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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Malware Inserted on Pc Production Lines, Says Study
From ACM News

Malware Inserted on Pc Production Lines, Says Study

Cybercriminals have opened a new front in their battle to infect computers with malware—PC production lines.

New Breed of Robotics Aims to Help People Walk Again
From ACM News

New Breed of Robotics Aims to Help People Walk Again

When Joey Abicca pokes a metal crutch into the ground with his right arm, tiny motors start whirling around his left leg, lifting it and moving it forward.

Mars Rover Curiosity Arm Tests Nearly Complete
From ACM News

Mars Rover Curiosity Arm Tests Nearly Complete

NASA's Mars Curiosity team has almost finished robotic arm tests in preparation for the rover to touch and examine its first Martian rock.

New York Police Dept. Issues First Rules For ­se of Social Media During Investigations
From ACM News

New York Police Dept. Issues First Rules For ­se of Social Media During Investigations

The NYPD has for the first time laid out rules for using social media during investigations—but critics say the guidelines raise questions about privacy issues.

How Google Builds Its Maps—and What It Means For the Future of Everything
From ACM News

How Google Builds Its Maps—and What It Means For the Future of Everything

Behind every Google Map, there is a much more complex map that's the key to your queries but hidden from your view.

From ACM News

Research Paints Shamoon Creators as 'skillful Amateurs'

Despite seemingly endless pontification, it's still too early to definitively say whether there's a connection between the Shamoon malware and recent attacks on...

Researchers Craft Program to Stop Cloud Computer Problems Before They Start
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Craft Program to Stop Cloud Computer Problems Before They Start

NCSU researchers have developed software that prevents performance disruptions in cloud computing systems by automatically identifying and responding to abnormal...

Southampton Engineers a Raspberry Pi Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

Southampton Engineers a Raspberry Pi Supercomputer

University of Southampton researchers have developed Iridis-Pi, a supercomputer made from 64 Raspberry Pi computers and Lego. 

Towards Computing With Water Droplets
From ACM TechNews

Towards Computing With Water Droplets

Water droplets could serve as bits of digital information for a new type of computing, according to researchers at Aalto University. 

Intel and Hp to Build World's Most Efficient Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

Intel and Hp to Build World's Most Efficient Supercomputer

Researchers at Hewlett-Packard and Intel are developing an energy-efficient supercomputing system for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy...

Get Ready For Computers Worldwide to Automatically Smother Cyber Strikes
From ACM TechNews

Get Ready For Computers Worldwide to Automatically Smother Cyber Strikes

The U.S. government is planning to build a cyberecosystem that would prompt computers around the world to instantly suppress cyberattacks. 

How Apple Really Invented the Iphone
From ACM News

How Apple Really Invented the Iphone

Like many of Apple's inventions, the iPhone began not with a vision, but with a problem.

Vesta in Dawn's Rear View Mirror
From ACM News

Vesta in Dawn's Rear View Mirror

NASA's Dawn mission is releasing two parting views of the giant asteroid Vesta, using images that were among the last taken by the spacecraft as it departed its...

The Mesmerizing Beauty of Nature's Fractals
From ACM News

The Mesmerizing Beauty of Nature's Fractals

Google Earth: source of information, source of wonder, source of art. In 2010, Paul Bourke, a research associate professor at the University of Western Australia...

Super-Fast Broadband: Build It and They will Come–Maybe
From ACM News

Super-Fast Broadband: Build It and They will Come–Maybe

When the Internet pipelines in cities like Chattanooga and Kansas City are accelerated to super-fast broadband, the leading-edge technology is expected to generate...

The Accidental History of the @ Symbol
From ACM News

The Accidental History of the @ Symbol

Called the "snail" by Italians and the "monkey tail" by the Dutch, @ is the sine qua non of electronic communication, thanks to email addresses and Twitter handles...

Mind Control Will Shape Future of Gaming and Cell Phones
From ACM TechNews

Mind Control Will Shape Future of Gaming and Cell Phones

In an interview, University of Alabama at Huntsville professor Jason T. Cassibry shares his thoughts about the new technological advances on the horizon.  

Insider Security Threat Gets a Serious Look By ­.s. Security Agencies
From ACM TechNews

Insider Security Threat Gets a Serious Look By ­.s. Security Agencies

Researchers at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Secret Service, and Carnegie Mellon University recently published a study that examined the technical...

Fbi Launches $1 Billion Face Recognition Project
From ACM TechNews

Fbi Launches $1 Billion Face Recognition Project

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation is using facial-recognition technology to identify criminals and the system will be rolled out nationwide by 2014.  

A Computational Model of an Anticancer Nanoparticle
From ACM TechNews

A Computational Model of an Anticancer Nanoparticle

Researchers have used IBM's Blue Gene supercomputer to build a model of how a drug inhibits a target enzyme known to spur the spread of cancer.
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