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Two Paths for Digital Disability Law
From Communications of the ACM

Two Paths for Digital Disability Law

Understanding the legal drivers of efforts to make technology accessible.

Patterns and Prose
From ACM Opinion

Patterns and Prose

A University of Southern California computer scientist is a coder by trade and a poet at heart.

Our Human Future in an Age of AI
From ACM Opinion

Our Human Future in an Age of AI

What does it mean to be human in an age where AI agents make decisions that shape human actions?

<i>Communications'</i> Digital Initiative and Its First Digital Event
From Communications of the ACM

Communications' Digital Initiative and Its First Digital Event

How AI and science are shaping each other.

Futures of Digital Governance
From Communications of the ACM

Futures of Digital Governance

Seeking to increase the interoperability among the technical and social sciences toward new forms of governance associated with digital technology.

Copyright Implications of Emulation Programs
From Communications of the ACM

Copyright Implications of Emulation Programs

How emulation programs might be affected by new claims of copyright infringement.

India's Tech Innovation Engines Must Raise Their Game
From ACM Opinion

India's Tech Innovation Engines Must Raise Their Game

Some Indian Institutes of Technology are struggling to establish themselves and must quickly turn things around

The Lives of Hidden Figures Matter in Computer Science Education
From Communications of the ACM

The Lives of Hidden Figures Matter in Computer Science Education

"I cannot work on what I cannot see . . ." —Katherine Goble, Hidden Figures

Data Science Meets Law
From Communications of the ACM

Data Science Meets Law

Learning Responsible AI together.

What Does the Data Say about the Current State of K-12 STEM Education in the U.S.?
From ACM Opinion

What Does the Data Say about the Current State of K-12 STEM Education in the U.S.?

A conversation with Julia Phillips of the National Science Board on the state of elementary and secondary STEM education in the nation.

Artificial Intelligence Across Company Borders
From Communications of the ACM

Artificial Intelligence Across Company Borders

Enabling effective cross-company AI without data disclosure.

Addressing Algorithmic Discrimination
From Communications of the ACM

Addressing Algorithmic Discrimination

Considering the intersection of technical design and civil rights when building and using classification algorithms.

 The Intersection of Math, Computers, and Everything Else
From ACM Opinion

The Intersection of Math, Computers, and Everything Else

MIT senior Shardul Chiplunkar aims to be a translator between the tech world and the rest of society

Why You Should Care about Meta's Push into the Metaverse
From ACM Opinion

Why You Should Care about Meta's Push into the Metaverse

The futuristic tech Mark Zuckerberg is investing billions in could remake the Internet

The Inherent Limitations of GPT-3
From ACM Opinion

The Inherent Limitations of GPT-3

Why GPT-3 as is will not cost many people their jobs or soon lead to AGI

Computational Thinking for Professionals
From Communications of the ACM

Computational Thinking for Professionals

Professionals practice a form of computational thinking that is significantly more advanced than popular descriptions suggest.

Computer Science Education Is a Global Challenge
From ACM Opinion

Computer Science Education Is a Global Challenge

Analysis in the Brookings report shows a correlation between a country's economic position and implementation of computer science in schools.

How to Expand and Improve CS Education Around the World
From ACM Opinion

How to Expand and Improve CS Education Around the World

Six recommendations to take CS education to scale at primary and secondary school levels

Medical Artificial Intelligence
From Communications of the ACM

Medical Artificial Intelligence: The European Legal Perspective

Although the European Commission proposed new legislation for the use of "high-risk artificial intelligence" earlier this year, the existing European fundamental...

Explicative Programming
From Communications of the ACM

Explicative Programming

Making Computational Thinking relevant to schools.
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