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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Wide Open Spaces
From Communications of the ACM

Wide Open Spaces

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission's decision to open frequencies in the broadcast spectrum could enable broadband networks in rural areas, permit smart...

Career Opportunities
From Communications of the ACM

Career Opportunities

What are the job prospects for today's—and tomorrow's—graduates?

Security in the Cloud
From Communications of the ACM

Security in the Cloud

Cloud computing offers many advantages, but also involves security risks. Fortunately, researchers are devising some ingenious solutions.

Turning Data Into Knowledge
From Communications of the ACM

Turning Data Into Knowledge

Today's data deluge is leading to new approaches to visualize, analyze, and catalog enormous datasets.

Get Ready For the Decade of Gamification
From ACM News

Get Ready For the Decade of Gamification

The popularity of video games and the explosion of social networking are intersecting to redefine how we will experience the Web over the next decade.

From ACM News

What Is Wikileaks?

Months after releasing some 90,000 secret records of U.S. military incident and intelligence reports about the war in Afghanistan, Wikileaks has posted online...

Robotic Gripper Runs on Coffee . . . and Balloons
From ACM News

Robotic Gripper Runs on Coffee . . . and Balloons

Opting for simplicity, researchers from Cornell University, University of Chicago and iRobot have bypassed traditional robotic designs based around the human hand...

Vietnam Jockeys to Become a High-Tech Player
From ACM News

Vietnam Jockeys to Become a High-Tech Player

Vietnam plans to develop fifteen information technology parks to support the country's developing information and communication technology industry through 2020...

From ACM News

Outsourcing No Longer 'dirty Word' as Tech Spending Rises

First-time customers seeking to simplify back-office operations or upgrade rickety computer systems are helping information technology services companies grow faster...

From ACM News

Air Force Manual Describes Shadowy Cyberwar World

A new Air Force manual for cyberwarfare describes a shadowy, fast-changing world where anonymous enemies can carry out devastating attacks in seconds and where...

Engineering, Computer-Science Pay More Than Liberal Arts
From ACM TechNews

Engineering, Computer-Science Pay More Than Liberal Arts

Computer science and engineering graduates generally have significantly higher starting salaries than liberal arts majors, according to a Wall Street Journal and...

From ACM TechNews

The Robot That Reads Your Mind to Train Itself

University of Washington researchers are developing brain-computer interface (BCI) technology by teaching robots new skills using only brain signals.  They are...

D.c. Hacking Raises Questions About Future of Online Voting
From ACM TechNews

D.c. Hacking Raises Questions About Future of Online Voting

Washington, D.C.'s failure to prevent a team of University of Michigan computer scientists from taking control of its online voting website has called into the...

A Web Pioneer Profiles ­sers By Name
From ACM News

A Web Pioneer Profiles ­sers By Name

In the weeks before the New Hampshire primary last month, Linda Twombly of Nashua says she was peppered with online ads for Republican Senate hopeful Jim Bender...

Building The Next Big Thing: 25 Years of Mit's Media Lab
From ACM News

Building The Next Big Thing: 25 Years of Mit's Media Lab

MIT’s Media Lab recently hosted a series of talks to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Anyone who has paid attention to technology news over that period has undoubtedly...

From ACM News

Psychologist Explores Motivations Behind 2007 Cyberattack on Estonia

Angry ethnic Russians throughout the world launched a cyberattack on Estonia in April 2007, crippling its cyber infrastructure for four days. Researchers analyzing...

From ACM News

With Kinect, Microsoft Aims for a Game Changer

Tim Nichols measures fun. A slim, 32-year-old psychologist, he spends his days behind a one-way mirror at Microsoft’s video games research center here, watching...

Research Publication Adds Qr Codes
From ACM News

Research Publication Adds Qr Codes

People with "smart phones" can now access videos and slide shows from University of Arkansas' Research Frontiers on the Web directly from the print magazine using...

Computer Scientist Discusses Google Project
From ACM News

Computer Scientist Discusses Google Project

Manas Tungare, a 2009 doctoral graduate of Virginia Tech's Department of Computer Science, was the first engineer to work on Google Instant during its earliest...

Feds Plot 'near Human' Robot Docs, Farmers, Troops
From ACM News

Feds Plot 'near Human' Robot Docs, Farmers, Troops

Robots are already vacuuming our carpets, heading into combat and assisting docs on medical procedures. Get ready for a next generation of "near human" bots that'll...
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