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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM News

Will Your Mall Be Tracking Your Cellphone Today?

Some shoppers looking for Black Friday deals will find a surprise waiting for them at the mall—sensors that track their every move.

Did an Illinois Water ­tility Come ­nder Cyberattack?
From ACM News

Did an Illinois Water ­tility Come ­nder Cyberattack?

And why was it connected to the Internet, anyway?

EFF Proposes New Method to Strengthen Public Key Infrastructure
From ACM TechNews

EFF Proposes New Method to Strengthen Public Key Infrastructure

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has proposed an extension to the current Secure Sockets Layer chain of trust that aims to improve the security of HTTPS and other...

Iu Showcases Innovative Approach to Networking at Sc1 Scinet Research Sandbox
From ACM TechNews

Iu Showcases Innovative Approach to Networking at Sc1 Scinet Research Sandbox

The challenge of moving massive amounts of data to supercomputing facilities for analysis was addressed by Indiana University researchers through data transfer...

A Computer System Allows a Machine to Recognize a Person's Emotional State
From ACM TechNews

A Computer System Allows a Machine to Recognize a Person's Emotional State

Researchers at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Universidad de Granada have developed a computer system that automatically recognizes the emotional state of...

Helping Computers Make Faster Decisions
From ACM TechNews

Helping Computers Make Faster Decisions

Improvements in the standard algorithm that computers use to solve integer programs enables them to make yes/no decisions faster. 

Nuclear 'space Battery' Bests Solar in Curiosity Mars Mission
From ACM News

Nuclear 'space Battery' Bests Solar in Curiosity Mars Mission

If you're going to Mars with an SUV-size robot, you'll need a really good energy supply.

From ACM News

10 Robots Inspired by Animals and Insects

All the research in the world can't beat millions of years of evolution.

From ACM News

Cyberwar Explodes in Syria

A familiar digital chime rang on the computer. Someone was calling via Skype from Syria.

Separating You and Me? 4.74 Degrees
From ACM News

Separating You and Me? 4.74 Degrees

The world is even smaller than you thought.

Why Are Humans Scared of Robots?
From ACM News

Why Are Humans Scared of Robots?

"If popular culture has taught us anything, it is that someday mankind must face and destroy the growing robot menace." Author and robotic engineer Daniel H Wilson's...

Lab's Behavioral System Can Catch Insider Threats
From ACM TechNews

Lab's Behavioral System Can Catch Insider Threats

Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers have developed a tool to identify malicious insiders and stop them from sending sensitive information outside the organization...

M­ Researchers Develop Tool That Saves Time, Eliminates Mistakes in Diabetes Care
From ACM TechNews

M­ Researchers Develop Tool That Saves Time, Eliminates Mistakes in Diabetes Care

Doctors will be able to make the right decisions for diabetes treatment by using the diabetes dashboard, a tool that allows them to view patient information on...

Eu Chief Privacy Regulator on New Internet Rules
From ACM TechNews

Eu Chief Privacy Regulator on New Internet Rules

In an interview, European Commission vice president Viviane Reding discusses the differences between U.S. and European views on Internet privacy regulation. 

New Stanford Software Takes Folding@home's Biological Research to Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

New Stanford Software Takes Folding@home's Biological Research to Supercomputers

Stanford University researchers have developed Copernicus, a distributed framework for supercomputers that is based on Folding@home, a distributed computing project...

The Problem With Landing Humans on Mars (and How to Fix It)
From ACM News

The Problem With Landing Humans on Mars (and How to Fix It)

When NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory—scheduled to lift-off from Cape Canaveral later this week—touches down on the Red Planet in August of 2012, the one-ton probe...

Russian Probe Misses Mars Trip
From ACM News

Russian Probe Misses Mars Trip

Russia's stranded Phobos-Grunt spacecraft reportedly has lost its main opportunity to go to Mars, land on one of its moons and return to Earth with a sample....

Managing the Demise of Privacy
From ACM News

Managing the Demise of Privacy

Entrepreneurs and venture capitalists examine identity management in social media at the Privacy Identity Innovation conference.

From ACM Careers

How to Get Your Kid Into an Elite Computer Science Program

Robotics competitions, programming skills tip the scales for college applicants; being a girl helps.

Dennis Ritchie, 1941-2011
From Communications of the ACM

Dennis Ritchie, 1941-2011

 Colleagues recall the creator of C and codeveloper Unix, an unassuming but brilliant man who enjoyed playing practical jokes on his coworkers.
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