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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How to Make Democracy Harder to Hack
From ACM TechNews

How to Make Democracy Harder to Hack

With voting machines and related tools under threat by cybercriminals, the pressure is on to bolster the security of democratic infrastructure.

How Tech Breakthroughs Can Shatter the Bonds of Poverty
From ACM TechNews

How Tech Breakthroughs Can Shatter the Bonds of Poverty

Digital financial services can provide banking, insurance, and lending to the poor in emerging markets.

Top Programming Languages Trends: The Rise of Big Data
From ACM TechNews

Top Programming Languages Trends: The Rise of Big Data

Big data programming languages are gaining in importance because they enable the mining of massive datasets.

Researchers, Automakers See No Quick Path to Secure Car Networks
From ACM TechNews

Researchers, Automakers See No Quick Path to Secure Car Networks

The Automobile Industry Information Sharing and Analysis Center recently published its best practices for securing vehicle computer systems.

Ludwig the Robot Designed to Help Alzheimer's Patients
From ACM TechNews

Ludwig the Robot Designed to Help Alzheimer's Patients

A walking, talking robot called Ludwig is envisioned as a tool to help people suffering from Alzheimer's disease and other forms of cognitive decline.

How To Fool AI Into Seeing Something That Isn't There
From ACM News

How To Fool AI Into Seeing Something That Isn't There

Our machines are littered with security holes, because programmers are human.

Now You See Me: True Invisibility Cloak Impossible to Build
From ACM News

Now You See Me: True Invisibility Cloak Impossible to Build

Strike the invisibility cloak off your wish list. They are impossible to build for human-sized objects, says a new study.

Meet The Woman Who Heads A Massively Influential All-Female Tech Team
From ACM News

Meet The Woman Who Heads A Massively Influential All-Female Tech Team

New ACM president Vicki Hanson makes no secret of her desire to see many more women make their way into executive positions across the technology industry.

Could Trashing Junk Proteins Quash Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Als and Huntington's?
From ACM News

Could Trashing Junk Proteins Quash Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Als and Huntington's?

Although clutter can be a nuisance, it does not typically pose a health threat—unless you're an aging neuron.

Chorus of Black Holes Sings in X-Rays
From ACM News

Chorus of Black Holes Sings in X-Rays

Supermassive black holes in the universe are like a raucous choir singing in the language of X-rays. When black holes pull in surrounding matter, they let out powerful...

Computing Study Refutes Famous Claim that 'information Is Physical'
From ACM News

Computing Study Refutes Famous Claim that 'information Is Physical'

As it turns out, information is not so physical after all.

Nus in Quest to Create Next-Generation 'quantum Music'
From ACM TechNews

Nus in Quest to Create Next-Generation 'quantum Music'

High-frequency vibrations produced by cooled atoms can be translated into musical sounds audible to humans.

Plumbing the Possibilities of 'seeing Around Corners'
From ACM TechNews

Plumbing the Possibilities of 'seeing Around Corners'

Researchers are exploring the possibilities of using scattered-light technology to recreate images hidden from a human line of sight.

First Major Database of Non-Native English
From ACM TechNews

First Major Database of Non-Native English

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have issued the first major database of fully annotated English sentences written by non-native English...

Selfie Righteous: New Tool Corrects Angles and Distances in Portraits
From ACM TechNews

Selfie Righteous: New Tool Corrects Angles and Distances in Portraits

A new tool can correct distortions in self-portrait photographs by making a subject's face appear as if it were photographed from a longer distance or a different...

Machines v. Hackers: Cybersecurity's Artificial Intelligence Future
From ACM TechNews

Machines v. Hackers: Cybersecurity's Artificial Intelligence Future

Experts predict machines will perform increasingly complex cybersecurity operations over time, reducing the need for humans and facilitating a paradigm shift in...

Richard A. Tapia Achievement Award For Scientific Scholarship, Civic Science, and Diversifying Computing
From ACM News

Richard A. Tapia Achievement Award For Scientific Scholarship, Civic Science, and Diversifying Computing

2016 Richard Tapia Achievement Award Recipient: Dr. David Patterson

Australia Plans New Co-Ordinates to Fix Sat-Nav Gap
From ACM News

Australia Plans New Co-Ordinates to Fix Sat-Nav Gap

Australia is to shift its longitude and latitude to address a gap between local co-ordinates and those from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS).

Planet Hunters Seek New Ways to Detect Alien Life
From ACM News

Planet Hunters Seek New Ways to Detect Alien Life

In the search for life beyond Earth, false alarms abound.

Facebook's Really Big Plans For Virtual Reality
From ACM News

Facebook's Really Big Plans For Virtual Reality

The office building on Facebook Way is in the unfinished style that honors materials like plywood, concrete, and steel.
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