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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Piracy Technology to Revolutionize Market Research in Cinema
From ACM TechNews

Piracy Technology to Revolutionize Market Research in Cinema

Researchers are developing piracy tracking technology for movie theatres. "We plan to build on the capabilities of current technology . . . to detect criminals...

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Develop 'Hi-Def' Copy Number Variation Decoder

CNVer, a computer algorithm developed by researchers at the University of Toronto, promises to simplify the discovery of the precise number of copies of genes in...

Catching ­p with Multitouch Pioneer Jeff Han
From ACM News

Catching ­p with Multitouch Pioneer Jeff Han

When it comes to the future of technology, Jeff Han literally has his finger on the pulse.

Will Netflix Destroy the Internet?
From ACM News

Will Netflix Destroy the Internet?

American broadband capacity might not be able to keep up with everyone who wants to stream movies.

Implanted Chip 'allows Blind People to Detect Objects'
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Implanted Chip 'allows Blind People to Detect Objects'

A man with an inherited form of blindness has been able to identify letters and a clock face using a pioneering implant, researchers say.

Apple Looks to a New Computing Era
From ACM News

Apple Looks to a New Computing Era

Remember the floppy disk? I'm willing to bet Steve Jobs does. I'm also willing to bet he remembers when he killed it.

From ACM News

Apple Experimenting With Data Transfer Technology For Iphone 5

Apple is reportedly experimenting with Near Field Communication for the upcoming iPhone 5, which would allow the device to be turned into an electronic wallet...

Ncsa Director: Gpu Is Future of Supercomputing
From ACM News

Ncsa Director: Gpu Is Future of Supercomputing

The director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications has seen the future of supercomputing and it can be summed up in three letters: GPU.

From ACM TechNews

Prizewinning Chatbot Steers the Conversation

A chatbot named Suzette recently won the Loebner prize, awarded for a version of the Turing Test, because the system successfully fooled a human judge into thinking...

Obama's Chief Scientist Pushes National Broadband Plan
From ACM TechNews

Obama's Chief Scientist Pushes National Broadband Plan

John Holdren, the White House's top science and technology adviser, says the FCC's national broadband plan would lead to an improvement in the productivity of science...

Bogus Grass-Roots Politics on Twitter
From ACM News

Bogus Grass-Roots Politics on Twitter

Data-mining techniques reveal fake Twitter accounts that give the impression of a vast political movement.

At Nasa, a Quiet Quest to Send a Humanoid Robot to the Moon
From ACM News

At Nasa, a Quiet Quest to Send a Humanoid Robot to the Moon

For $150 billion, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration could have sent astronauts back to the Moon. The Obama administration judged that too expensive...

From ACM News

Strengthening the Voice of ­ndergraduate Research

The Council on Undergraduate Research and the National Conferences on Undergraduate Research have joined forces to form a new organization to strengthen and promote...

From ACM News

Google's Android Software Dominates ­.s. Smartphone Market

Google's Android software continued its rocket-like ascent over the summer, ending the third quarter with the dominant market share in the United States among...

From ACM News

A Day Seen Through Google Searches

Google likes to think of itself as the world's information barometer, the most complete repository of human intent as measured by the Internet search query. Around...

From ACM News

More Than 100,000 Pay For British News Site

News Corp. said Tuesday that it had attracted 105,000 paying customers to the digital versions of The Times and The Sunday Times of London since it started charging...

Teaching Real-World Programming
From ACM News

Teaching Real-World Programming

In an innovative software-engineering class, students meet for regular "code reviews" with senior programmers from Boston-area companies.

Data-Scope Computer to Allow Data Analysis That's Impossible Today
From ACM News

Data-Scope Computer to Allow Data Analysis That's Impossible Today

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University's Institute for Data Intensive Engineering and Science are developing a computer system that will peform data analysis...

Ryerson Researchers Are Building Context-Aware Communications Interface
From ACM TechNews

Ryerson Researchers Are Building Context-Aware Communications Interface

Ryerson University researchers are developing a context-awareness communication system that provides mobile-device users with more control over how, when, and where...

From ACM TechNews

Someone's Watching You

FX Labs has developed myUnity, a communications application that can tell users if a coworker is busy at the desk, talking on the phone, or has left the building...
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