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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Robot Teachers Are the Latest E-Learning Tool
From ACM TechNews

Robot Teachers Are the Latest E-Learning Tool

Korea Institute of Science and Technology researchers are building robots to provide English instruction to schoolchildren. The researchers say the goal is to...

From ACM TechNews

'Wireless' Humans Could Form Backbone of New Mobile Networks

Queen's University Belfast researchers have developed wearable sensors that could create new ultra-high bandwidth mobile Internet infrastructures and reduce the...

Study Finds Support For Presidential Net 'kill Switch'
From ACM TechNews

Study Finds Support For Presidential Net 'kill Switch'

Sixty-one percent of U.S. citizens believe the president should be authorized to control or even shut down portions of the Internet in the event key U.S. systems...

From ACM TechNews

Driverless Vans End 8,000-Mile Test Drive to China

The European Research Council's 8,000-mile robotic car test, which began in Italy on July 20, came to a conclusion as four unmanned electric vans successfully completed...

From Touchpad to Thought-Pad?
From ACM TechNews

From Touchpad to Thought-Pad?

 The U.S. National Institutes of Health recently completed a study using brain-computer interfaces showing that it is possible to manipulate complex visual images...

A New Search Engine, Where Less Is More
From ACM News

A New Search Engine, Where Less Is More

Start-ups and big companies alike have tried to take on Google by building a better search engine. That they have failed has not stopped brave new entrants.

From ACM News

'wireless' Humans Could Form Backbone of New Mobile Networks

Members of the public could form the backbone of powerful new mobile Internet networks by carrying wearable sensors, according to researchers from Queen's University...

From ACM News

Why Rare Earth Metals Matter to Tech

A diplomatic dispute between Japan and China led China in September to temporarily suspend shipments of rare earth elements to Japan, a move that caused a spike...

Software to Combat Hacking Technique Wins Award
From ACM News

Software to Combat Hacking Technique Wins Award

One of the serious threats to a user's computer is a software program that might cause unwanted keystroke sequences to occur in order to hack someone's identity...

Should We Be Worried About a Cyberwar?
From ACM News

Should We Be Worried About a Cyberwar?

Some experts say that the real danger lies in confusing cyber espionage with cyber war.

Dhs ­rged to Bolster Cyber Infrastructure Security
From ACM TechNews

Dhs ­rged to Bolster Cyber Infrastructure Security

A new U.S. Government Accountability Office report says the Department of Homeland Security is not doing enough to ensure that critical infrastructure such as power...

From ACM TechNews

One-Time Niche Programming Languages on the Rise

A number of increasingly popular niche programming languages—Python, Ruby, MatLab, JavaScript, R, Erlang, Cobol, and CUDA—offer features that cannot be found in...

Japanese Printer Syncs Pictures With Smells
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Printer Syncs Pictures With Smells

Keio University researchers will present an ink-jet printer that can print out a photo with the appropriate scent for the image at the upcoming ACM Multimedia 2010...

Get Ready For Verizon's 'dream Phone'
From ACM News

Get Ready For Verizon's 'dream Phone'

The soon-to-be-unveiled Verizon iPhone is the answer to many consumers' prayers. But a deal with Apple will test the company that Ivan Seidenberg has spent his...

From ACM News

Sensing a Parking Spot

In the first taste of a technology that could transform the way people park their cars in the city, Roosevelt Island is installing a system of sensors designed...

Where Good Ideas Come From
From ACM News

Where Good Ideas Come From

New search technologies can identify influential documents without relying on links.

Better Hands May Help Robots Grasp Meaning
From ACM News

Better Hands May Help Robots Grasp Meaning

Two recent studies show that roboticists are applying some fresh thinking to the building and operation of robot hands, and a third suggests why the work is so...

Robot, Object, Action!
From ICT Results

Robot, Object, Action!

Robotic demonstrators developed by European researchers produce compelling evidence that 'thinking-by-doing' is the machine cognition paradigm of the future. Robots...

Programming Crowds
From ACM News

Programming Crowds

With the Web, people worldwide can work on distributed tasks. But getting reliable results requires algorithms that specify workflow between people, not transistors...

From ACM TechNews

Helping New Medical Graduates to Prescribe Safely

Aston University researchers have developed a software-based program designed to ensure that new doctors prescribe medicine safely from their first day on the job...
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