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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google Programming Languages Failing to Gain Traction
From ACM TechNews

Google Programming Languages Failing to Gain Traction

Although Oracle, Microsoft, and Apple have all developed successful programming languages, Google has yet to produce a language that ranks prominently in the Tiobe...

From ACM News

Guiding Robot Planes with Hand Gestures

Aircraft-carrier crew use a set of standard hand gestures to guide planes on the carrier deck. But as robot planes are increasingly used for routine air missions...

Drones Over America: What Can They See?
From ACM News

Drones Over America: What Can They See?

Unmanned aircraft systems, or drones, have long played a role in military operations. But imagine thousands of drones flying over U.S. skies—something we may see...

Wireless Medical Monitors Transforming Patient Care
From ACM News

Wireless Medical Monitors Transforming Patient Care

It's hard to find a better example of how technology is revolutionizing patient care than the tiny edible sensor Proteus Biomedical of Redwood City plans to begin...

Google Gives Search a Refresh
From ACM News

Google Gives Search a Refresh

Google Inc. is giving its tried-and-true Web-search formula a makeover as it tries to fix the shortcomings of today's technology and maintain its dominant market...

Microsoft Meets Star Trek With Universal Translator
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Meets Star Trek With Universal Translator

A new system from Microsoft can automatically translate documents in one language to any other language. Translator Hub makes use of a translation engine that...

Ietf Explores New Working Group on Identity Management in the Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Ietf Explores New Working Group on Identity Management in the Cloud

The Internet Engineering Task Force is considering approving the Simple Cloud Identity Management scheme, which manages user identity in cloud-based applications...

Tech Industry Climbs Out of Silicon Valley, Moves Abroad
From ACM TechNews

Tech Industry Climbs Out of Silicon Valley, Moves Abroad

Washington, D.C., has replaced Silicon Valley as the locus for technology jobs as non-tech industries continue to add tech professionals, according to

U.s. Army to Soldiers: 'check-Ins' Can Kill
From ACM News

U.s. Army to Soldiers: 'check-Ins' Can Kill

While the U.S. Army knows its soldiers live in the modern world and carry location-aware, socially networked smartphones, it is reiterating the dangers of broadcasting...

Xbox at 10 in Europe: How the Console Shaped Gaming History
From ACM Opinion

Xbox at 10 in Europe: How the Console Shaped Gaming History

The games industry was a very different place 10 years ago. Still dominated by Japanese games and Japanese games machines, Microsoft's plans to launch its own dedicated...

Work on Causality Causes Judea Pearl to Win Prize
From ACM News

Work on Causality Causes Judea Pearl to Win Prize

Humans have always made inferences about causes and effects, sometimes based on scanty information. Many machines do now, too, and Judea Pearl is frequently cited...

New Interest in Hacking as Threat to Security
From ACM News

New Interest in Hacking as Threat to Security

During the five-month period between October and February, there were 86 reported attacks on computer systems in the United States that control critical infrastructure...

Scientists Tap the Genius of Babies and Youngsters to Make Computers Smarter
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Tap the Genius of Babies and Youngsters to Make Computers Smarter

University of California, Berkeley researchers are studying how babies, toddlers, and preschoolers learn in order to program computers to think more like humans...

Arm Wants to Put the Internet in Your ­mbrella
From ACM News

Arm Wants to Put the Internet in Your ­mbrella

Chip designer ARM wants to put the internet in your fridge. And it insists this cliche of tech prognostication is no longer just talk. Really.

Tracking Pedestrians Indoors Using Their Smart Phones
From ACM TechNews

Tracking Pedestrians Indoors Using Their Smart Phones

The embedded inertial sensors in many smartphones could be used to track the movement of smartphone users when indoors, even without global positioning systems.

Simulations and Mathematics Suggest That There Always Be a Facebook
From ACM TechNews

Simulations and Mathematics Suggest That There Always Be a Facebook

National Center for Nuclear Research scientists are conducting research that could lead to the development of a field of mathematics focused on the theory of minority...

Life on Mars? Funds to Find Answer Fade
From ACM News

Life on Mars? Funds to Find Answer Fade

Just as NASA is on the cusp of answering the most fascinating questions about Mars—is there, was there or could there be life there?—the money needed to provide...

From ACM News

Software Translates Your Voice Into Another Language

Researchers at Microsoft have made software that can learn the sound of your voice, and then use it to speak a language that you don't.

Saving Power, Saving Money
From ACM TechNews

Saving Power, Saving Money

Case Western Reserve University researchers have developed a technique they say saves power and money in computer processors by using less energy and producing...

Ub Team's Software Is Set to Eyeball Liars
From ACM TechNews

Ub Team's Software Is Set to Eyeball Liars

University of Buffalo researchers have developed video-analysis software that can analyze eye movements and determine when people are lying with significant accuracy...
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