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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Vast and Fertile Ground in Africa For Science to Take Root
From ACM TechNews

Vast and Fertile Ground in Africa For Science to Take Root

Uganda's growing economy has produced an expanding middle class that wants advanced training in science and engineering. 

Usenix: Dartmouth Updating Diff, Grep Unix Tools
From ACM TechNews

Usenix: Dartmouth Updating Diff, Grep Unix Tools

Dartmouth University researchers are updating the grep and diff Unix command line-based text analysis tools available in all Linux and Unix distributions to handle...

Cryptographers Believe 'size Does Matter' to Stay Safe Online
From ACM TechNews

Cryptographers Believe 'size Does Matter' to Stay Safe Online

Royal Holloway, University of London researchers are analyzing the Transport Layer Security system to identify weaknesses. 

Finding Meaning in Massive Datasets
From ACM TechNews

Finding Meaning in Massive Datasets

Researchers at the Texas Advanced Computing Center are exploring data-driven science, and early projects are showing the benefits of using advanced computing to...

In Race For Fastest Supercomputer, China Outpaces U.s.
From ACM TechNews

In Race For Fastest Supercomputer, China Outpaces U.s.

China is outpacing the United States in terms of supercomputer development. In November the Chinese debuted the Tianhe-1A, a supercomputer with five times the...

From ACM News

Iranian Armed Forces to Simulate U.s. Rq-170 Drone

A senior parliamentarian underlined Tehran's advanced technological capabilities and possibilities, and said the Iranian Armed Forces intend to simulate the design...

Pro-Grade (3D Printer-Made?) ATM Skimmer
From ACM News

Pro-Grade (3D Printer-Made?) ATM Skimmer

In July 2011, a customer at a Chase Bank branch in West Hills, Calif., noticed something odd about the ATM he was using and reported it to police.

From ACM News

Cyber-Intruder Sparks Massive Federal Response

The first sign of trouble was a mysterious signal emanating from deep within the U.S. military’s classified computer network.

NASA Presents Software of the Year Award
From ACM News

NASA Presents Software of the Year Award

Autonomous Exploration for Gathering Increased Science (AEGIS), novel autonomy software that has been operating on the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity since...

From ACM News

Silicon Valley Fighting Proposed Law Pushed By Hollywood

Silicon Valley is making one of its biggest lobbying pushes ever, as it fights a proposed law championed by Hollywood called the Stop Online Piracy Act. But whether...

Help Is at Hand For Teachers Struggling With Technology
From ACM TechNews

Help Is at Hand For Teachers Struggling With Technology

Teachers will be able to design and develop lesson plans using digital technologies as a result of a project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council...

Quantum Computing Promises New Insights, Not Just Supermachines
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Computing Promises New Insights, Not Just Supermachines

Today's quantum computer researchers have a solid blueprint for a new type of computer that could solve certain problems in seconds that would probably take millennia...

New System Secures Cellphones For Web Transactions
From ACM TechNews

New System Secures Cellphones For Web Transactions

Password less authentication is an experimental two-factor authentication method designed to ensure the security of online transactions made via cell phones.

Onr Helps Undersea Robots Get the Big Picture
From ACM TechNews

Onr Helps Undersea Robots Get the Big Picture

New software will give undersea gliders a greater ability to make decisions on their own when surveying large swaths of the oceans. 

Look, ­p in the Sky! It's a Drone, Looking at You
From ACM News

Look, ­p in the Sky! It's a Drone, Looking at You

Unmanned aircraft—or drones—are playing a large role in U.S. military operations in Afghanistan, but they're starting to show up the the skies above the U.S....

A New Secret Weapon For Electronics Shoppers
From ACM News

A New Secret Weapon For Electronics Shoppers

There was a time not so long ago that buying a car was one of the worst shopping experiences. As you drove off the dealer's lot, you couldn't escape the feeling...

From ACM News

Voice Control, the End of the Tv Remote?

Before he died on Oct. 5, Steve Jobs left clues that he was working on a new product that would revolutionize how we interact with our TVs. "It will have the...

Does Apple's Siri Threaten Google's Search Monopoly?
From ACM News

Does Apple's Siri Threaten Google's Search Monopoly?

The future of search may look a little like Kirsten Goldenberg, a 14-year-old high-school student in Los Angeles. When she needs help with a homework problem,...

From ACM News

IBM's 3 Big Chip Breakthroughs Explained

IBM has made three breakthroughs that could help chips continue following Moore's Law.

Software That Listens for Lies
From ACM TechNews

Software That Listens for Lies

Several linguists, engineers, and computer scientists are developing computer systems that can recognize signs of emotional speech, such as deception, anger, friendliness...
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