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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Data Mining Without Prejudice
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Data Mining Without Prejudice

A new technique for finding relationships between variables in large data sets makes no prior assumptions about what those relationships might be.

Warning to Gossipy Grunts: Darpa's Eyeing Your Email
From ACM News

Warning to Gossipy Grunts: Darpa's Eyeing Your Email

The Pentagon's intent on weeding out "insider threats"—troops or other military personnel who might be disgruntled enough to (Wiki)leak some documents or mentally...

Scientists Break World Record For Data-Transfer Speeds
From ACM News

Scientists Break World Record For Data-Transfer Speeds

Researchers are claiming a new world record for data transfers over long distances.

Vint Cerf: Sopa Means 'unprecedented Censorship' of the Web
From ACM News

Vint Cerf: Sopa Means 'unprecedented Censorship' of the Web

Google chief Internet evangelist Vint Cerf has sent a letter to U.S. House Judiciary chairman Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Texas), adding his voice to those of many other...

Quantum Pagerank Algorithm Outperforms Classical Version
From ACM News

Quantum Pagerank Algorithm Outperforms Classical Version

Researchers from Complutense University of Madrid have developed a quantum version of Google's PageRank algorithm that outperforms the world's leading search...

From ACM News

5 Disruptive Technologies Happening Now

From e-books to 3D printing, these technologies are destroying markets and creating new ones.

New Path to Flex and Stretch Electronics
From ACM TechNews

New Path to Flex and Stretch Electronics

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researchers have developed a technique for producing flexible and stretchable backplanes that could be used, in combination...

Sharpening the Lines
From ACM TechNews

Sharpening the Lines

Researchers at MIT and the University of Utah have developed a technique that they say surpasses the fundamental limits of microchip design and could lead to more...

Initiative Aims For 100,000 New STEM Teachers
From ACM TechNews

Initiative Aims For 100,000 New STEM Teachers

The 100Kin10 initiative — aims to increase the supply of math and science teachers by preparing 100,000 new ones over the next 10 years. It is based on President...

From ACM News

Iran Hijacked ­.s. Drone, Says Iranian Engineer

Iran guided the CIA's "lost" stealth drone to an intact landing inside hostile territory by exploiting a navigational weakness long-known to the U.S. military...

Did a U.s. Radar Research Station Disable Russia's Phobos Probe?
From ACM News

Did a U.s. Radar Research Station Disable Russia's Phobos Probe?

Soon after the ill-fated Phobos-Grunt spacecraft stalled in Earth orbit, a former Russian official implicated "powerful American radars" in Alaska. Is there a...

Multi-Purpose Photonic Chip Paves the Way to Programmable Quantum Processors
From ACM TechNews

Multi-Purpose Photonic Chip Paves the Way to Programmable Quantum Processors

University of Bristol researchers have developed an optical chip that generates, manipulates, and measures two quantum phenomena, entanglement and mixture, which...

Brain-Computer Interface Plays Music Based on Person's Mood
From ACM TechNews

Brain-Computer Interface Plays Music Based on Person's Mood

A brain-computer interface that plays music based on the mental state of the user is the focus of a new four-year project by researchers at the universities of...

Senators, Critics Question Icann's Generic Tld Plan
From ACM TechNews

Senators, Critics Question Icann's Generic Tld Plan

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers' plan to introduce hundreds of new generic top-level domains next year may be moving too fast, said U.S....

First Molybdenite Microchip
From ACM TechNews

First Molybdenite Microchip

Researchers at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne's Laboratory of Nanoscale Electronics and Structures have developed a molybdenite microchip that confirms...

Seven Ways to Get Yourself Hacked
From ACM News

Seven Ways to Get Yourself Hacked

In recent months, I've met at least three people who have been the victim of hackers who've taken over their Gmail accounts and sent out emails to everyone in...

From ACM News

Spam Works

Every day three-quarters of all e-mail that flies across the Internet is spam. Some of it tricks customers into installing a virus or forking over personal information...

Meet Sopa Author Lamar Smith, Hollywood's Favorite Republican
From ACM News

Meet Sopa Author Lamar Smith, Hollywood's Favorite Republican

Rep. Lamar Smith, whose congressional district in Texas encompasses the cropland and grazing land stretching between Austin and San Antonio, might seem like an...

How ­seful Is a Captured Drone?
From ACM News

How ­seful Is a Captured Drone?

An American surveillance drone has been captured and filmed in Iran, where experts are apparently examining it.

From ACM News

Quantum Pagerank Algorithm Outperforms Classical Version

Google's PageRank algorithm is the idea that the importance of a Webpage can be measured by the number of important papers that point toward it.
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