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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Innovation Mandate: Has America Lost Its Innovation Edge?

There are worries that U.S. high-tech global competitiveness is eroding because, among other things, intellectual property devised by U.S. companies is leaking...

Aircraft Software Puts Greener, Quieter Flights on the Horizon
From ACM TechNews

Aircraft Software Puts Greener, Quieter Flights on the Horizon

University of Manchester researcher Antonio Filippone has developed software that accurately predicts the amount of carbon dioxide emissions airlines release into...

From ACM TechNews

Multifunctional Smart Sensors and High-Power Devices on a Computer Chip

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a process for integrating gallium nitride (GaN) on silicon to create a hybrid computer chip. This...

Blind Inventors Revolutionize Computer Access
From ACM TechNews

Blind Inventors Revolutionize Computer Access

A visually impaired team at Queensland University of Technology has developed NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA), an open source screen reader program. NVDA has a...

Keeping a Watch on the World
From ACM TechNews

Keeping a Watch on the World

Led by University of Nottingham researchers, the Earth Observation Technology Cluster will monitor the Earth's landscape and the elemental forces that mold it by...

From ACM News

Linkedin Mines Twitter Streams

The LinkedIn social network has launched in limited beta a service that lets users glean relevant information from the massive volume of Twitter streams. Called...

Computer Model Helps Pakistan's Flood Disaster Efforts
From ACM News

Computer Model Helps Pakistan's Flood Disaster Efforts

New computer model software is being used to simulate Pakistan's flooding, estimate the drawdown of the floodwaters, and predict how long it will take the waters...

From ACM News

Body Organs Can Send Status ­pdates to Your Cellphone

For cardiac patients such as myself, too much excitement can be a shocking experience. If my heart rate gets too high the implanted defibrillator in my chest can...

From ACM News

Ornl Has Key Role in Doe Cybersecurity For Energy Effort

With the transition to a smart grid comes new opportunities for hackers, but researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory are working...

From ACM News

Ban Naughty Countries From the Net: Former Intelligence Chief

Countries in Eastern Europe and Africa that harbor cyber criminals should be locked out of the global Internet until their governments do something to reduce...

Sick PCs Should Be Banned From the Net Says Microsoft
From ACM TechNews

Sick PCs Should Be Banned From the Net Says Microsoft

Microsoft researcher Scott Charney recently presented an Internet security proposal that requires users to present a "health certificate" to prove that their PCs...

Llnl Expertise Supports Establishment of Energy Efficiency Hub in Philadelphia
From ACM TechNews

Llnl Expertise Supports Establishment of Energy Efficiency Hub in Philadelphia

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is collaborating with Pennsylvania State University and several other public and private partners to launch the Greater Philadelphia...

Android Invasion
From ACM News

Android Invasion

How a tiny piece of software created by a few Google engineers is ushering in the mobile revolution and reshaping the fortunes of the world's biggest tech companies...

From ACM News

Dedication at Stanford Engineering Building Good For a Few Laughs

A nerd walks into an engineering building dedication...

From ACM News

You Too Can Have a Dream Body

If you dislike the way you look on video, a new kind of image-manipulation software could make you feel better about yourself.

From ACM News

Now Your App Knows Where You Are

Geolocation analytics could help companies to improve their apps—and make more money from them.

Common Misconceptions About Software Engineering
From ACM News

Common Misconceptions About Software Engineering

Many undergraduates have misconceptions about software engineering that lead to an "impoverished" view of industry that and hinder their transition to the workplace...

From ACM News

Georgia Tech Releases Cyber Threats Forecast for 2011

The Georgia Tech Information Security Center (GTISC) has released the GTISC Emerging Cyber Threats Report for 2011, outlining the top three areas of security risk...

From ACM News

China Poised to Lead World in Patent Filings

Having passed Germany (exports), Japan (gross domestic product) and the United States (auto sales) over the past year, China is now poised to lead the world in...

From ACM TechNews

Mit Researchers Tout Network Intrusion Recovery System

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers are developing RETRO, a system designed to make it easier for organizations to recover from security breaches. ...
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