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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Car Windshield Is Turning Into a Computer Screen
From ACM News

The Car Windshield Is Turning Into a Computer Screen

Cars are running out of screens.

Hands-On With Microsoft's ­nbelievable New Holographic Goggles
From ACM Opinion

Hands-On With Microsoft's ­nbelievable New Holographic Goggles

It's the end of October, when the days have already grown short in Redmond, Washington, and gray sheets of rain are just beginning to let up.

Revealed at Last: Magic Leap’s Vision For Augmented Reality, in 32 Patent Illustrations
From ACM Careers

Revealed at Last: Magic Leap’s Vision For Augmented Reality, in 32 Patent Illustrations

A new patent application titled Planar Waveguide Apparatus with Diffraction Element(s) and System Employing Same sounds like a scientific snoozefest, but just also...

High-Tech Warriors: A Glimpse Into the Stadium of the Future
From ACM News

High-Tech Warriors: A Glimpse Into the Stadium of the Future

Floor tiles that generate electricity when people walk on them. Streetlamps that transmit data to people passing beneath them.

Here's What Helped Sony's Hackers Break In: Zero-Day Vulnerability
From ACM News

Here's What Helped Sony's Hackers Break In: Zero-Day Vulnerability

The hackers behind the devastating attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment late last year exploited a previously undisclosed vulnerability in its computer systems...

The Voice-Activated Video Game
From ACM Opinion

The Voice-Activated Video Game

When he was in grad school, the roboticist Daniel Wilson installed 150 binary sensors in his house.

Catching ­p with Stern Pinball on Its New Spike System and Wrestlemania Limited Edition
From ACM Careers

Catching ­p with Stern Pinball on Its New Spike System and Wrestlemania Limited Edition

When we were in Las Vegas last week, we unexpectedly ran into some representatives from Stern Pinball, who said the company would be announcing a brand new game...

What You 'like' on Facebook Gives Away Your Personality
From ACM News

What You 'like' on Facebook Gives Away Your Personality

Be careful what you "like" on Facebook. You're opening a small window on your soul.

Robotic Camera Mimics Human Operators to Anticipate Basketball Game Action
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Camera Mimics Human Operators to Anticipate Basketball Game Action

A new method developed by Disney Research scientists should enable automated cameras to produce video imagery that is smooth and aesthetically pleasing. 

This Computer Knows When to Hold 'em, Knows When to Fold 'em
From ACM News

This Computer Knows When to Hold 'em, Knows When to Fold 'em

Card sharks, beware. A new program cannot be beaten at a variety of poker called heads-up limit Texas Hold 'em—at least in a human lifetime—a team of computer scientists...

Robots Do Kitchen Duty With Cooking Video Dataset
From ACM TechNews

Robots Do Kitchen Duty With Cooking Video Dataset

Researchers have built a self-learning robot that was able to improve its cooking skills by watching YouTube videos. 

A Visit to the Corporate-Industrial Robotics Competition For Teenagers
From ACM Careers

A Visit to the Corporate-Industrial Robotics Competition For Teenagers

Sometimes I think of school as an overlapping set of calendars.

'the Imitation Game' Gives Girls a Computer Scientist Role Model
From ACM TechNews

'the Imitation Game' Gives Girls a Computer Scientist Role Model

Actress Keira Knightley is providing young women with a role model that could help change the face of computer science and related fields.

Our Brains Are Being 'continuously Reshaped' By Smartphone ­se
From ACM News

Our Brains Are Being 'continuously Reshaped' By Smartphone ­se

Extensive use of smartphone touchscreens is changing the sensory relationship between our brains and our thumbs, a study published in Current Biology has revealed...

This Year's 8 Smartest ­i Design Ideas
From ACM News

This Year's 8 Smartest ­i Design Ideas

When your family gathered for the holidays this year, did you take note of the technology everyone was using?

A Q&a With the Hackers Who Say They Helped Break Into Sony's Network
From ACM Opinion

A Q&a With the Hackers Who Say They Helped Break Into Sony's Network

Lizard Squad. That's the hacker group whose name is suddenly on everyone's lips after it took credit for ruining Christmas for PlayStation and Xbox gamers everywhere...

Google Boosts ACM's Turing Award Prize to $1 Million
From Communications of the ACM

Google Boosts ACM's Turing Award Prize to $1 Million

The increase reflects the escalating impact of computing on daily life, through the innovations and technologies it enables.

Data Brokers Are Watching You
From Communications of the ACM

Data Brokers Are Watching You

You would be surprised by how much they know about you, and what they are doing with your information.

Smart Transportation Networks Drive Gains
From Communications of the ACM

Smart Transportation Networks Drive Gains

Transportation engineers and city planners are looking to information technology to redefine traffic management in urban areas. With the opportunity, however, comes...

Sony Made It Easy, but Any of ­S Could Get Hacked
From ACM Opinion

Sony Made It Easy, but Any of ­S Could Get Hacked

Earlier this month, a mysterious group that calls itself Guardians of Peace hacked into Sony Pictures Entertainment’s computer systems and began revealing many...
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