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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

A Camera That Peers Around Corners
From ACM TechNews

A Camera That Peers Around Corners

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed a system that can produce recognizable three-dimensional images of objects located around corners...

DARPA Challenge Doesn't Go Viral on Twitter
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Challenge Doesn't Go Viral on Twitter

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency recent ended its Cash for Locating and Identifying Quick Response Codes challenge without anyone successfully...

Study: Including Ads in Mobile Apps Poses Privacy, Security Risks
From ACM TechNews

Study: Including Ads in Mobile Apps Poses Privacy, Security Risks

North Carolina State University researchers recently conducted a study on the privacy and security risks associated with mobile application advertisements, and...

The NSA Is Building the Country's Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)
From ACM News

The NSA Is Building the Country's Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)

The spring air in the small, sand-dusted town has a soft haze to it, and clumps of green-gray sagebrush rustle in the breeze.

The Robots Are Coming! Better Get Used to It
From ACM News

The Robots Are Coming! Better Get Used to It

For those of you reluctant to welcome our new robot overloads, it might be time to reconsider your stance.

Free Apps Eat Up Your Phone Battery Just Sending Ads
From ACM News

Free Apps Eat Up Your Phone Battery Just Sending Ads

Struggling to make your smartphone battery last the whole day? Paying for your apps might help.

Hp Scientists Envision 10-Teraflop Manycore Chip
From ACM TechNews

Hp Scientists Envision 10-Teraflop Manycore Chip

Hewlett-Packard's research division is developing Corona, a manycore chipset designed to outperform existing average-sized high-performance computing clusters....

Ethics Fight Over Domain Name Intensifies
From ACM TechNews

Ethics Fight Over Domain Name Intensifies

The U.S. Commerce Department's announcement that it will temporarily extend ICANN's current Internet Assigned Numbers Authority contract for six months instead...

Microsoft Puts Finger on 1ms Touchscreen
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Puts Finger on 1ms Touchscreen

Microsoft researchers are studying how touchscreen users could have a better experience by improving a device's latency.  

Snowflake Growth Successfully Modeled from Physical Laws
From ACM News

Snowflake Growth Successfully Modeled from Physical Laws

Windswept from cloud to cloud until they flutter to Earth, snowflakes assume a seemingly endless variety of shapes.

Surprise! Astronomers Spot Life on Earth
From ACM News

Surprise! Astronomers Spot Life on Earth

No one knows when we'll spot life on another world, but everyone knows how it will happen.

From ACM News

U.s. Accelerating Cyberweapon Research

The Pentagon is accelerating efforts to develop a new generation of cyberweapons capable of disrupting enemy military networks even when those networks are not...

Rebecca Mackinnon Discusses Threats to Internet Freedom: Part 1
From ACM News

Rebecca Mackinnon Discusses Threats to Internet Freedom: Part 1

Rebecca MacKinnon shares insights about Internet freedom, including the roles and responsibilities of citizens, corporations, and governments.  

Bypassing the Password
From ACM TechNews

Bypassing the Password

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants to see an alternative to passwords and is supporting work that would confirm a computer user's identity...

Cryptography Pioneer: We Need Good Code
From ACM TechNews

Cryptography Pioneer: We Need Good Code

Whitfield Diffie, a pioneer of public-key cryptography, told the recent Black Hat Europe conference that a good plan to secure software is needed in the age of...

Software Automatically Transforms Movie Clips Into Comic Strips
From ACM TechNews

Software Automatically Transforms Movie Clips Into Comic Strips

Hefei University of Technology researchers have developed Movie2Comics, software that can automatically transform movie scenes into comic strips, without the need...

Brain Drain: Where Cobol Systems Go From Here
From ACM TechNews

Brain Drain: Where Cobol Systems Go From Here

A recent Computerworld survey of 357 IT professionals found that 46 percent of respondents are noticing a shortage of Cobol programmers, and 50 percent said the...

­sing Virtual Worlds to 'soft Control' People's Movements in the Real One
From ACM TechNews

­sing Virtual Worlds to 'soft Control' People's Movements in the Real One

Northwestern University researchers have found they can influence smartphone users' movements by creating mobile games with incentives designed to steer user behavior...

Poll Consensus on Million-Dollar Logic Problem
From ACM TechNews

Poll Consensus on Million-Dollar Logic Problem

University of Maryland, College Park computer scientist William Gasarch has re-run his poll on the biggest problem in computer science.

Ccc Launches Nitrd Symposium Website
From ACM TechNews

Ccc Launches Nitrd Symposium Website

The CCC recently announced the launch of a Web site that makes available a large corpus of materials from a symposium held Feb. 16 that covered 20 years of coordinated...
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