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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Amassing a Small Army Against a Growing Enemy
From ACM TechNews

Amassing a Small Army Against a Growing Enemy

Boston University researchers have developed software aimed at identifying unwanted Internet traffic, which would enable network providers to stop botnets from...

Will You Tweet This?
From ACM News

Will You Tweet This?

New analysis could help predict how stories will be shared.

From ACM News

'Money Sucking' Phones in China Spur Government Action

The Chinese government is taking steps to stop mobile phone makers from installing malware on devices which triggers fee-based services without a user's knowledge...

How High-Frequency Trading Is Changing Wall Street
From ACM News

How High-Frequency Trading Is Changing Wall Street

On May 6, 2010, the Dow Jones industrial average dropped hundreds of points in a matter of minutes—and then recovered moments later.

Groundbreaking Edsac Computer to Be Recreated at Bletchley Park
From ACM News

Groundbreaking Edsac Computer to Be Recreated at Bletchley Park

The Computer Conservation Society has commissioned a working replica of the Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC),  the U.K.'s first fully operational...

IBM's Jeopardy Supercomputer Beats Humans in Practice Bout
From ACM News

IBM's Jeopardy Supercomputer Beats Humans in Practice Bout

Walking into IBM's Yorktown Heights Research Center feels like entering a time capsule. The rock-covered walls and mod white chairs are super-'70s, and the wall...

From ACM News

Wikipedia Is Turning 10, and Founder Jimmy Wales Has Big Plans

For a very long while, knowledge was privileged and so were books, and only privileged people had access to either. Then came printing presses and libraries,...

Learning While Driving
From ACM TechNews

Learning While Driving

Truck drivers will be able to receive occupational training tailored to their specific needs while on the road via devices such as a tablet computer or laptop using...

From ACM TechNews

Online Game Teaches Citation Skills

A new online game turns collecting citations into a competitive event for students. BiblioBouts enables students to judge the relevance and credibility of sources...

Senate to Try Again on Controversial Antipiracy Bill
From ACM TechNews

Senate to Try Again on Controversial Antipiracy Bill

The U.S. Senate judiciary committee will renew its effort to pass the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act this spring, which would give the government...

Dazzling Dual-Core Phones and Tablets
From ACM News

Dazzling Dual-Core Phones and Tablets

New processors are a big improvement, but it will take time for apps to take advantage.

Computer Simulations For Safer Planes
From ACM TechNews

Computer Simulations For Safer Planes

European researchers are exploring the use of computer simulation in the building of aircraft. Forty-four partners from 11 countries are measuring aircraft parts...

From ACM TechNews

Madrid Opts For Robotics For Its Citizens Services

The Autonomous Community of Madrid is sponsoring Robocity2030, a consortium aimed at developing new applications for service robots to help improve humans' quality...

From ACM News

DARPA Wants a New Language to Explain Everything

Darpa has a well-earned rep for some of the most ambitious, over-the-top research programs of all time. But this might be the most over-the-toppest of all. The...

From ACM TechNews

Intel Says Light Peak Interconnect Technology Is Ready

Intel's high-speed Light Peak interconnect technology, which links PCs to displays and external storage devices, is ready for implementation, says Intel's David...

Dirac Testbed Reveals How Applications Are Written
From ACM TechNews

Dirac Testbed Reveals How Applications Are Written

Graphics processing units (GPUs) are increasingly being used in high-performance computing, but there is a question of whether GPUs offer an effective solution...

Virtual Students Are Used to Train Teachers
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Students Are Used to Train Teachers

University researchers have developed teaching simulation programs aimed at helping student teachers be better prepared when they first enter a classroom. 

From ACM News

Nsa's Home Base May Have Crappiest Web Site Ever

Through the gates of Fort George Meade pass the most powerful technical minds that the government employs. But Fort Meade's website contains pixelized, faux-shaded...

Cockroach Inspires Robotic Hand to Get a Grip
From ACM TechNews

Cockroach Inspires Robotic Hand to Get a Grip

Harvard University researcher Robert D. Howe and Yale University professor Aaron Dollar have developed a robotic hand, based on the legs of a cockroach, that is...

From ACM TechNews

Now, You Can Control Computer Commands By Thought

OpenViBE, a software platform that will enable users to communicate via their thoughts with a computer or any other automated system, has been demonstrated by French...
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