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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

­.s. Intelligence Group Seeks Machine Learning Breakthroughs
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Intelligence Group Seeks Machine Learning Breakthroughs

The U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity announced that it is looking for new ideas that may become the basis of cutting-edge machine-learning...

Software Could Help Optimize Energy Consumption of Cities
From ACM TechNews

Software Could Help Optimize Energy Consumption of Cities

Technical University of Madrid researchers have developed software that estimates the amount of solar radiation reaching streets and buildings, which could help...

Nsf Joins in Targeting Educators to Celebrate Computer Science Education Week 2011
From ACM TechNews

Nsf Joins in Targeting Educators to Celebrate Computer Science Education Week 2011

The U.S. National Science Foundation recently began publishing CS Bits & Bytes, a one-page newsletter highlighting innovative computer science research, in recognition...

Robotics: Androids Close the Gap With People
From ACM TechNews

Robotics: Androids Close the Gap With People

Osaka University professor Hiroshi Ishiguro recently led ATR in developing Elfoid P1, a prototype portable tele-operated android that is designed to convey the...

Drone Crash in Iran Reveals Secret ­.s. Surveillance Effort
From ACM News

Drone Crash in Iran Reveals Secret ­.s. Surveillance Effort

The stealth C.I.A. drone that crashed deep inside Iranian territory last week was part of a stepped-up surveillance program that has frequently sent the United...

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Pentagon Fast-Tracks Hacker Research

The Pentagon has long had a love-hate relationship with computer hackers: On the outside, they can infiltrate vulnerable defense networks. On the inside, they...

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Body-Sharing Robot Lets You Experience Another Place

Ever wished you could be in two places at once? Now you can share your body with a telepresence robot created by Dzmitry Tsetserukou of Toyohashi University of...

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Will the Kinect 2 Be Able to Read Your Lips?

How will users hack this one? The Kinect is a device that inherently grows and expands: Microsoft itself has come around to acknowledging that the oft-hackedreally...

From ACM News

Studying Human-Robot Interactions

A few months ago, scientists at Willow Garage, a robotics company in Menlo Park, Calif., invited a few ordinary people into their labs and gave them an assignment...

From ACM TechNews

Health Care Innovation Challenge

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently launched its Health Care Innovation Challenge, with as much as $1 billion in grant funding being offered...

Computer Scientists May Have What It Takes to Help Cure Cancer
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists May Have What It Takes to Help Cure Cancer

Computer scientists should be signing up in droves to fight cancer because they may have the best skills to help cure the disease, writes University of California...

IBM Makes Revolutionary Racetrack Memory Using Existing Tools
From ACM TechNews

IBM Makes Revolutionary Racetrack Memory Using Existing Tools

IBM researchers have developed the first prototype of racetrack computer memory, which combines on one chip all of the components needed to read, store, and write...

Real, Artificial Brains Make Magical Music
From ACM TechNews

Real, Artificial Brains Make Magical Music

College of Charleston researchers have developed Monterey Mirror, an interactive music performance system. When a musician plays a piece of music, Monterey Mirror...

From ACM News

How the 'internet Of Things' Is Turning Cities Into Living Organisms

When city services can autonomously go online and digest information from the cloud, they can reach a level of performance never before seen. First up, water...

Creating Artificial Intelligence Based on the Real Thing
From ACM News

Creating Artificial Intelligence Based on the Real Thing

Ever since the early days of modern computing in the 1940s, the biological metaphor has been irresistible.

Underwater Drones Giving More Eyes to Police Harbor Unit as Searches Grow
From ACM News

Underwater Drones Giving More Eyes to Police Harbor Unit as Searches Grow

With President Obama in town last week, things were busy for the New York Police Department's Harbor Unit. Federal security agents were disseminating lists of...

Microsoft's Kinect: A Robot's Low-Cost, Secret Weapon
From ACM News

Microsoft's Kinect: A Robot's Low-Cost, Secret Weapon

As robots seek to mimic humans' ability to see and hear, they have a secret weapon in Microsoft's Kinect game motion-sensing controller.

Squishy, Soft Robots Crawl Their Way to the Cutting Edge
From ACM News

Squishy, Soft Robots Crawl Their Way to the Cutting Edge

A new breed of robots based on spineless creatures such as starfish and caterpillars could change the way humans interact with machines.

Software That Listens For Lies
From ACM News

Software That Listens For Lies

She looks as innocuous as Miss Marple, Agatha Christie’s famous detective.

U.s. Tech Employment Nears Its All-Time High
From ACM TechNews

U.s. Tech Employment Nears Its All-Time High

The U.S. technology industry added 7,100 jobs in November, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data analyzed by the TechServe Alliance. The increase raises...
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