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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

People as 'sensors': Twitter Messages Reveal Nfl's Big Plays and Fans' Excitement
From ACM TechNews

People as 'sensors': Twitter Messages Reveal Nfl's Big Plays and Fans' Excitement

Researchers at Rice University and Motorola Mobility have developed SportSense, software that monitors Twitter posts of National Football League fans to determine...

Smartphones ­sed to Engage with Learners
From ACM TechNews

Smartphones ­sed to Engage with Learners

The mCommunity project is a new multi-institution partnership that will help educators deal with long-term and general unemployment using state-of-the-art telecommunications...

Physicists to Develop New Way of Electronic Computing
From ACM TechNews

Physicists to Develop New Way of Electronic Computing

University of California, Riverside researchers are developing a new way of computing designed to accelerate applications that process large amounts of data, such...

Video Documents Three-Year Trek on Mars by NASA Rover
From ACM News

Video Documents Three-Year Trek on Mars by NASA Rover

While NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity was traveling from Victoria crater to Endeavour crater, between September 2008 and August 2011, the rover team...

From ACM News

Government Aims to Build a 'Data Eye in the Sky'

More than 60 years ago, in his "Foundation" series, the science fiction novelist Isaac Asimov invented a new science—psychohistory—that combined mathematics and...

Paralyzed Man Uses Brain-Powered Robot Arm to Touch
From ACM News

Paralyzed Man Uses Brain-Powered Robot Arm to Touch

Giving a high-five. Rubbing his girlfriend's hand. Such ordinary acts—but a milestone for a paralyzed man. True, a robotic arm parked next to his wheelchair did...

Giving Prosthetics a Sense of Touch
From ACM News

Giving Prosthetics a Sense of Touch

Brain-machine interfaces have made it possible for monkeys and some humans to control robotic limbs using just their thoughts. But ideally, a person using an...

From ACM News

Gadgets the Pentagon Made

The cool voice assistant that runs on the iPhone 4S? Years ago, someone thought what Apple calls Siri would be a valuable tool for the military. Come to think...

From ACM News

In Supercomputing, a Turn to Energy-Saving Graphics Chips

In computing, as in so many fields, the best path to progress is often not a straight line.

Ibm Projects It Will Have World
From ACM News

Ibm Projects It Will Have World

IBM isn't resting on its laurels as the newly crowned second-most valuable technology company in the world.

Rice Physicists Move 1 Step Closer to Quantum Computer
From ACM TechNews

Rice Physicists Move 1 Step Closer to Quantum Computer

Rice University researchers have developed an electron superhighway that could be used to build a quantum computer. 

Take Control of Your Phone's Sensors
From ACM TechNews

Take Control of Your Phone's Sensors

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Media Lab have developed Funf, a phone-based data collection system for self-tracking applications. 

U.s., Russia Slowly Improve Cybersecurity Cooperation
From ACM TechNews

U.s., Russia Slowly Improve Cybersecurity Cooperation

Cooperation between the United States and Russia on cybersecurity issues is gradually improving, as indicated by increasing interaction between experts at events...

Ieee Conference Keynoters Lay Out Path to Exascale Computing
From ACM TechNews

Ieee Conference Keynoters Lay Out Path to Exascale Computing

Three keynote speakers addressed the challenges of exascale computing at the recent IEEE Cluster 2011 conference, and described the obstacles and opportunities...

IBM Bets on Data-Centric Computing
From ACM News

IBM Bets on Data-Centric Computing

Jai Menon, chief technology officer and vice-president for technical strategy for IBM's Systems and Technology Group, holds 52 patents and is arguably most famous...

From ACM News

Patent Lawyer Demand Rises Following ­.s. Legislative Overhaul

 Patent attorneys, who typically have degrees in fields such as engineering as well as law, are in such demand that their specialty may account for more than 15...

From ACM News

Coming Soon: The Drone Arms Race

At the Zhuhai air show in southeastern China last November, Chinese companies startled some Americans by unveiling 25 different models of remotely controlled aircraft...

Computer Virus Hits U.s. Drone Fleet
From ACM News

Computer Virus Hits U.s. Drone Fleet

A computer virus has infected the cockpits of America’s Predator and Reaper drones, logging pilots' every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over Afghanistan...

Timing Is Right For Sdsc Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Timing Is Right For Sdsc Cloud

Due to a new U.S. NSF policy requiring researchers to submit a data management plan as part of their funding requests, managing data has become an economic challenge...

Reverse Brain Drain
From ACM TechNews

Reverse Brain Drain

A reverse brain drain is occurring in the U.S. science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields as U.S. immigration laws discourage foreign nationals who...
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