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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Where 4,000,000 Phones a Year Go to Be Resurrected
From ACM News

Where 4,000,000 Phones a Year Go to Be Resurrected

The first thing I noticed when I stepped into Recellular's Ann Arbor warehouse was the flags. From the rafters, the flags of the world oversee the processing of...

Hail to the Geeks
From ACM News

Hail to the Geeks

Basketball dominates the American sports landscape in March. So perhaps it’s fitting that the sixth annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, held last week...

Your Kinect Is Watching You
From ACM News

Your Kinect Is Watching You

There is a wave of concern—completely justified, to my mind—over the privacy implications of our increasing reliance on Facebook and Google. What most people don’t...

From ACM News

How a Web Link Can Take Control of Your Phone

A chilling demonstration to a small, packed room at the recent RSA security conference showed how clicking a single bad Web link while using a phone running Google's...

Eavesdropping Antennas Can Steal Your Smart Phone's Secrets
From ACM TechNews

Eavesdropping Antennas Can Steal Your Smart Phone's Secrets

Cryptography Research scientists have developed a method for a standard TV antenna, an amplifier, and specialized software to find the secret key being used by...

Pitt Research Team Says Communication Technologies Including Smartphones and Laptops Could Now Be 1,000 Times Faster
From ACM TechNews

Pitt Research Team Says Communication Technologies Including Smartphones and Laptops Could Now Be 1,000 Times Faster

University of Pittsburgh researchers have demonstrated a physical basis for terahertz bandwidth, which is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum between infrared...

DARPA Robot Sprints to Speed Record
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Robot Sprints to Speed Record

A video on DARPA's Web site shows a four-legged robot reaching a galloping speed of up to 18 miles per hour, which is a new land-speed record for legged robots,...

From ACM TechNews

Mobile Mayhem

University of Utah researchers are using the University of Tennessee's Cray XT5 Kraken supercomputer to simulate burning and detonation processes in transportable...

When Gaming Is Good For You
From ACM News

When Gaming Is Good For You

A growing body of university research suggests that gaming improves creativity, decision-making and perception.

Better Living Through Video Gaming
From ACM News

Better Living Through Video Gaming

From AI-designed games to realistic virtual worlds and social physics, gaming is changing our world view.

Jeff Jaffe Lights a Fire ­nder Web Standardization
From ACM Opinion

Jeff Jaffe Lights a Fire ­nder Web Standardization

 It's been an action-packed two years since Jeff Jaffe took over as the World Wide Web Consortium's chief executive, but more action is the order of the day at...

An App That Helps You Cozy ­p to Strangers
From ACM News

An App That Helps You Cozy ­p to Strangers

Paul Davison is in a hurry. Not just to board the plane that's about to take him to his father's retirement party in San Diego, or to get through the talking points...

The First Google Maps War
From ACM News

The First Google Maps War

Did Google Maps almost cause a war in 2010? On Nov. 3 of that year, Edén Pastora, the Nicaraguan official tasked with dredging the Rio San Juan, justified his country's...

Stanford Offers More Free Online Classes For the World
From ACM TechNews

Stanford Offers More Free Online Classes For the World

Stanford University is introducing five free online classes in March as the next step in a university initiative to use new technologies to improve education....

Stakeout: How the Fbi Tracked and Busted a Chicago Anon
From ACM News

Stakeout: How the Fbi Tracked and Busted a Chicago Anon

"Script kiddie." No hacker worth his salt wants to hear the term used to describe him.

Cloud Will Create 14 Million Jobs, Study Says
From ACM TechNews

Cloud Will Create 14 Million Jobs, Study Says

Cloud computing technologies will help create nearly 14 million technology-related jobs worldwide by 2015, resulting in $1.1 trillion in revenue annually, according...

What Geography Can Teach ­S About Basketball
From ACM News

What Geography Can Teach ­S About Basketball

The annual Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, created in 2006, has become something like Bonnaroo for sports nerds. And if there was a breakout star at this year's...

Microsoft Devises Faster, More Power-Efficient Mobile Browsing System
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Devises Faster, More Power-Efficient Mobile Browsing System

Microsoft is developing PocketWeb, a mobile browser system that offers faster search results and conserves battery life.  

AI Designs Its Own Video Game
From ACM News

AI Designs Its Own Video Game

It is never going to compete with the latest iteration of Call of Duty, but then Space Station Invaders is not your typical blockbuster video game. While modern...

Research in Programming Languages
From ACM TechNews

Research in Programming Languages

Crista Videira Lopes has had a difficult time determining whether academic research in programming languages is a worthwhile endeavor.  
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