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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Eye Movements Could Help in Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders
From ACM TechNews

Eye Movements Could Help in Diagnosis of Neurological Disorders

USC researchers have developed a method for detecting several neurological disorders by studying a person's eye movements.  

Facebook's China Problem
From ACM Opinion

Facebook's China Problem

Last May when Mark Zuckerberg wed his Chinese-American girlfriend, Priscilla Chan, a joke began to make the rounds on China's version of Twitter, a microblog—or...

Tech's New Wave, Driven by Data
From ACM News

Tech's New Wave, Driven by Data

Technology tends to cascade into the marketplace in waves. Think of personal computers in the 1980s, the Internet in the 1990s, and smartphones in the last five...

Anonymous: Behind the Masks of the Cyber Insurgents
From ACM News

Anonymous: Behind the Masks of the Cyber Insurgents

Spalding railway station in Lincolnshire is not a big place. It takes me about two seconds to scan the platform and spot who I'm looking for: Jake Davis, aka Topiary...

Are Hackers Heroes?
From ACM News

Are Hackers Heroes?

On the last day of June of this year, a tech Website called Redmond Pie posted two articles in quick succession that, on their face, had nothing to do with each...

From ACM News

Insiders Suspected in Saudi Cyber Attack

One or more insiders with high-level access are suspected of assisting the hackers who damaged some 30,000 computers at Saudi Arabia's national oil company last...

Math Tree May Help Root Out Fraudsters
From ACM TechNews

Math Tree May Help Root Out Fraudsters

Researchers at the University of Alberta, University of Connecticut, and University of California-Merced recently outlined the connection linking fraud cases and...

Robots at War: Scholars Debate the Ethical Issues
From ACM TechNews

Robots at War: Scholars Debate the Ethical Issues

Lethal autonomous systems are gradually penetrating battlefield operations, and Georgia Tech professor Ronald C. Arkin predicts the advent of robots that are ethically...

Who’s the Most Influential in a Social Graph?
From ACM TechNews

Who’s the Most Influential in a Social Graph?

Georgia Tech researchers say they have developed an algorithm that quickly determines betweenness centrality for streaming graphs.  

Artificial Intelligence, Powered by Many Humans
From ACM TechNews

Artificial Intelligence, Powered by Many Humans

University of Rochester researchers have developed Chorus, an approach to virtual personal assistants that creates a smart artificial chat partner from small contributions...

Calibration Target For Curiosity's Arm Camera
From ACM News

Calibration Target For Curiosity's Arm Camera

This view of the calibration target for the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) aboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity combines two images taken by that camera during the...

Amateur Mapmakers Redraw Boundaries, Working Online
From ACM News

Amateur Mapmakers Redraw Boundaries, Working Online

Reshaped and renamed by generations of developers and gentrifiers, the borders of New York City’s neighborhoods are often hazy at best. Yesterday's Chinatown is...

Big Brother on a Budget: How Internet Surveillance Got So Cheap
From ACM News

Big Brother on a Budget: How Internet Surveillance Got So Cheap

When Libyan rebels finally wrested control of the country last year away from its mercurial dictator, they discovered the Qaddafi regime had received an unusual...

Nokia's Visionary Wants to Out-Design Apple
From ACM News

Nokia's Visionary Wants to Out-Design Apple

Marko Ahtisaari spreads out several models of Nokia's new smartphone with the self-assurance of a Tiffany diamond salesman.

Mapping Neurological Disease
From ACM TechNews

Mapping Neurological Disease

MIT researchers have developed an algorithm that can analyze information from medical images to identify diseased areas of the brain and their connections with...

A U.s.-Israel Collaboration in Computer Science
From ACM TechNews

A U.s.-Israel Collaboration in Computer Science

The U.S. National Science Foundation and the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation recently announced the U.S.-Israel Collaboration in Computer Science...

Estonia Reprograms First Graders as Web Coders
From ACM TechNews

Estonia Reprograms First Graders as Web Coders

Estonian public schools recently launched a program to develop a curriculum for teaching Web and mobile application development to students as early as first grade...

Bridging the STEM Gap With Girl Scouts
From ACM TechNews

Bridging the STEM Gap With Girl Scouts

The Girl Scout Research Institute recently found that girls' future career choices are more influenced by inspiring role models than by academic interests.  

New App Will Help Make Sign Language Communication More Accessible
From ACM TechNews

New App Will Help Make Sign Language Communication More Accessible

Hearing and deaf sign language users should be able to communicate more effectively using an app designed by researchers at the University of Bristol. 

Most Watched Online Ad of 2012 Campaign Is…
From ACM News

Most Watched Online Ad of 2012 Campaign Is…

As we head into the election homestretch, it seems a good time to ask: What is the top watched online ad of the 2012 election cycle so far?
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