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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

W3c Proposes Do Not Track Privacy Standard
From ACM TechNews

W3c Proposes Do Not Track Privacy Standard

The World Wide Web Consortium released the first draft of its proposed standard for implementing Do Not Track online, which is designed to give consumers the ability...

Beauty Now in the Eye of the Algorithm
From ACM TechNews

Beauty Now in the Eye of the Algorithm

Xerox Research Center Europe computer scientists have developed technology that sorts photographs by their content as well as their aesthetic qualities. The technology...

Lightning-Fast, Efficient Data Transmission Developed at Stanford
From ACM TechNews

Lightning-Fast, Efficient Data Transmission Developed at Stanford

Stanford University researchers have developed a light-emitting diode that uses much less power than laser-based systems and can transmit data at 10 billion bits...

German Court Rules Users Can Modify Free Software
From ACM TechNews

German Court Rules Users Can Modify Free Software

Advocates of free software are hailing a decision by a German court to prevent a DSL router vendor from blocking a software maker from altering the device's Linux...

Authorship Recognition Software From Drexel ­niversity Lab to Be Released December
From ACM TechNews

Authorship Recognition Software From Drexel ­niversity Lab to Be Released December

Drexel University researchers have developed two software tools focused on authorship recognition. 

White House, Congress Work Toward Cybersecurity Plan
From ACM TechNews

White House, Congress Work Toward Cybersecurity Plan

Before the U.S. Congress is a White House proposal and several bills concerning government and private-sector cybersecurity improvement. 

Accelerating Robotic Innovation
From ACM TechNews

Accelerating Robotic Innovation

A holistic system for modeling and simulating the behavior of robots is the focus of a collaboration involving researchers at Rice, Texas A&M, and Halmstad universities...

Linux Loses its Luster as a Darling Among Developers
From ACM TechNews

Linux Loses its Luster as a Darling Among Developers

Linux as an application development platform has fallen to third place in popularity behind Mac OS and Windows, according to an Evans Data Corp. survey. 

Burns App Could Save Lives at the Touch of a Button
From ACM TechNews

Burns App Could Save Lives at the Touch of a Button

Mersey Burns, an iPhone and iPad app created by University of Manchester student Chris Seaton, has the potential to save the lives of soldiers and prevent severe...

Feds Detail Supercomputing's Future
From ACM TechNews

Feds Detail Supercomputing's Future

The annual SC11 supercomputing conference's agenda will be partly guided by federal agencies and U.S. national labs focusing on cloud computing, exascale computing...

Japan's K Computer Retains TOP500 Crown
From ACM TechNews

Japan's K Computer Retains TOP500 Crown

Japan's K Computer retained its title as the world's most powerful supercomputer, ranking first in the most recent edition of the TOP500 List with a speed of 10...

Georgia Tech Helps to Develop System That Will Detect Insider Threats From Massive Data Sets
From ACM TechNews

Georgia Tech Helps to Develop System That Will Detect Insider Threats From Massive Data Sets

Researchers at DARPA, the Army Research Office, and Georgia Tech are developing new approaches for identifying insider threats before a data breach occurs. 

From ACM News

Barcelona Center Makes Super Bet on Cellphone Chips

Supercomputers, once built from handcrafted circuitry, were transformed when companies started assembling them from inexpensive PC-style microprocessors. Researchers...

From ACM News

Digital Evidence Becoming Central in Criminal Cases

If you are unfortunate enough to land in court after a serious automobile accident, the star witness against you may not be an eyewitness or even a human being....

From ACM News

China Looms Large in Race of the Supercomputers

Ten years ago, a ranking of the world’s 500 most powerful supercomputers included precisely three entries from China. The most powerful of these—a system used to...

Cerf Calls Internet Governance Critical Issue in High Tech
From ACM TechNews

Cerf Calls Internet Governance Critical Issue in High Tech

Governance of the Internet is a critical issue for the high-tech world, says Internet pioneer Vint Cerf.

Sound, Digested
From ACM TechNews

Sound, Digested

Backed by funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation, Imagine Research has developed MediaMined, an artificial intelligence system for understanding and...

China to Build More Supercomputers With Homegrown Chips
From ACM TechNews

China to Build More Supercomputers With Homegrown Chips

China will rely less on chips made by foreign companies for its supercomputers over the next five years, says the National Supercomputer Center's Pan Jingshan.

From ACM TechNews

Paper ­ncovers Power of Foldit Gamers' Strategies

University of Washington researchers recently completed a study that examined Foldit players' strategies and compared them to the best-known scientist-developed...

Study Reveals Resistance to Strong Password Security
From ACM News

Study Reveals Resistance to Strong Password Security

One would think that improving the security of your computer against intruders would be universally acceptable. However, an overwhelming number of users in a new...
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