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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Take a Spin on the Moon and Mars
From ACM News

Take a Spin on the Moon and Mars

The death of first moonwalker Neil Armstrong and the success of NASA's Curiosity rover have reignited interest in the idea of taking a spin on the moon and Mars...

The Jet Propulsion Lab Is Way Weirder (and Awesomer) Than You Even Imagined
From ACM Opinion

The Jet Propulsion Lab Is Way Weirder (and Awesomer) Than You Even Imagined

For a center of cutting-edge scientific research, Caltech's Jet Propulsion Lab seems to be a pretty wacky place. Luke Johnson, a graphic designer at the lab, set...

The Security Skills Shortage Is Worse Than You Think
From ACM TechNews

The Security Skills Shortage Is Worse Than You Think

Enterprise employers and security specialists are increasingly growing concerned about what some see as a deepening skills shortage in the information technology...

Harness Unused Smartphone Power For a Computing Boost
From ACM News

Harness Unused Smartphone Power For a Computing Boost

Smarphone owners carry around more processing power in their pocket than a 1970s-era supercomputer, but most of the time it languishes unused.

Helping Utilities Monitor For Network Security
From ACM TechNews

Helping Utilities Monitor For Network Security

Idaho National Laboratory researchers have developed Sophia, software designed to help network operators detect intruders and other anomalies.

Computer Viruses Could Take a Lesson From Showy Peacocks
From ACM TechNews

Computer Viruses Could Take a Lesson From Showy Peacocks

To test theories in mate attraction in nature, Michigan State University researchers developed Avida, a virtual world in which promiscuous computer programs compete...

The Dirtiest Word in Science
From ACM News

The Dirtiest Word in Science

The "sequester," or a series of automatic federal spending cuts, are set to go into effect in January 2013, cutting science funding dramatically.

The Joys of ­rban Tech
From ACM Careers

The Joys of ­rban Tech

For as long as many of us can remember, high-tech industries have flourished in the suburban office parks that are so ubiquitous in Silicon Valley, North Carolina's...

A Who's Who of Mideast-Targeted Malware
From ACM News

A Who's Who of Mideast-Targeted Malware

What do Stuxnet, Duqu, Gauss, Mahdi, Flame, Wiper, and Shamoon have in common?

Visual Programming Means Anyone Can Be a Coder
From ACM TechNews

Visual Programming Means Anyone Can Be a Coder

New York University programmer Toby Schachman has developed Recursive Drawing, an experimental programming interface that enables coders to manipulate source code...

Researchers Hack Brainwaves to Reveal Pin Numbers, Other Personal Data
From ACM News

Researchers Hack Brainwaves to Reveal Pin Numbers, Other Personal Data

Don't you dare even think about your banking account password when you slap on those fancy new brainwave headsets.

A Peace Corps For Civic-Minded Geeks
From ACM TechNews

A Peace Corps For Civic-Minded Geeks

The nonprofit Code for America, a kind of Peace Corps for geeks, has led the way in bringing online efficiency to offline government systems, picking a team of...

Inside Huawei, the Chinese Tech Giant That's Rattling Nerves in D.c.
From ACM News

Inside Huawei, the Chinese Tech Giant That's Rattling Nerves in D.c.

Chen Lifang is a bit flummoxed.

Russia Joins the Supercomputer Race
From ACM TechNews

Russia Joins the Supercomputer Race

The Russian Academy of Sciences is building a supercomputer that it says will have a capacity of 10 petaflops, which would make it the most powerful in Russia.

This Touch Screen Knows Your Touch
From ACM TechNews

This Touch Screen Knows Your Touch

Rutgers University researchers have developed a device that could identify an individual user and rapidly switch a system's settings to adjust to the user, providing...

Software Meant to Fight Crime Is ­sed to Spy on Dissidents
From ACM TechNews

Software Meant to Fight Crime Is ­sed to Spy on Dissidents

Commercially available spyware originally designed to aid in criminal investigations is being used by repressive regimes to track political dissidents, according...

From Smart to Genius: Will Design Define Future Gadgets?
From ACM News

From Smart to Genius: Will Design Define Future Gadgets?

In a pre-iPhone age, mobile phones came in all shapes and sizes. Remember the clamshell, candy bar, swivel, backflip, slider, dual-slider, lipstick, and, of course...

How Steve Jobs' Love of Simplicity Fueled A Design Revolution
From ACM Opinion

How Steve Jobs' Love of Simplicity Fueled A Design Revolution

Steve Jobs' interest in design began with his love for his childhood home.

Artificial Intelligence Fights Notorious Crop Pest
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence Fights Notorious Crop Pest

National Taiwan University researchers have developed an artificial intelligence system that can predict an outbreak of crop-damaging fruit fly swarms.

Nasa's Dawn Prepares For Trek Toward Dwarf Planet
From ACM News

Nasa's Dawn Prepares For Trek Toward Dwarf Planet

NASA's Dawn spacecraft is on track to become the first probe to orbit and study two distant destinations to help scientists answer questions about the formation...
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