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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Cisco: Global 'net Traffic to Surpass 1 Zettabyte in 2016
From ACM TechNews

Cisco: Global 'net Traffic to Surpass 1 Zettabyte in 2016

Global Internet Protocol traffic will reach an annual rate of 1.3 zettabytes in 2016, predicts Cisco Systems.  

Why Google Will Soon Answer Your Questions Directly
From ACM TechNews

Why Google Will Soon Answer Your Questions Directly

Google recently launched its "knowledge graph," which displays facts and services in response to search queries.  

S'pore Develops Chipset For Fast Data Transfer
From ACM TechNews

S'pore Develops Chipset For Fast Data Transfer

A microchip developed in Singapore can transmit data 1,000 times faster than Bluetooth. 

With Goal-Line Tech, Soccer Tries Kicking Its Addiction to Human Error
From ACM News

With Goal-Line Tech, Soccer Tries Kicking Its Addiction to Human Error

Saturday's high-profile match between England and Belgium is the biggest test yet for a system that may finally put an end to flubbed goal-line calls, a technological...

A Dive Into the Digital Deep
From ACM News

A Dive Into the Digital Deep

When next winter's storms subside, a specialized ship will begin a slow crossing, lowering a skinny cable into its wake along a precisely prescribed path: the shortest...

'part-Time' Scientists Aim to Develop Autonomous Rover to Compete For Lunar X Prize
From ACM News

'part-Time' Scientists Aim to Develop Autonomous Rover to Compete For Lunar X Prize

Some people try to make the most of their spare time by exercising, volunteering, or simply recharging their batteries. Others like to use that time to build robots...

Iran 'finds Fix' For Sophisticated Flame Malware
From ACM News

Iran 'finds Fix' For Sophisticated Flame Malware

Iran says it has developed tools that can defend against the sophisticated cyber attack tool known as Flame.

A New Home For Computer Screens: The Face
From ACM News

A New Home For Computer Screens: The Face

Employees at eyeglasses designer Michael Pachleitner Group have no reason to consult desktop computers, tablets or old-fashioned paper binders to find items in...

Mind-Reading Robot Teachers Keep Students Focused
From ACM TechNews

Mind-Reading Robot Teachers Keep Students Focused

University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers have developed a robotic teacher that monitors students' attention levels and mimics the techniques human teachers use...

Craig Venter Wants to Solve the World's Energy Crisis
From ACM Opinion

Craig Venter Wants to Solve the World's Energy Crisis

There is one version of Craig Venter's life story where he would’ve been a dutiful scientist at the National Institutes of Health, a respected yet anonymous researcher...

21st Century Computer Architecture
From ACM TechNews

21st Century Computer Architecture

The Computing Community Consortium has released "21st Century Computer Architecture," a white paper developed by members of the computer architecture research community...

Researchers Propose Way to Thwart Fraudulent Digital Certificates
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Propose Way to Thwart Fraudulent Digital Certificates

Security researchers Moxie Marlinspike and Trevor Perrin say an extension to the transport layer security protocol could help address spoofing attacks on the Secure...

From ACM News

Was Flame Virus that Invaded Iran's Computer Networks Made in ­sa?

As the United Nations and Iran warn that the newly discovered Flame computer virus may be the most potent weapon of its kind, U.S. computer security experts tell...

Shots Fired, Pinpointed and Argued Over
From ACM News

Shots Fired, Pinpointed and Argued Over

 At 7:22:07 p.m. on a recent Thursday, an electronic alarm went off in the soundproof control room of a suburban office building here.

What Fearmongers Get Wrong About Cyberwarfare
From ACM Opinion

What Fearmongers Get Wrong About Cyberwarfare

Should we worry about cyberwarfare? Judging by excessively dramatic headlines in the media, very much so. Cyberwarfare, the argument goes, might make wars easier...

Study Highlights How Twitter Is ­sed to Share Information After a Disaster
From ACM TechNews

Study Highlights How Twitter Is ­sed to Share Information After a Disaster

North Carolina State University researchers recently studied how people used Twitter following the 2011 nuclear disaster in Japan.

Project Finds, Purges Vulnerable Code Snippets From the Net
From ACM TechNews

Project Finds, Purges Vulnerable Code Snippets From the Net

Digital Security has launched the Eliminate Vulnerable Code project, an initiative designed to eliminate insecure code.  

Intel Eyes Future With Computers That Learn
From ACM TechNews

Intel Eyes Future With Computers That Learn

ReutersIntel's Collaborative Research Institute for Computational Intelligence will work with researchers in Israel to develop devices that will learn about their...

­sing Machine Learning to Discover Ancient Middle East Settlements
From ACM News

­sing Machine Learning to Discover Ancient Middle East Settlements

 An archeologist and a computer scientist have developed a new technique to analyze satellite images of wide swaths of land to discover ancient settlements in the...

Meet 'flame,' The Massive Spy Malware Infiltrating Iranian Computers
From ACM News

Meet 'flame,' The Massive Spy Malware Infiltrating Iranian Computers

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