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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Nasa Mars Research Helps Find Buried Water on Earth
From ACM News

Nasa Mars Research Helps Find Buried Water on Earth

A NASA-led team has used radar sounding technology developed to explore the subsurface of Mars to create high-resolution maps of freshwater aquifers buried deep...

Nasa's Dawn Collects a Bounty of Beauty from Vesta
From ACM News

Nasa's Dawn Collects a Bounty of Beauty from Vesta

A new video from NASA's Dawn spacecraft takes us on a flyover journey above the surface of the giant asteroid Vesta.

Objective-C, C#, D Language: Winners in Programming Popularity
From ACM TechNews

Objective-C, C#, D Language: Winners in Programming Popularity

Objective-C rose to sixth place on the Tiobe Programming Community index of most popular programming languages; it ranked eighth a year ago. C# rose two spots...

Ursi Project Pushes Bounds of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

Ursi Project Pushes Bounds of Artificial Intelligence

Professor Ken Livingston and his team at Vassar College's Undergraduate Research Summer Institute explored ways to optimize a robot's processing speed and allow...

From ACM News


Reading my RSS and Twitter feeds Tuesday night, I turned to a tech writer friend and said, "the Wintel Era just ended, and half of these people are fighting over...

In-Car Algorithm Could Rapidly Dissolve Traffic Jams
From ACM TechNews

In-Car Algorithm Could Rapidly Dissolve Traffic Jams

University of Seoul researchers Hyun Keun Lee and Beom Jun Kim have developed an algorithm that could automate and improve the process for dissolving traffic jams...

Nsf Seeking Proposals at the Interface of Computing, Economics
From ACM TechNews

Nsf Seeking Proposals at the Interface of Computing, Economics

Two U.S. National Science Foundation entities have issued a joint solicitation for interdisciplinary research and education projects that develop new knowledge...

5 Tech Breakthroughs: Chip-Level Advances That May Change Computing
From ACM TechNews

5 Tech Breakthroughs: Chip-Level Advances That May Change Computing

Chip-level advances, including new processors and circuits, could be the building blocks that lead to a new generation of computing products and devices. 

Newly Published Cyber Security Report Identifies Key Research Priorities
From ACM TechNews

Newly Published Cyber Security Report Identifies Key Research Priorities

The U.K. National Center for Secure Information Technologies recently released a report identifying key research priorities for protecting the future Internet. 

Family Pioneers in Exploration of the Genome
From ACM News

Family Pioneers in Exploration of the Genome

A group of researchers said that by examining the whole genome of a family of four, they were able to make unusually specific findings, including the daughter's...

Remote Control, With a Wave of a Hand
From ACM News

Remote Control, With a Wave of a Hand

Playing a computer game once meant sitting on the couch and pushing buttons on a controller, but those buttons have been disappearing of late, replaced by human...

Post-9/11 Technology Brings Exoskeletons, Laser Cannons to 21st-Century U.S. Military
From ACM News

Post-9/11 Technology Brings Exoskeletons, Laser Cannons to 21st-Century U.S. Military

The U.S. military has evolved so fast in the post-September 11th era that much of its technology would be nearly unrecognizable to commanders, soldiers, airmen...

Air Traffic System Vulnerable to Cyber Attack
From ACM TechNews

Air Traffic System Vulnerable to Cyber Attack

Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) technology uses unencrypted global positioning system signals to broadcast a plane's position to networks. The...

Google to ­nveil 'Dart' Programming Language
From ACM TechNews

Google to ­nveil 'Dart' Programming Language

Google plans to introduce a new programming language called Dart at the Goto conference, which takes place Oct. 10-12 in Aarhus, Denmark. 

No-Borders Mouse Runs Across Screens
From ACM TechNews

No-Borders Mouse Runs Across Screens

Microsoft has released a new program that enables users to navigate multiple computers with a single mouse and keyboard. The Mouse Without Borders program synchs...

Swedish Researcher Invents Fast Switching and Printable Transistor
From ACM TechNews

Swedish Researcher Invents Fast Switching and Printable Transistor

Linkoping University's Lars Herlogsson has developed a fully functional, fast switching, and printable transistor made of inexpensive plastic. The transistor is...

Students Create Virtual Realities in Campus Lab
From ACM TechNews

Students Create Virtual Realities in Campus Lab

The University of Maine's Virtual Environment and Multimodal Integration Lab has given undergraduate students the opportunity to explore their interests in human...

Chinese Students Are Storming ­.s. Grad Schools: They Have the Money and the Brains
From ACM News

Chinese Students Are Storming ­.s. Grad Schools: They Have the Money and the Brains

If you build it, they will come. No, I'm not talking about a baseball field amidst stalks of corn but the educational institutions dotting the U.S. landscape...

How Many Pages Are on the Internet?
From ACM News

How Many Pages Are on the Internet?

It seems like an answerable question, right? But no one really knows how many Websites or individual Web pages make up this seemingly infinite digital universe...

Nsa Extends Label-Based Security to Big Data Stores
From ACM TechNews

Nsa Extends Label-Based Security to Big Data Stores

The National Security Agency recently submitted Accumulo, new label-based data store software, to the Apache Software Foundation, hoping that more parties will...
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