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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Ideas Global Challenge Team Profile: Wecyclers
From ACM TechNews

Ideas Global Challenge Team Profile: Wecyclers

A participant in MIT's IDEAS Global Challenge is Wecyclers, a crowdsourced recycling platform that will operate in Lagos, Nigeria, and is designed to incentivize...

Computer Science For the Rest of ­S
From ACM Careers

Computer Science For the Rest of ­S

Reading, writing, and—refactoring code?

The Miri Has Two Faces: Go 'behind the Webb' (telescope)
From ACM News

The Miri Has Two Faces: Go 'behind the Webb' (telescope)

A short new video takes viewers behind the scenes with the MIRI or the Mid-Infrared Instrument that will fly on-board NASA's James Webb Space Telescope.

Dead Stars 'to Guide Spacecraft'
From ACM News

Dead Stars 'to Guide Spacecraft'

German scientists are developing a technique that allows for very precise positioning anywhere in space by picking up X-ray signals from pulsars.

Systems to Handle Big Data Might Be This Generation's Moon Landing
From ACM News

Systems to Handle Big Data Might Be This Generation's Moon Landing

An effort to build a radio telescope that can see back 13 billion years to the creation of the universe is prompting a five-year €32 million ($42.7 million) effort...

Google's Grand Plan
From ACM News

Google's Grand Plan

In a typical month, David Lawee meets two dozen founders of new companies. He grills them on their businesses, their ambitions, their funding, and their clever...

A Computer Screen You Can Fold
From ACM TechNews

A Computer Screen You Can Fold

University of Toronto researchers have developed a less-expensive method of making flat-panel displays that could lead to computer screens that can be rolled up...

Cyber and Drone Attacks May Change Warfare More Than the Machine Gun
From ACM TechNews

Cyber and Drone Attacks May Change Warfare More Than the Machine Gun

Information technology is changing the way nations wage war, with philosophical and ethical perspectives struggling to keep pace with those changes.  

New Search Tool to ­nlock Wikipedia
From ACM TechNews

New Search Tool to ­nlock Wikipedia

Researchers at the University of Cagliari and the University of California, Los Angeles have developed Swipe, a prototype plug-in that can help Wikipedia users...

The Philosopher Whose Fingerprints Are All Over the Ftc's New Approach to Privacy
From ACM Opinion

The Philosopher Whose Fingerprints Are All Over the Ftc's New Approach to Privacy

A mile or two away from Facebook's headquarters in Silicon Valley, Helen Nissenbaum of New York University was standing in a basement on Stanford's campus explaining...

­.s. Outgunned in Hacker War
From ACM News

­.s. Outgunned in Hacker War

The Federal Bureau of Investigation's top cyber cop offered a grim appraisal of the nation's efforts to keep computer hackers from plundering corporate data networks...

How the Cost of Computation Restricts the Processes of Life
From ACM News

How the Cost of Computation Restricts the Processes of Life

Back in the 1960s, the IBM physicist Rolf Landauer showed that computation comes with a cost: every (irreversible) calculation, he said, always burns through a...

More Energy Efficient Transistors Through Quantum Tunneling
From ACM TechNews

More Energy Efficient Transistors Through Quantum Tunneling

Researchers at the University of Notre Dame and Pennsylvania State University say they have made breakthroughs in the development of tunneling field effect transistors...

Google Patents Tech to Serve Ads Based on Background Noise
From ACM TechNews

Google Patents Tech to Serve Ads Based on Background Noise

Google has received a patent for technology that would enable it to deliver advertising based on what it calls "environment conditions."  

Open Source Code Libraries Seen as Rife With Vulnerabilities
From ACM TechNews

Open Source Code Libraries Seen as Rife With Vulnerabilities

Open source code libraries have a significant number of security vulnerabilities, according to an Aspect Security study that analyzed 113 million software downloads...

Study Tracks How Conservatives Lost Their Faith in Science
From ACM News

Study Tracks How Conservatives Lost Their Faith in Science

An analysis of 36 years' worth of polling data indicates that confidence in science as an institution has steadily declined among Americans who consider themselves...

Sanjeev Arora Wins 2011 Acm-Infosys Award
From ACM News

Sanjeev Arora Wins 2011 Acm-Infosys Award

Sanjeev Arora, a computer scientist at Princeton University, is honored for breakthroughs that have advanced the power of computing. 

Richard Clarke on Who Was Behind the Stuxnet Attack
From ACM News

Richard Clarke on Who Was Behind the Stuxnet Attack

The story Richard Clarke spins has all the suspense of a postmodern geopolitical thriller.

'mount Sharp' on Mars Links Geology's Past and Future
From ACM News

'mount Sharp' on Mars Links Geology's Past and Future

One particular mountain on Mars, bigger than Colorado's grandest, has been beckoning would-be explorers since it was first sighted from orbit in the 1970s.

The '80s Called, and They Want Their Cellphones Back
From ACM News

The '80s Called, and They Want Their Cellphones Back

Julie Barbour-Issa calls her eight-year-old cellphone "the dinosaur. It's a brick, and I could use it as a weapon in an emergency," says the 30-year-old Norwood...
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