Despite the ubiquity of computers in modern society, the vast majority of today's students never study computer science or computer programming.
IEEE Spectrum From ACM Opinion | October 2, 2018
A global collaborative project for the benefit of all.
Jean-François Abramatic, Roberto Di Cosmo, Stefano Zacchiroli From Communications of the ACM | October 1, 2018
Assessing whether newcomers have a more difficult time achieving paper acceptance at established conferences.
Jordi Cabot, Javier Luis Cánovas Izquierdo, Valerio Cosentino From Communications of the ACM | October 1, 2018
Considering the similarities of quantum computing development to the early years of conventional computing.
Michael A. Cusumano From Communications of the ACM | October 1, 2018
In the summer of 1995, a second-year grad student called Sergey Brin was giving a tour of Stanford University to prospective students. Larry Page, an engineering...The Guardian From ACM Opinion | September 24, 2018
Observations on the use of machine learning and facial inferences to classify people using inexplicable data.
Frank Pasquale From Communications of the ACM | September 1, 2018
The United States is trying to develop a national strategy on artificial intelligence (AI) but is ignoring its single greatest advantage: many of the world's brightest...The Hill From ACM Opinion | August 15, 2018
As a Japanese, I grew up watching anime like "Neon Genesis Evangelion," which depicts a future in which machines and humans merge into cyborg ecstasy.
Wired From ACM Opinion | July 31, 2018
Considering the possibility of achieving an e-democracy based on long-established foundations that strengthen both real-world democracies and virtual Internet communities...Ehud Shapiro From Communications of the ACM | August 1, 2018
Increased technology is not the solution to the fundamental issue of declining democratic culture.
Douglas Schuler From Communications of the ACM | August 1, 2018
Seeking the best measures to reach advantaged and less-advantaged students equally.
Mark Guzdial, Amy Bruckman From Communications of the ACM | August 1, 2018
Understanding the unique local context, as well as technical considerations, are essential components of successful project deployment.
Kashif Ali, Kurtis Heimerl From Communications of the ACM | August 1, 2018
China will succeed in building a powerful technology industry that will rival the United States, even if President Trump starts a trade war to stop it.
The New York Times From ACM Opinion | July 5, 2018
An old Chinese proverb says: "If you're planning for the year, cultivate rice; if you're planning for the decade, cultivate trees; if you're planning for the century...Scientific American From ACM Opinion | July 3, 2018
Most of the suggested benefits of blockchain technologies do not come from elements unique to the blockchain.
Hanna Halaburda From Communications of the ACM | July 1, 2018