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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

A Made-to-Measure Social Network For the Academic World

Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne researchers have developed Graaasp, an academic social network that responds to the specific needs of the academic world...

Python Bindings Snake Into Global Arrays Toolkit
From ACM TechNews

Python Bindings Snake Into Global Arrays Toolkit

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory researchers have expanded the Global Arrays Toolkit to include full support for the Python computer programming language. 

E-Voting Gets Almost ­nanimous Praise, Study Finds
From ACM TechNews

E-Voting Gets Almost ­nanimous Praise, Study Finds

A recent Delvinia report could lead to the introduction of Internet voting across all levels of government in Canada. 

Will Super Wi-Fi Live ­p to Its Name?
From ACM News

Will Super Wi-Fi Live ­p to Its Name?

It's likely that a few years from now, Americans' laptops, smart phones, and other wireless devices will be able to get online using "Super Wi-Fi," a new standard...

There Is Life on Mars! Just One Catch
From ACM News

There Is Life on Mars! Just One Catch

NASA's Planetary Protection Officer Catharine A. Conley says that we've already contaminated the Red Planet with organisms from Earth.

From ACM News

Is Quantum Computing Real?

The answer is yes and no. And yes and yes. And no and no.

The 'worm' That Could Bring Down the Internet
From ACM Opinion

The 'worm' That Could Bring Down the Internet

For the past three years, a highly encrypted computer worm called Conficker has been spreading rapidly around the world. As many as 12 million computers have...

Software Developer Shows Face-Swapping in Realtime
From ACM TechNews

Software Developer Shows Face-Swapping in Realtime

New software can now replace a face with another in real time. 

Supercomputer Readies For Action
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputer Readies For Action

Yale University recently received the Bulldog O Omega supercomputer from an undisclosed government agency, and it is now almost ready for use by university researchers...

Ping-Pong With Electrons
From ACM TechNews

Ping-Pong With Electrons

A surface acoustic wave has enabled scientists at the University of Cambridge to gain greater control over how electrons move from one place to another. 

Steve Lionel on Why Fortran Still Matters
From ACM TechNews

Steve Lionel on Why Fortran Still Matters

For Intel technical staff member Steve Lionel there is no question about the continued relevance of the 54-year-old Fortran programming language. 

Data Mining ­ncovers New Connections Between Health Problems
From ACM News

Data Mining ­ncovers New Connections Between Health Problems

Researchers in Denmark are using data mining techniques to uncover new connections between health problems as seemingly unrelated as migraines and hair loss.

From ACM News

Drone Makers Seek Out New Targets

Almost a century after the first pilot-less plane was test launched from the back of a truck in the English village of Upavon, unmanned aircraft vehicles, or...

From ACM News

Dhs Thinks Some Scada Problems Are Too Big To Call "bug"

The Stuxnet worm may be the most famous piece of malicious software ever written. When it was first detected, a little over a year ago, the worm sounded a warning...

Security Expert: ­.s. 'leading Force' Behind Stuxnet
From ACM News

Security Expert: ­.s. 'leading Force' Behind Stuxnet

German cybersecurity expert Ralph Langner warns that U.S. utility companies are not yet prepared to deal with the threat presented by the Stuxnet computer worm...

New Mathematical Model to Enable Web Searches For Meaning
From ACM TechNews

New Mathematical Model to Enable Web Searches For Meaning

University of Hertfordshire computer scientist Daoud Clarke has developed a mathematical model based on a theory of meaning that could revolutionize artificial...

'stampede's' Comprehensive Capabilities to Bolster ­.s. Open Science Computational Resources
From ACM TechNews

'stampede's' Comprehensive Capabilities to Bolster ­.s. Open Science Computational Resources

The University of Texas at Austin's Texas Advanced Computing Center announced that it will deploy and support Stampede, a new supercomputer that will offer data...

Net Neutrality Rules Published, Lawsuits Soon to Follow
From ACM News

Net Neutrality Rules Published, Lawsuits Soon to Follow

The FCC has finally officially published long-delayed rules prohibiting cable, DSL, and wireless internet companies from blocking Web sites and requiring them...

Software Upgrades Could Produce Self-Tuning Wireless Access Points, Researchers Say
From ACM TechNews

Software Upgrades Could Produce Self-Tuning Wireless Access Points, Researchers Say

University of Wisconsin, Madison researchers have developed Airshark, software that enables wireless access points to automatically detect radio-frequency interference...

From ACM News

Setting Boundaries For Internet Privacy

Watchful European privacy regulators are wielding increasing influence beyond the Continent’s borders.
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