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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Babies Treat 'social Robots' as Sentient Beings
From ACM News

Babies Treat 'social Robots' as Sentient Beings

University of Washington researchers report that babies who watched a robot interact socially with people were more willing to learn from the robot than babies...

Construction ­nderway on Binghamton ­niversity's Center of Excellence Facility
From ACM News

Construction ­nderway on Binghamton ­niversity's Center of Excellence Facility

SUNY Binghamton has launched construction of its New York State Center of Excellence in Small Scale Systems Integration and Packaging building. The facility will...

Call to Define Rules of Cyber War
From ACM News

Call to Define Rules of Cyber War

Nations need to define the rules of engagement for acts of cyber terror.

From ACM News

Air Force Office of Scientific Research Funds Computer ­sability Laboratory

Hamilton College computer science professor Stuart Hirshfield has received a $458,900 grant from the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research to establish the...

From ACM News

China's Fastest Supercomputer ­nveiled

It will not be long before China's "Tianhe-1" supercomputer is to be equipped with Chinese-made central processing unit chips, replacing the only part of the computer...

From ACM News

Improving Phones Through Surveillance

Apps that track how people use their phones could help make the devices more efficient.

Robot Arm Punches Human to Obey Asimov's Rules
From ACM News

Robot Arm Punches Human to Obey Asimov's Rules

Isaac Asimov would probably have been horrified at the experiments under way in a robotics lab in Slovenia. There, a powerful robot has been hitting people over...

Eerie Female Robot Learns to 'sing' By Copying Human Singer
From ACM News

Eerie Female Robot Learns to 'sing' By Copying Human Singer

The life-sized humanoid robot known as HRP-4 has been taught to sing using synthesized voice technology. The robot is also able to mimic the expressions of a human...

How Energy-Efficient Is Cloud Computing?
From ACM TechNews

How Energy-Efficient Is Cloud Computing?

University of Melbourne researchers have found that cloud computing is not always the most energy-efficient option.T he team found that transporting data between...

From ACM TechNews

China's Leap in Supercomputer Rankings

When a list of the world's 500 fastest supercomputers is released on Nov. 15, some industry experts believe that China will be ranked first. "There's a great belief...

Research Project Aims to Simplify Large-Scale Network Control
From ACM TechNews

Research Project Aims to Simplify Large-Scale Network Control

Researchers at Google, Nicira Networks, and NEC presented a research project designed to simplify the control and management of large-scale network implementations...

From ACM TechNews

W3C: Hold Off on Deploying HTML5 in Websites

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) says that HTML5 is still not ready for deployment to websites. "It's a little too early to deploy it because we're running...

New Advances in ICT Research for Autonomy and Social Inclusion
From ACM TechNews

New Advances in ICT Research for Autonomy and Social Inclusion

The Barcelona Digital Technology Center has developed a human computer interface made with brain-computer interface sensors designed to help improve the quality...

From ACM TechNews

$12.5 Million Grant to Increase Computer Science Instruction in ­rban Schools

The U.S. National Science Foundation has awarded a $12.5 million grant to the University of California, Los Angeles to fund MOBILIZE, a new project designed to...

Hey Robots, Census Wants to Know All About You
From ACM News

Hey Robots, Census Wants to Know All About You

The Carnegie Mellon Robot Census 2010 has so far tallied 547 robots on the CMU campus.

From ACM News

Google to Map Inflation Using Web Data

Google is using its vast database of web shopping data to construct the "Google Price Index"—a daily measure of inflation that could one day provide an alternative...

Robotic Aircraft & Ground Vehicle to Collaborate at Robotics Rodeo
From ACM News

Robotic Aircraft & Ground Vehicle to Collaborate at Robotics Rodeo

Researchers at the Georgia Tech Research Institute are poised to show the U.S. Army an advanced approach to enabling autonomous collaboration among dissimilar robotic...

Cars and Wind: What's Next For Google as It Pushes Beyond the Web?
From ACM News

Cars and Wind: What's Next For Google as It Pushes Beyond the Web?

Google, a vanguard of the Internet, has placed its bets on the high-tech transformation of non-tech industries—cars and wind energy.

Intel Tries Anonymity, For a Change
From ACM News

Intel Tries Anonymity, For a Change

An average laptop contains about 1,800 components, but only one garners much brand awareness from typical consumers: the chip made by Intel.

Study Shows Why It's Hard to Crash the Electric Grid
From ACM News

Study Shows Why It's Hard to Crash the Electric Grid

A recent study accounting for the two most important laws of physics governing the flow of electricity shows why terrorists would have a hard time bringing down...
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