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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Intel Researchers Design Smartphone-Powered Robot That Costs $50 to Assemble
From ACM TechNews

Intel Researchers Design Smartphone-Powered Robot That Costs $50 to Assemble

Intel researchers have created a wheeled robot powered by a smartphone that costs just $50 to assemble.

Robot Trucks Seek Inroads Into Freight Business
From ACM TechNews

Robot Trucks Seek Inroads Into Freight Business

Startups are developing prototype autonomous trucks to haul freight while reducing transportation costs and expediting deliveries.

Army Scientists Take Spin on Quantum Research
From ACM TechNews

Army Scientists Take Spin on Quantum Research

Researchers at the Army Research Laboratory have developed a method of enhancing quantum systems to give soldiers more reliable and secure capabilities in the field...

Can Art Help Save Marine Life? Socio-Ecological Artist Designs Coral Reefs Using VR
From ACM TechNews

Can Art Help Save Marine Life? Socio-Ecological Artist Designs Coral Reefs Using VR

Socio-ecological artist Colleen Flanigan used Google's Tilt Brush app to create a "living sculpture" that she hopes will revive coral communities.

Robotic Tank Is Designed to Crawl Through Your Intestine
From ACM TechNews

Robotic Tank Is Designed to Crawl Through Your Intestine

Researchers at the University of Colorado's Advanced Medical Technologies Lab have created a tank robot that can actively drive through a person's intestines.

Testing Asimov's Idea for Power From Space
From ACM News

Testing Asimov's Idea for Power From Space

Isaac Asimov's notion of capturing energy in space and beaming it to the Earth’s surface faces its first orbital testing.

Wildfire Spotting Goes High Tech: Can Silicon Valley Save Northern California?
From ACM TechNews

Wildfire Spotting Goes High Tech: Can Silicon Valley Save Northern California?

High-technology implementations in Northern California are making fire spotters and firefighters more adaptive to changing conditions while improving their safety...

Amazon Wins FAA Approval for Prime Air Drone Delivery Fleet
From ACM TechNews

Amazon Wins FAA Approval for Prime Air Drone Delivery Fleet

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has granted approval to Amazon to operate its fleet of Prime Air delivery drones for unmanned package delivery.

Robot Takes Contact-Free Measurements of Patients' Vital Signs
From ACM TechNews

Robot Takes Contact-Free Measurements of Patients' Vital Signs

Researchers are using dog-like robots from Boston Dynamics to remotely measure patients' vital signs.

The Enigma of Family Secrets
From ACM News

The Enigma of Family Secrets

In 53 years of marriage, Goldman never reveals being a member of Alan Turing and Gordon Welchsman's team that built and perfected the machine called the Bombe that...

Autonomous Plane Takes Off with Passengers, Cargo
From ACM News

Autonomous Plane Takes Off with Passengers, Cargo

Pilotless planes are here, and the FAA is getting onboard for short-distance regional transportation.  

Robot Boats Leave Autonomous Cars in Their Wake
From ACM TechNews

Robot Boats Leave Autonomous Cars in Their Wake

U.K. ocean-research nonprofit Promare will launch an autonomous boat next spring to retrace the trans-Atlantic journey of the Mayflower.

Elon Musk Demonstrates Brain-Computer Tech Neuralink in Live Pigs
From ACM TechNews

Elon Musk Demonstrates Brain-Computer Tech Neuralink in Live Pigs

Elon Musk's brain-machine interface company, Neuralink, on Friday performed a live demonstration of a wireless interface in three pigs, allowing the animals' neural...

Army of a Million Microscopic Robots Created to Explore on Tiny Scale
From ACM TechNews

Army of a Million Microscopic Robots Created to Explore on Tiny Scale

University of Pennsylvania  researchers have developed microscopic robots that move by themselves, using an actuator fashioned from a thin layer of platinum.

F-16 Pilot Took on AI in a Dogfight. Here's Who Won
From ACM TechNews

F-16 Pilot Took on AI in a Dogfight. Here's Who Won

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency recently hosted virtual "AlphaDogFight Trials," in which an artificial intelligence program easily beat a U.S. Air...

Amazon Launches Grocery Store with 'Smart' Shopping Carts, Alexa Guides
From ACM TechNews

Amazon Launches Grocery Store with 'Smart' Shopping Carts, Alexa Guides

Amazon on Thursday opened its first Fresh grocery store in the Woodland Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles, featuring no checkout lines, smart shopping carts, and...

Japanese Town to Test Autonomous Amphibious Bus
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Town to Test Autonomous Amphibious Bus

The Japanese town of Naganohara will test a consortium's autonomous amphibious bus in a trial beginning in December and running through March 2021.

Michigan Plans Dedicated Road Lanes for Autonomous Vehicles
From ACM TechNews

Michigan Plans Dedicated Road Lanes for Autonomous Vehicles

The state of Michigan and private partners are planning to build or assign dedicated lanes for autonomous vehicles on a 40-mile section of highway between Detroit...

Amazon's Cloud Unit to Offer Quantum Computing From Three Tech Companies
From ACM TechNews

Amazon's Cloud Unit to Offer Quantum Computing From Three Tech Companies

Amazon's cloud unit announced a commercial service allowing millions of customers to tinker with early-stage quantum computing platforms from D-Wave System, IonQ...

Why Did We Go Digital?
From ACM News

Why Did We Go Digital?

Princeton University's Ken Steiglitz feels an attachment to the analog.
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