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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Elusive Capacity of Networks
From ACM TechNews

The Elusive Capacity of Networks

Researchers at MIT, the California Institute of Technology, and the University of Technology in Munich have shown that in a wired network, network coding and error...

Free, Browser-Based 'wolfenstein 3d' Released By Bethesda
From ACM News

Free, Browser-Based 'wolfenstein 3d' Released By Bethesda

Bethesda Softworks has released a free, browser-based version of the iconic first-person shooter, Wolfenstein 3D.

Implanted User Interfaces: I've Got You Under My Skin
From ACM News

Implanted User Interfaces: I've Got You Under My Skin

The human body is regularly augmented with technology, from pacemakers and hearing aids to magnets people embed under their skin to give them a new sense. However...

Court ­pholds Google-Nsa Relationship Secrecy
From ACM News

Court ­pholds Google-Nsa Relationship Secrecy

A federal appeals court last Friday upheld the National Security Agency's decision to withhold from the public documents confirming or denying any relationship...

Deaf IBM Researcher Scoffs at Not Talking on the Phone
From ACM TechNews

Deaf IBM Researcher Scoffs at Not Talking on the Phone

IBM researcher Dimitri Kanevsky was recently honored at the White House to celebrate his achievements in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math...

US Sets $1.4m to Get Unique Metaphor-Recognizing Software System Humming
From ACM TechNews

US Sets $1.4m to Get Unique Metaphor-Recognizing Software System Humming

The U.S. Army Research Laboratory has awarded a $1.4 million contract to a team that plans to develop software that can automatically recognize metaphorical speech...

Robots Learn to Pick ­p Oddly Shaped Objects
From ACM TechNews

Robots Learn to Pick ­p Oddly Shaped Objects

Cornell University researchers have developed a algorithm that enables a robot to learn grasping skills from experience and apply them to new situations.

The Education of Mark Zuckerberg
From ACM News

The Education of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg is ready for his close-up.

Intel Futurist on Why We Should Not Fear the Future
From ACM Opinion

Intel Futurist on Why We Should Not Fear the Future

Much of Intel's success as a microprocessor manufacturer over the past four decades has come from the company's ability to understand and anticipate the future...

­niversity of Florida Endangers CS Department
From ACM News

­niversity of Florida Endangers CS Department

Four weeks into the academic tussle between computer science students and the administration of the University of Florida, the controversy surrounding a drastic...

Iran Slams Google for Leaving Persian Gulf Nameless
From ACM News

Iran Slams Google for Leaving Persian Gulf Nameless

Iran on Saturday criticized Google for leaving the body of water separating it from the Arabian peninsula nameless on its online map service, saying it would hurt...

Coolest Jobs in Tech: From the Pits of Le Mans to the Dugouts of Fenway Park
From ACM Careers

Coolest Jobs in Tech: From the Pits of Le Mans to the Dugouts of Fenway Park

When race cars whiz around a track at 200 miles per hour, driving ability isn't the only factor that determines who wins the race.

Cyber Briefings 'scare The Bejeezus' Out Of Ceos
From ACM News

Cyber Briefings 'scare The Bejeezus' Out Of Ceos

For the CEOs of companies such as Dell and Hewlett-Packard, talk of cyberweapons and cyberwar could have been abstract. But at a classified security briefing in...

Best Websites Balance Self-Expression and Functionality
From ACM TechNews

Best Websites Balance Self-Expression and Functionality

Penn State University researchers have found that providing users with a certain amount of freedom to express themselves could help designers develop more interactive...

AI Branding Automates the Brainstorm
From ACM TechNews

AI Branding Automates the Brainstorm

Bruno Kessler Foundation researchers Carlo Strapparava and Gozde Ozbal have developed artificial intelligence-based branding software that can mimic the process...

Smart Shoes Step ­p the Wearable-Computing Pace
From ACM TechNews

Smart Shoes Step ­p the Wearable-Computing Pace

Researchers at the universities of Munich and Toronto have developed ShoeSense, a type of wearable computing system for smartphones.  

A Computer Interface that Takes a Load Off Your Mind
From ACM News

A Computer Interface that Takes a Load Off Your Mind

Conversations between people include a lot more than just words. All sorts of visual and aural cues indicate each party's state of mind and make for a productive...

Next Xbox Could Have a Biometric Controller
From ACM News

Next Xbox Could Have a Biometric Controller

The controller for the next Xbox might be able to take biometric readings of your hand, according to a recent Microsoft patent.

A Revamping of Bing in the Battle For Search Engine Supremacy
From ACM News

A Revamping of Bing in the Battle For Search Engine Supremacy

When Facebook goes public in the coming weeks, there will be a lot of winners. Among them is one of the stalwarts of the tech industry, Microsoft, which has a small...

Miragetable: Microsoft Presents Augmented Reality Device
From ACM TechNews

Miragetable: Microsoft Presents Augmented Reality Device

Microsoft is developing an augmented reality system that allows users in different locations to work together on a tabletop and share and handle objects. The MirageTable...
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