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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Estrin Awarded McArthur 'Genius Grant'
From ACM News

Estrin Awarded McArthur 'Genius Grant'

Estrin was cited for "designing open-source platforms that leverage mobile devices and data to address socio-technological challenges such as personal health management...

Pushing the Boundaries of Learning With AI
From ACM TechNews

Pushing the Boundaries of Learning With AI

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and IBM are collaborating on a project to teach students Mandarin in virtual environments.

AS­ Team Wins AI Commentator Track of the KAIST World Cup 2018
From ACM TechNews

AS­ Team Wins AI Commentator Track of the KAIST World Cup 2018

Arizona State University's team won the artificial intelligence commentator track of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology AI World Cup 2018 competition...

This Robot Crawls Over Your Body and Scans Your Skin With a Microscope
From ACM TechNews

This Robot Crawls Over Your Body and Scans Your Skin With a Microscope

A palm-sized bipedal robot can carry out a medical inspection of a patient when a doctor is unavailable.

Assessing the Impact of Cryptography on Internet Privacy
From ACM News

Assessing the Impact of Cryptography on Internet Privacy

Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman on the relationship between cryptography and Internet privacy, and the impact the Turing Award has had on their lives, at the...

VR Can Improve Performance During Exercise
From ACM TechNews

VR Can Improve Performance During Exercise

Researchers have found using virtual reality headsets while exercising reduced perception of pain and effort, while extending activity.

In Memoriam: Gerald L. Engel 1942-2018
From ACM News

In Memoriam: Gerald L. Engel 1942-2018

The First 'Social Network' of Brains Lets Three People Transmit Thoughts to Each Other's Heads
From ACM TechNews

The First 'Social Network' of Brains Lets Three People Transmit Thoughts to Each Other's Heads

University of Washington in Seattle researchers have developed a brain-to-brain network that transmits thoughts among members of a group.

Supercomputing for Better Commuting: In Pursuit of Fuel Economy, Mobility
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing for Better Commuting: In Pursuit of Fuel Economy, Mobility

Researchers are working to demonstrate how traffic lights can be programmed to improve automotive fuel economy and reduce emissions, while facilitating the flow...

State-Level Policy for Computer Science Education Continues to Grow
From ACM TechNews

State-Level Policy for Computer Science Education Continues to Grow

A report by found many U.S. states are aggressively implementing policies in support of computer science education across K-12 curriculums.

Feds Force Suspect To ­nlock An Apple iPhone X With Their Face
From ACM News

Feds Force Suspect To ­nlock An Apple iPhone X With Their Face

It finally happened. The feds forced an Apple iPhone X owner to unlock their device with their face.

Introducing the Lettuce Peeling Robot
From ACM TechNews

Introducing the Lettuce Peeling Robot

A robotic lettuce leaf peeling system is seen as a possible breakthrough in improving agricultural efficiency.

Reducing False Positives in Credit Card Fraud Detection
From ACM TechNews

Reducing False Positives in Credit Card Fraud Detection

A new machine learning technique can drastically reduce false positives in fraud-detecting technology that incorrectly flag credit card sales as suspicious.

Score One for Privacy
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Score One for Privacy

Researching ways to block facial recognition software.

AI Created More Than 100,000 Pieces of Music After Analyzing Irish and English Folk Tunes
From ACM TechNews

AI Created More Than 100,000 Pieces of Music After Analyzing Irish and English Folk Tunes

A machine learning artificial intelligence generated more than 100,000 folk tunes after analyzing Irish and English music.

Microsoft Brings Robot Operating System to Windows 10
From ACM News

Microsoft Brings Robot Operating System to Windows 10

Microsoft has debuted an official (but experimental) of Robot Operating System for Windows 10.

Request for Information on ­pdate to the 2016 National AI R&D Strategic Plan
From ACM News

Request for Information on ­pdate to the 2016 National AI R&D Strategic Plan

Notice of Request for Information.

Seeking Ways to Reduce Traffic Jams, USC Engineers Turn to AI
From ACM TechNews

Seeking Ways to Reduce Traffic Jams, USC Engineers Turn to AI

Researchers are adding a new type of artificial intelligence to speed-forecasting technology in an effort to reduce the amount of congestion on America's roads....

Researchers Create Smartphone System to Test for Lead in Water
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Create Smartphone System to Test for Lead in Water

University of Houston researchers have developed a smartphone-based system that can detect dangerous levels of lead in tap water.

Study Reveals Patterns in STEM Grades of Girls Versus Boys
From ACM TechNews

Study Reveals Patterns in STEM Grades of Girls Versus Boys

A study of trends in the grades of 1.6 million students found girls and boys perform very similarly in science, technology, engineering, and math classes.
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