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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

German Radar Satellites Fly Tight Space Waltz
From ACM News

German Radar Satellites Fly Tight Space Waltz

It is a remarkable acrobatic display. Two German radar satellites are now flying in tight formation as they prepare to make the most detailed ever 3D map of the...

Robots, Solar Cars and Rockets at the White House Science Fair
From ACM News

Robots, Solar Cars and Rockets at the White House Science Fair

Students from across the United States descended on the White House on Monday (Oct. 18) with their award-winning science fair projects in tow.  President Obama...

Microsoft's Top Visionary To Leave as Ranks Shift
From ACM News

Microsoft's Top Visionary To Leave as Ranks Shift

Ray Ozzie, the executive who became Microsoft Corp.'s top technical visionary after the retirement of cofounder Bill Gates, plans to leave the software company...

The Business Of Burying Internet Search Results
From ACM News

The Business Of Burying Internet Search Results

Unseen battles are waged every day on the Internet to protect and destroy brands and reputations. The Internet can be a hostile place, with powerful companies paying...

Robot Limbs to Plug Into the Brain with Light
From ACM News

Robot Limbs to Plug Into the Brain with Light

Imagine a bionic arm that plugs directly into the nervous system, so that the brain can control its motion, and the owner can feel pressure and heat through their...

From ACM News


Benoît B. Mandelbrot, a maverick mathematician who developed an innovative theory of roughness and applied it to physics, biology, finance and many other fields...

The Second Coming of Tsubame
From ACM TechNews

The Second Coming of Tsubame

Tokyo Tech's TSUBAME 2.0 will officially be named the fastest Japanese supercomputer next month, with a raw performance of 2.4 petaflops that surpasses the total...

Faster Websites, More Reliable Data
From ACM TechNews

Faster Websites, More Reliable Data

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have developed TxCache, a database caching system that eliminates certain types of asymmetric data retrieval while...

From ACM TechNews

Parallel Java Programming System Launched By ­niversity

Researchers have launched a project to develop a Deterministic Parallel Java implementation, and say it would be the first implementation to guarantee deterministic...

Computational Power Against Noise
From ACM TechNews

Computational Power Against Noise

The Swiss Federal Office for the Environment is working with Empa's Acoustics and Noise Control Laboratory to develop a computer model to simulate noise levels...

From ACM TechNews

Internet Security Plan Under Review Would Alert Users to Hacker Takeover

An Australian program allowing Internet service providers to alert customers if their computers are commandeered by hackers and restrict online access if they do...

From ACM News

$5 Million Dod Grant Supports 'lab-on-a-Chip' to Monitor Brain-Injured Patients

The U.S. Department of Defense has awarded a $5 million grant to The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research and the University of Cincinnati to further develop...

Will Apple's Culture Hurt the Iphone?
From ACM News

Will Apple's Culture Hurt the Iphone?

If you want a smartphone powered by Google's Android software, you could get Motorola's Droid 2 or its cousin, the Droid X. Then there is the Droid Incredible...

From ACM News

How Google Tested Google Instant

In a world of data-obsessed number-crunching engineers, Google's John Boyd is the people person.

Campaign Builds to Construct Babbage Analytical Engine
From ACM News

Campaign Builds to Construct Babbage Analytical Engine

A U.K. campaign to build a truck-sized, prototype computer first envisaged in 1837 is gathering steam.

From ACM News

Nist Converts the Color of Single Photons Emitted By Quantum Dots

Researchers at NIST have demonstrated for the first time the conversion of single photons produced by a true quantum source to a near-visible wavelength, which...

Facebook in Privacy Breach
From ACM News

Facebook in Privacy Breach

Top-ranked applications transmit personal IDs, a Journal investigation finds.

From ACM News

Nist Releases 2009 Department of Commerce Technology Transfer Report

NIST has released the 2009 technology transfer report, an annual report summarizing the technology transfer activities and achievements of the U.S. Department of...

From ACM News

­.s. Companies Are at Risk of Spying By Their Own Workers

Huang Kexue, federal authorities say, is a new kind of spy. For five years, Mr. Huang was a scientist at a Dow Chemical lab in Indiana, studying ways to improve...

Robots 'think' With Their Hands
From ICT Results

Robots 'think' With Their Hands

Actions speak louder than words, particularly if you are a robot. At least that is the theory proposed by the PACO-PLUS project, which aims to develop a new approach...
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