can model the spread of HIV in New York City over several years to make specific predictions about the...

Inside the Quest to Put the World's Libraries Online
From ACM TechNews

Inside the Quest to Put the World's Libraries Online

Making a vast, open, distributed network of books, records, and images available to anyone with an Internet link is the goal of the Digital Public Library of America...

Honeybot Project Helps Researchers Wipeout Facebook and Twitter Botnets
From ACM TechNews

Honeybot Project Helps Researchers Wipeout Facebook and Twitter Botnets

Researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and University of Washington have developed Sodexo, an automated "honeybot" system that protects against...

Low-Power Chips to Model a Billion Neurons
From ACM News

Low-Power Chips to Model a Billion Neurons

For all their progress, computers are still pretty unimpressive.

Nsa Boss Wants More Control Over the 'net
From ACM News

Nsa Boss Wants More Control Over the 'net

The U.S. Internet's infrastructure needs to be redesigned to allow the NSA to know instantly when overseas hackers might be attacking public or private infrastructure...

Talk to Me, One Machine Said to the Other
From ACM News

Talk to Me, One Machine Said to the Other

Ocado, an online grocery store in England, prides itself on its delivery of refrigerated foods: When the company says the goods will arrive at a certain temperature...

Declarations of Cyberwar
From ACM TechNews

Declarations of Cyberwar

Debate continues to be focused on how cyberattacks relate to war and foreign policy and what the international community's appropriate response to such incidents...

Researchers Study How to Avoid Charge Traps in Plastic Electronics
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Study How to Avoid Charge Traps in Plastic Electronics

Charge traps in plastic electronics have a common underlying mechanism, and this finding has led to a theoretical framework for designing electronics without traps...
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