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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Using Functions for Easier Programming
From Communications of the ACM

Using Functions for Easier Programming

Functional programming languages automate many of the details underlying specific operations.

Chips Down: China Aims to Boost Semiconductors as Trade War Looms
From ACM Careers

Chips Down: China Aims to Boost Semiconductors as Trade War Looms

Now, as a trade war with the United States looms, a government decision to accelerate the development of the domestic chip industry underlines how far those goals...

Researchers Design ‘Soft’ Robots that Can Move on Their Own
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Design ‘Soft’ Robots that Can Move on Their Own

A team of researchers has developed a new class of soft robot that can adapt to the environment.

The Hunt for Explainable AI
From ACM News

The Hunt for Explainable AI

Looking for artificial intelligence that can share the basis for its decisions.

Intelligent Components for the Power Grid of the Future
From ACM TechNews

Intelligent Components for the Power Grid of the Future

A smart transformer prototype that automatically regulates the current flow in semiconductors made of silicon carbide could be used for better integration of electric...

Sony, Carnegie Mellon Form Partnership to Research Cooking Robots
From ACM TechNews

Sony, Carnegie Mellon Form Partnership to Research Cooking Robots

Researchers are studying how artificial intelligence and robotics can be used to improve food preparation, cooking, and delivery.

Made in China 2025: Beijing's Big Ambitions from Robots to Chips
From ACM Careers

Made in China 2025: Beijing's Big Ambitions from Robots to Chips

China is looking to catch up with rivals like the United States and Germany in high-end technology, making a major push with a "Made in China 2025" strategy that...

Oral History: Russell Impagliazzo in Conversation with Dick Karp
From ACM News

Oral History: Russell Impagliazzo in Conversation with Dick Karp

In honor of Dick Karp's five years of service as Founding Director of the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing.

Chip Developed by Brazilian Researchers Will Be Linchpin of LHC ­pgrade
From ACM TechNews

Chip Developed by Brazilian Researchers Will Be Linchpin of LHC ­pgrade

Researchers in Brazil have designed a chip to upgrade the detection system in the Large Hadron Collider's A Large Ion Collider Experiment (ALICE).

FlyJacket Lets You Control a Drone With Your Body
From ACM TechNews

FlyJacket Lets You Control a Drone With Your Body

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne has developed an intuitive, wearable drone control system.

Robot Conquers One of the Hardest Human Tasks: Assembling Ikea Furniture
From ACM TechNews

Robot Conquers One of the Hardest Human Tasks: Assembling Ikea Furniture

Researchers have programmed a robot to assemble an Ikea chair.

How to Blow Up a Star
From ACM News

How to Blow Up a Star

After spending three months trying to blow up a star, Hans-Thomas Janka and his team finally saw what they had been waiting for.

Moscow State ­niversity Team Wins World Finals of ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest
From ACM News

Moscow State ­niversity Team Wins World Finals of ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest

University teams from Beijing and Tokyo also were recognized with gold medals.

Machine Learning's 'Amazing' Ability to Predict Chaos
From ACM News

Machine Learning's 'Amazing' Ability to Predict Chaos

Half a century ago, the pioneers of chaos theory discovered that the "butterfly effect" makes long-term prediction impossible.

Weird Quantum Physics Is Key to Keeping Your Credit Card Safe
From ACM TechNews

Weird Quantum Physics Is Key to Keeping Your Credit Card Safe

Researchers used quantum mechanics to develop a new method for generating random numbers to help shield sensitive information from eavesdropping.

Google Offers New Way to Discover Books, Fun Way to Play With Words
From ACM TechNews

Google Offers New Way to Discover Books, Fun Way to Play With Words

Google recently launched a website to demonstrate the company's progress in semantic search.

Invertebrates Inspire First Fully 3D Printed Active Materials for Robots
From ACM TechNews

Invertebrates Inspire First Fully 3D Printed Active Materials for Robots

Researchers say they have developed the first fully three-dimensionally-printed dielectric elastomer actuators to perform high bending motion.

How 'Ninja Polymers' Are Fighting Killer Superbugs
From ACM News

How 'Ninja Polymers' Are Fighting Killer Superbugs

In Ridley Scott's seminal blockbuster Blade Runner, humanity has harnessed bio-engineering to create a race of replicants that look, act and sound human—but are...

AN­ Helping Build Cheaper, Greener Electricity Networks
From ACM TechNews

AN­ Helping Build Cheaper, Greener Electricity Networks

New smart electricity technology recently passed a major test in Australia by proving it can help manage renewable energy and battery storage for households and...

Machine Learning’s ‘Amazing’ Ability to Predict Chaos
From ACM News

Machine Learning’s ‘Amazing’ Ability to Predict Chaos

In new computer experiments, artificial-intelligence algorithms can tell the future of chaotic systems.
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