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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Single-Actuator Wave Robot Zips Around With High-Speed Wiggles
From ACM TechNews

Single-Actuator Wave Robot Zips Around With High-Speed Wiggles

David Zarrouk of Israel's Ben Gurion University of the Negev has developed a robot that can move forward and backward by producing a continuously advancing wave...

Computer Model Predicts How People Perceive Softness of 3D Printed Objects
From ACM TechNews

Computer Model Predicts How People Perceive Softness of 3D Printed Objects

Researchers have developed a method to predict perceived softness and stiffness of three-dimensionally printed objects.

Microsoft Maps Out F# Language ­pgrade
From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Maps Out F# Language ­pgrade

Microsoft's upcoming upgrade to the F# "functional first" language will include new language capabilities and .Net Core support.

Integration of Novel Materials With Silicon Chips Makes New 'smart' Devices Possible
From ACM TechNews

Integration of Novel Materials With Silicon Chips Makes New 'smart' Devices Possible

Researchers at North Carolina State University and the U.S. Army Research Office have developed a method to integrate novel functional materials onto a computer...

Homeowners' Groups Fill ­.s. Last-Mile Broadband Gap
From ACM News

Homeowners' Groups Fill ­.s. Last-Mile Broadband Gap

Private homeowners associations are sidestepping incumbents by contracting with alternative network providers.

Baidu ­ses Millions of ­sers' Location Data to Make Predictions
From ACM News

Baidu ­ses Millions of ­sers' Location Data to Make Predictions

Baidu, China's internet giant, has shown what you can learn when you have access to enough location data.

New Method Reconstructs Highly Detailed 3D Eyes From a Single Photograph
From ACM TechNews

New Method Reconstructs Highly Detailed 3D Eyes From a Single Photograph

Disney researchers say they have developed a technique that can capture the important, yet subtle details of human eyes with a single facial scan or photo.

Chinese Satellite Is One Giant Step For the Quantum Internet
From ACM News

Chinese Satellite Is One Giant Step For the Quantum Internet

China is poised to launch the world's first satellite designed to do quantum experiments. A fleet of quantum-enabled craft is likely to follow.

Stitching a Drone's View of the World Into 3d Maps as It Flies
From ACM News

Stitching a Drone's View of the World Into 3d Maps as It Flies

When you're buzzing through the air at 60 kilometres per hour, it can be hard to take in the view. But now drones can create highly detailed 3D maps as they fly...

European Scientific Community Seeks Support For 5.3-Million-Euro Hybrid Cloud Build
From ACM TechNews

European Scientific Community Seeks Support For 5.3-Million-Euro Hybrid Cloud Build

Ten European research organizations support an initiative to create a 5.3-million-euro hybrid cloud platform for the European scientific community.

Physicists Find a Way of 'bundling Together' Multiple Elements of a Quantum Computer
From ACM TechNews

Physicists Find a Way of 'bundling Together' Multiple Elements of a Quantum Computer

Physicists have discovered a way of using multilevel quantum systems, each of which is capable of working with multiple "conventional" quantum elements.

­pcoming Tor Design Battles Hidden Services Snooping
From ACM TechNews

­pcoming Tor Design Battles Hidden Services Snooping

Tor project representatives say malicious Tor Hidden Services Directories will be addressed in an upcoming redesign, and are only an "annoyance" in the meantime...

New Movie Screen Allows For Glasses-Free 3D at a Larger Scale
From ACM TechNews

New Movie Screen Allows For Glasses-Free 3D at a Larger Scale

Researchers have demonstrated a display on which audiences can watch three-dimensional films in a movie theater without additional eyewear.

Rosetta Finale Set For 30 September
From ACM News

Rosetta Finale Set For 30 September

Rosetta is set to complete its mission in a controlled descent to the surface of its comet on 30 September.

Transistors Will Stop Shrinking in 2021, Moore's Law Roadmap Predicts
From ACM TechNews

Transistors Will Stop Shrinking in 2021, Moore's Law Roadmap Predicts

The 2015 International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors predicts the transistor could stop shrinking in only five years.

Meet Luca, the Ancestor of All Living Things
From ACM News

Meet Luca, the Ancestor of All Living Things

A surprisingly specific genetic portrait of the ancestor of all living things has been generated by scientists who say that the likeness sheds considerable light...

Radio Hack Steals Keystrokes from Millions of Wireless Keyboards
From ACM News

Radio Hack Steals Keystrokes from Millions of Wireless Keyboards

You should be able to trust your wireless keyboard.

Consumers and 3D Printing: The Future
From ACM News

Consumers and 3D Printing: The Future

The market, currently dominated by professional and hobbyist makers, could be changing.

Scientists Work Toward Storing Digital Information in Dna
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Work Toward Storing Digital Information in Dna

Scientists are exploring the potential of custom-built DNA as a long-term data storage solution.

Scientists Program Cells to Remember and Respond to Series of Stimuli
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Program Cells to Remember and Respond to Series of Stimuli

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers have used synthetic biology to program cells to remember and respond to a series of events.
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