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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Nasa's Next-Gen Ships Run on Last-Gen Chips
From ACM News

Nasa's Next-Gen Ships Run on Last-Gen Chips

Earlier this summer, NASA announced that ARM Holdings' A53 will be the microprocessor core design at the heart of the agency's next generation of spacecraft.

System Might Detect Doctored Images and Videos For the Military
From ACM TechNews

System Might Detect Doctored Images and Videos For the Military

An international coalition of researchers is developing technologies that could help the U.S. military detect manipulations of open source images.

An Exoplanet Too Far
From ACM News

An Exoplanet Too Far

Another day, another world.

The Man Who Created Leappad Wants To Turn Your Eyes Into a Mouse
From ACM Careers

The Man Who Created Leappad Wants To Turn Your Eyes Into a Mouse

First came the computer mouse. Then the touchscreen.

Stretching the Limit of Silicon Nanowires For Next-Generation Electronics
From ACM News

Stretching the Limit of Silicon Nanowires For Next-Generation Electronics

Flexible electronics, which could be used to control flexible robots, depend on the ability to produce electrical circuits that can be repeatedly stretched and...

High-Speed Video Footage Solves One of the Great Mysteries of Human Blood Flow
From ACM News

High-Speed Video Footage Solves One of the Great Mysteries of Human Blood Flow

Red blood cells are flexible biconcave discs that spend their lives suspended in blood plasma.

G.e., the 124-Year-Old Software Start-­p
From ACM Careers

G.e., the 124-Year-Old Software Start-­p

It may not qualify as a lightning-bolt eureka moment, but Jeffrey R. Immelt, chief executive of General Electric, recalls the June day in 2009 that got him thinking...

Secure Networks For the Internet of the Future
From ACM TechNews

Secure Networks For the Internet of the Future

Researchers at Bavaria, Germany's University of Wurzburg are developing secure and efficient networks for the Internet of the future.

Extending Battery Life For Mobile Devices
From ACM TechNews

Extending Battery Life For Mobile Devices

Mobile devices will be able to leverage battery power in larger nearby devices for communication using new radio technology.

­ta Physicists to ­pgrade Titan Supercomputer Software For Extreme Scale Applications Such as Biology and Materials Science Simulations
From ACM TechNews

­ta Physicists to ­pgrade Titan Supercomputer Software For Extreme Scale Applications Such as Biology and Materials Science Simulations

Researchers have been awarded a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to improve operational efficiencies of the Titan supercomputer to support data-heavy applications...

Flood Forecasting Gets Major ­pgrade
From ACM TechNews

Flood Forecasting Gets Major ­pgrade

Researchers have created the National Water Model, which provides forecasts, data, and decision support to emergency services and water management personnel.

Electrons at the Speed Limit
From ACM TechNews

Electrons at the Speed Limit

Researchers have explored the ultimate speed of electrons when controlled by electric fields, which has implications for future petahertz electronics.

The Hype—and Hope—of Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

The Hype—and Hope—of Artificial Intelligence

Computers in general, and software in particular, are more difficult than other kinds of technology for most people to grok, and they overwhelm us with a sense...

Here’s How the Internet Was Invented at ­CLA
From ACM News

Here’s How the Internet Was Invented at ­CLA

Werner Herzog’s new film tracks the birthplace of modern connectivity.

Nasa's Juno to Soar Closest to Jupiter This Saturday
From ACM News

Nasa's Juno to Soar Closest to Jupiter This Saturday

This Saturday at 5:51 a.m. PDT, (8:51 a.m. EDT, 12:51 UTC) NASA's Juno spacecraft will get closer to the cloud tops of Jupiter than at any other time during its...

Majority of Mathematicians Hail from Just 24 Scientific 'families'
From ACM Careers

Majority of Mathematicians Hail from Just 24 Scientific 'families'

Most of the world's mathematicians fall into just 24 scientific 'families', one of which dates back to the fifteenth century.

Apple Issues Global Ios ­pdate After Attempt to ­se Spyware on Activist's Iphone
From ACM News

Apple Issues Global Ios ­pdate After Attempt to ­se Spyware on Activist's Iphone

A botched attempt to break into the iPhone of an Arab activist using hitherto unknown espionage software has triggered a global upgrade of Apple's mobile operating...

­sing Data to Better ­nderstand Climate Change
From ACM TechNews

­sing Data to Better ­nderstand Climate Change

A University of Minnesota-led research team is using data-driven approaches to better understand the environmental and social impacts of climate change.

How Cooperative Behavior Could Make Artificial Intelligence More Human
From ACM TechNews

How Cooperative Behavior Could Make Artificial Intelligence More Human

Computer science can play an important role in determining the conditions that give rise to the form of cooperation known as indirect reciprocity, or donation to...

Chaos Could Provide the Key to Enhanced Wireless Communications
From ACM TechNews

Chaos Could Provide the Key to Enhanced Wireless Communications

Researchers have shown that adding chaos to wireless communication can augment its reliability, efficiency, and security.
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