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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Artificial (Emotional) Intelligence
From Communications of the ACM

Artificial (Emotional) Intelligence

Enabled by advances in computing power and neural networks, machines are getting better at recognizing and dealing with human emotions.

Machine Learning Drives NSynth Super's New Sounds of Music
From ACM TechNews

Machine Learning Drives NSynth Super's New Sounds of Music

Google's Project Magenta researchers have developed a machine to serve as an instrument that acts as a physical interface for the NSynth algorithm, which uses a...

For Blind Gamers, Equal Access to Racing Video Games
From ACM TechNews

For Blind Gamers, Equal Access to Racing Video Games

A Columbia University student has created a new system to help the visually impaired play racing video games.

AI Cheats at Old Atari Games by Finding ­nknown Bugs in the Code
From ACM TechNews

AI Cheats at Old Atari Games by Finding ­nknown Bugs in the Code

A new algorithm plays Atari games and advances within them either by baiting an enemy to kill itself, or by exploiting bugs that allow the algorithm to cheat.

Has Dopamine Got ­s Hooked on Tech?
From ACM News

Has Dopamine Got ­s Hooked on Tech?

In an unprecedented attack of candour, Sean Parker, the 38-year-old founding president of Facebook, recently admitted that the social network was founded not to...

In Pursuit of Virtual Life
From Communications of the ACM

In Pursuit of Virtual Life

Scientists are simulating biological organisms and replicating evolution in the lab. How far can they expand the boundaries of virtual life?

Fake News 'Vaccine': Online Game May 'Inoculate' by Simulating Propaganda Tactics
From ACM TechNews

Fake News 'Vaccine': Online Game May 'Inoculate' by Simulating Propaganda Tactics

A new online game is designed to provide "general immunity" against fake news and propaganda.

How Pixar's Cartoon Cheese Led to a Smarter View of Science
From ACM Careers

How Pixar's Cartoon Cheese Led to a Smarter View of Science

Ten years ago, a chunk of animated cheese in Pixar's "Ratatouille" captured the imagination of cell biologist Janet Iwasa. So much so that it changed the way she...

Drone Light Shows Look Cool, but How Do They Work?
From ACM TechNews

Drone Light Shows Look Cool, but How Do They Work?

Scientists are exploring multi-robot systems technology.

Going Serverless
From Communications of the ACM

Going Serverless

Serverless computing lets businesses and application developers focus on the program they need to run, without worrying about the machine on which it runs, or the...

Trash Talk From an AI Could Help Humans Cooperate Better
From ACM TechNews

Trash Talk From an AI Could Help Humans Cooperate Better

Researchers have developed an algorithm to help artificial intelligence and humans learn to cooperate.

'earworm Melodies With Strange Aspects'--What Happens When AI Makes Music
From ACM TechNews

'earworm Melodies With Strange Aspects'--What Happens When AI Makes Music

The FlowMachines project has produced the first entire studio album co-created by artists and artificial intelligence.

No Evidence to Support Link Between Violent Video Games and Behavior
From ACM TechNews

No Evidence to Support Link Between Violent Video Games and Behavior

The results of experiments involving more than 3,000 participants demonstrates that increasing the realism of violent video games does not necessarily boost aggression...

Can You Save the World with Origami?
From ACM TechNews

Can You Save the World with Origami?

Teams of students demonstrated a broad range of original video games at the University of Southern California GamePipe Laboratory Fall 2017 Showcase.

Artificial Intelligence Is Killing the Uncanny Valley and Our Grasp on Reality
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Is Killing the Uncanny Valley and Our Grasp on Reality

As deep-learning artificial intelligence technologies advance, the "Uncanny Valley"--the unease people feel toward realistic computer-generated humans--is beginning...

How the Loss of Net Neutrality Could Change the Internet
From ACM News

How the Loss of Net Neutrality Could Change the Internet

The repeal of net neutrality ushers in a new chapter of the internet that could eventually transform the way Americans communicate, shop and consume information...

Virtual Reality Makes Journalism Immersive, Realism Makes It Credible
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Reality Makes Journalism Immersive, Realism Makes It Credible

Researchers at Pennsylania State University have found virtual reality can help journalists pull readers into their stories, but flashier design elements of VR...

Virtual Reality ­sers Must Learn to ­se What They See
From ACM TechNews

Virtual Reality ­sers Must Learn to ­se What They See

A new study has found virtual reality users need training to effectively perceive and use virtual imagery.

Will Tech Firms Challenge China's 'open' Internet?
From ACM News

Will Tech Firms Challenge China's 'open' Internet?

Sometimes you can gauge how proud someone is about being at an event by the extent to which they want to talk about it.

Google Missed Out on China. Can It Flourish in India?
From ACM News

Google Missed Out on China. Can It Flourish in India?

Every month, about four million more Indians get online. They include people like Manju, a 35-year-old seamstress in this city of ancient palaces, who got her first...
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