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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Eye-Tracking Computers Will Read Your Thoughts
From ACM News

Eye-Tracking Computers Will Read Your Thoughts

Consider, for a moment, the following list: Republican. Abortion. Democrat. Future. Afghanistan. Health care. Same-sex marriage.  

Google Working on Advanced Web Engineering
From ACM TechNews

Google Working on Advanced Web Engineering

InfoWorldGoogle is developing several advanced programming technologies to ease complex Web application development. "We're getting to the place where the WebView...

A Surge in Learning the Language of the Internet
From ACM TechNews

A Surge in Learning the Language of the Internet

The market for online classes in programming, Web construction, and application development is booming.  

Smarter Computing Systems Make Society Better
From ACM TechNews

Smarter Computing Systems Make Society Better

The High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation project is driving the development of computing systems designed to make everyday life easier, such...

From ACM News

Online Attribution of the French Killer

Mohammed Merah, the culprit of the killing of 7 people in France last week, was found using a mix of traditional and online forensics.

Global Manhunt Will Leverage Social Media to Find 'suspects'
From ACM News

Global Manhunt Will Leverage Social Media to Find 'suspects'

If you had to track down fugitives hidden in five cities around the world, would one day and a $5,000 reward be enough to succeed?

Fixing the Brain With Computers
From ACM TechNews

Fixing the Brain With Computers

Disabilities such as epilepsy, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and Parkinson’s disease are being treated with neuroimplants, says St. Louis University...

New Ornl Tool Developed to Assess Global Freshwater Stress
From ACM TechNews

New Ornl Tool Developed to Assess Global Freshwater Stress

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers have developed a method to make better use of large amounts of data concerning global geography, population, and climate...

Lessons About Rsa Key Security
From ACM TechNews

Lessons About Rsa Key Security

Purdue University professor Eugene Spafford says a recently published paper that called into question the security of RSA public-private keys has lessons for security...

Cassini Spacecraft For Saturn Moon Pass
From ACM News

Cassini Spacecraft For Saturn Moon Pass

The Cassini spacecraft is to make its lowest pass yet over the south pole of Enceladus, an active moon of Saturn which may harbour a liquid water ocean.

Rebecca Mackinnon Discusses Threats to Internet Freedom: Part 2
From ACM News

Rebecca Mackinnon Discusses Threats to Internet Freedom: Part 2

Many people don't realize that most of the censorship and surveillance in China is not being done by the government, but by companies at the behest of the government...

Nasa Probe Offers New View of Mercury: Alien World Right in Our Back Yard
From ACM News

Nasa Probe Offers New View of Mercury: Alien World Right in Our Back Yard

The overheated, underappreciated runt of the solar system is finally getting some attention.

China's Not-So-Super Computers
From ACM News

China's Not-So-Super Computers

The supercomputer in this southern boomtown is named Nebulae for the interstellar clouds of gas that give birth to stars.

Genius and Tragedy at Dawn of Computer Age
From ACM News

Genius and Tragedy at Dawn of Computer Age

One of the many myths about Apple is that the company's name is a reference to the half-eaten apple reportedly found beside the corpse of the British computer scientist...

Feds Fight Homelessness With Mobile App Challenge
From ACM TechNews

Feds Fight Homelessness With Mobile App Challenge

The U.S. departments of Veterans Affairs, Housing and Urban Development, and Health and Human Services and Bon Jovi's JBJ Soul Foundation recently launched the...

Ancient Sites Spotted From Space, Say Archaeologists
From ACM TechNews

Ancient Sites Spotted From Space, Say Archaeologists

Computer science techniques have enabled archaeologists to discover about 9,000 possible early human settlements across 23,000 square miles in northeastern Syria...

Survey: Android Programmers Shifting Toward Web Apps
From ACM TechNews

Survey: Android Programmers Shifting Toward Web Apps

Android is gradually slipping down mobile programmers' priority list, with Web apps stepping in as an answer to development difficulties, according to a recent...

Just the Facts. Yes, All of Them.
From ACM News

Just the Facts. Yes, All of Them.

AT 7 years old, Gilad Elbaz wrote, "I want to be a rich mathematician and very smart." That, he figured, would help him "discover things like time machines, robots...

Fbi Still Struggling With Supreme Court's Gps Ruling
From ACM News

Fbi Still Struggling With Supreme Court's Gps Ruling

Earlier this year, the Supreme Court said police had overstepped their legal authority by planting a GPS tracker on the car of a suspected drug dealer without getting...

Controversy Surrounds Russia's Claim that Cosmic Rays Caused Mars Mission Failure
From ACM News

Controversy Surrounds Russia's Claim that Cosmic Rays Caused Mars Mission Failure

A heartbreaking, out-of-the-gate failure of Russia's sample return mission early this year created a wide circle of disappointment.
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