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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Gigapixel Cameras Create Highly Revealing Snapshots
From ACM TechNews

Gigapixel Cameras Create Highly Revealing Snapshots

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has been developing a camera that can take gigapixel images with one snapshot. Columbia University researchers...

Virtual Reality Maps
From ACM News

Virtual Reality Maps

Images from public photo-sharing sites like Flickr and Google are being used by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington...

Perfecting Animation, via Science
From ACM News

Perfecting Animation, via Science

Eitan Grinspun, the director of Columbia University’s Computer Graphics Group, doesn't quite qualify as hairdresser to the stars.

Android Programming's ­ps and Downs
From ACM Opinion

Android Programming's ­ps and Downs

As smartphones using Google's Android operating system become mainstream, James Steele and Nelson To are in a pretty good position.

Ibm Expects Holographic Phone Calls, Air-Powered Batteries By 2015
From ACM News

Ibm Expects Holographic Phone Calls, Air-Powered Batteries By 2015

By 2015, your mobile phone will project a 3D image of anyone who calls and your laptop will be powered by kinetic energy. At least that’s what International Business...

Photo Project Aims to Preserve Time in 3D
From ACM TechNews

Photo Project Aims to Preserve Time in 3D

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology researchers have developed a method to preserve the world's treasures in three-dimensional life-like models using...

India's Elephantine Effort
From Communications of the ACM

India's Elephantine Effort

An ambitious biometric ID project in the world's second most populous nation aims to relieve poverty, but faces many hurdles.

The Touchy Subject of Haptics
From Communications of the ACM

The Touchy Subject of Haptics

After more than 20 years of research and development, are haptic interfaces finally getting ready to enter the computing mainstream?

Nonlinear Systems Made Easy
From Communications of the ACM

Nonlinear Systems Made Easy

Pablo Parrilo has discovered a new approach to convex optimization that creates order out of chaos in complex nonlinear systems.

Video Games Boost Brain Power, Multitasking Skills
From ACM News

Video Games Boost Brain Power, Multitasking Skills

Parents, the next time you fret that your child is wasting too much time playing video games, consider new research suggesting that video gaming may have real...

Connecting Kinects For Group Surveillance
From ACM News

Connecting Kinects For Group Surveillance

A doctoral student at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne has patented a new algorithm that leverages multiple Microsoft Kinect interface devices to track...

At Siggraph Asia, the Sky Is the Limit
From ACM TechNews

At Siggraph Asia, the Sky Is the Limit

A focal point of SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 is the Computer Animation Festival, which features the best in computer animation and visual effects. The festival screens...

From ACM News

I.b.m. Supercomputer 'watson' to Challenge 'jeopardy' Stars

An I.B.M. supercomputer system named after the company’s founder, Thomas J. Watson Sr., is almost ready for a televised test: a bout of questioning on the quiz...

Avant-Garde Music Offers A Gateway to Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

Avant-Garde Music Offers A Gateway to Artificial Intelligence

Stretching their boundaries, artificial intelligence researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have teamed up with musicians on an unlikely project: a digital...

From ACM News

Japan Promises High-Tech 2022 World Cup

Japan promises to dazzle fans with technology if it hosts the 2022 World Cup, allowing them to experience matches as though they are in the actual stadium, even...

A Matter of Privacy
From Communications of the ACM

A Matter of Privacy

Do consumers have enough control over their personal information or is more government regulation needed?

The New Face of War
From Communications of the ACM

The New Face of War

With the introduction of the sophisticated Stuxnet worm, the stakes of cyberwarfare have increased immeasurably.

CSEdWeek Expands Its Reach
From Communications of the ACM

CSEdWeek Expands Its Reach

The second Computer Science Education Week is showing students, parents, and educators why computer science is important.

Topic Models vs. Unstructured Data
From Communications of the ACM

Topic Models vs. Unstructured Data

With topic modeling, scientists can explore and understand huge collections of unlabeled information.

The Eyes Have It
From Communications of the ACM

The Eyes Have It

Eye-tracking control for mobile phones might lead to a new era of context-aware user interfaces.
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